Leftist Response to Hamas Attacks


PREMO Member
I attempted to explain to my wife the idea of American Jews being against Israel. I failed. I don't quite understand it either except to point out that they are almost 100% are of the Reform (progressive) variety.

Basically the American Jews are far left progressives ....


PREMO Member

A new generation of hate rises in America

And when the Palestinians’ own rockets misfire (as it seems one did on this occasion) everyone blames Israel.

For groups like Hamas this is a win-win. And dead Palestinians are part of that win.

Because these groups don’t love the Palestinian people. They use them.

The more dead Palestinians the better for them. Not least because they know that idiots like the Squad and the NYT will pass around Hamas’ version of events and turn everyone even more against Israel.

And it is a problem.

It’s a problem across Europe where city after city has been filled with immigrants and radicals opposed to the Jewish State.

In London this week they carried Hamas flags and taunted police. In Berlin people started putting signs on Jewish houses and firebombed a synagogue.

But the same hate is brewing here in America.

On Wednesday about 300 protestors broke into the Capitol to protest against Israel. And this rot is evident everywhere.

It’s clear in the pro-Hamas protests in cities across this country.

Sure there have been pro-Israel protests. And people like Mayor Adams should be applauded for their strong stance in defense of the state which was actually attacked here.

But underneath that top-level things are very rotten indeed.

Look at the professor at Cornell who the Post exposed for calling Hamas’s massacre of over a thousand Israelis “exhilarating” and “energizing.”

Or NYC Councilman Charles Barron telling an anti-Israel rally in NY that Israelis were “European converts to Judaism” who had “stolen” Palestinian land. He went on to say “We can’t be kowtowed and afraid of the Israeli lobby.”

Or what about the member of the faculty at the Art Institute of Chicago, Mika Tosca, who this week called Israelis “pigs,” “savages” and “irredeemable excrement.”

Tosca calls herself a “radically optimistic transsexual climate scientist.” But I wonder if her dehumanizing, anti-Semitic language reminds anyone of anything?

Across this country there has been an outburst of anti-Israel and anti-Jewish hate.

And it isn’t from gnarled old bigots of the type Hollywood would paint.


PREMO Member

Harvard Students Try to Play the Victims After Losing Job Opportunities Over Hamas Support

The bogus victimhood is bottomless. Because grievance is the coin of their realm, and because many of them are incapable of arguing any other way, it should be unsurprising to see figures like Rashida Tlaib and various other Hamas apologists and anti-Semites claim that somehow they are the ones who've been wronged over the last two weeks. In a development that truly defies parody, Harvard students who signed an egregious, terrorism-justifying statement are now whining about the "bullying" they've experienced over the moral disgrace to which they signed their names. They're even soliciting financial donations to (supposedly) finance mental health support in the face of this hardship. The hardcore Left has labored for years to twist the meaning of the word 'violence' beyond all recognition, expanding it to entail virtually anything that they don't like, while exempting various manifestations of actual, physical violence that they happen to favor. So comments like this are inevitable:



Well-Known Member
Now her

Here is an example of what I was saying before about Muslim women. Here is this educated woman wearing her slave scarf and praising the murderous bastards who slaughtered raped and kidnaped people in Israel. If she were in Iran she would not have that education she has. She is in America, and a Doctor and yet she is at heart the same thing these killers are. It is her choice to stay in the cult, and she is blissfully ignorant of the real life struggles that women in Islamic countries have to put up with, even though she obviously reads the Koran and understands it's savagery.

What the hell is wrong with these people.


PREMO Member

Ofcom’s online safety director suspended over allegedly liking ‘anti-Israel Instagram post’

Ms Madzingira added: “As a Zimbabwean, a black feminist, a student of decolonisation and a deep believer of liberty for all, I have, do and will only have one hope.” She ended her post with a Palestinian flag.

An Ofcom spokesperson said: “Having reviewed these comments we’ve suspended this colleague, pending further investigation.”

The regulator’s own code of practice says that “comments which might be thought to have an adverse impact on Ofcom’s reputation” should be avoided, as should “expressions of opinion on matters of political or public controversy which could be thought to compromise the Board’s reputation for impartiality on editorial and other decisions in the broadcasting sphere”.

Ms Madzingira previously worked as Global Hate Speech Content Policy Lead at Meta, formerly Facebook.

When she was appointed, Ofcom said she brought “a wealth of experience in online trust and safety”.

She is a Rhodes Scholar with two master’s degrees from Oxford University.

Ofcom Online Safety Director Suspended over Instagram Posts

Ofcom, the UK’s government-approved regulatory and competition authority for the broadcasting industry’s impartiality, acknowledged the suspension. In a statement to Guido Fawkes it said: “Having reviewed these comments we’ve suspended this colleague, pending further investigation.” Madzingira joined Ofcom in June from Salesforce, a US-based software company.

In response, Conservative MP Sir William Cash urged Ofcom to uphold impartiality standards, referencing posts supported by one of its directors.



PREMO Member

Pro-Israel Dem’s Foundation Gave $1 Million to Group With Palestinian Terror Links

Pro-Israel Democratic representative Daniel Goldman’s (N.Y.) charitable foundation gave over $1 million to a group that bankrolled a progressive organization linked to Palestinian terrorism.

The Richard W. Goldman Family Foundation, a family foundation where Goldman served on the board until at least last year, has donated $1.2 million to the New Venture Fund (NVF), a major left-leaning, dark-money group, according to Fox News.

The NVF donated $38,000 to the Alliance for Global Justice for "environmental programs" in 2021 and $210,000 in 2020, according to the Washington Examiner. The alliance was recently dropped from Paypal, Stripe, and other fundraising platforms due to its sponsorship of the Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network, an Israel-designated terrorist group.

Goldman, who was visiting family in Tel Aviv during the terrorist attacks, has a pro-Israel record and decried the "death and destruction and savagery and massacre that the terrorists exacted on Israel." But the funding link between his family foundation, the New Venture Fund, and the Alliance for Global Justice is the latest example of how anti-Israel activism has become deeply intertwined with many progressive organizations.


PREMO Member

Ilhan Omar breaks down in fit of rage aimed at Biden, Democrat leadership over support for Israel

"How is it that we have a president who is talking about releasing hostages, who is talking about getting American citizens out of Israel, but could not get himself to say, I want to save and work to save the hundreds, thousands of Americans stuck in Gaza. What is wrong with you?" Omar said after claiming Israel had dropped more bombs on Gaza in the last 10 days than the U.S. did across an entire year in Afghanistan.

"How is this possible? Wait, so [are] certain Americans' lives [more] important than another? Is the American that is living in Gaza less important than the one living in Israel? How is it that you're telling American citizens to go to the south of Gaza, but you can't tell Netanyahu not to bomb the south because there are Americans there?" she said.

Omar claimed it was "painful and scary" to work alongside other Democrats who she said were blaming all Muslims for the violence. It was unclear who she was referencing, but progressive Rep. Ritchie Torres, D-N.Y., had taken aim at members of the "Squad" last week over what he called a "reprehensible and repulsive" response to the Oct. 7 Hamas attack.



PREMO Member

Guardian cartoonist Steve Bell axed over ‘antisemitic’ drawing of Netanyahu

A veteran political cartoonist for the Guardian was axed by the UK publication over an “antisemitic” caricature of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, according to reports.

Steve Bell, who has worked at the paper for four decades, submitted the cartoon last Monday in which Netanyahu’s torso bears an outline of the Gaza Strip that he prepares to cut away with a scalpel while wearing boxing gloves.

The illustration was captioned “Residents of Gaza, get out now.”

His editors immediately called to voice concerns that the troublesome image harkened to the controversial Shakespeare character Shylock, the Jewish moneylender in “The Merchant of Venice” who demands a “pound of flesh” as security on a loan, Bell told the BBC.

A befuddled Bell said the call was “cryptic” and didn’t get the connection to one of the most notorious antisemitic tropes in literature.


PREMO Member

1350% Increase in London Anti-Semitic Crimes Amid Israel-Hamas War

Since the beginning of October, anti-Semitic crimes have shot up a stunning 1,350% in London, Breitbart reported on Oct. 21. The statistics were released before a large pro-Palestinian London protest. Unfortunately, the London police were only able to make 21 arrests. That is less than seven percent of cases where an arrest was made! How many of these anti-Semitic criminals will be repeat offenders?

Figures released by The Met on Friday showed that there were 218 antisemitic offences were [sic] recorded in London from the start of the month to October 18th. This represented a “significant” rise over the same time period last year when just 15 incidents were recorded…
The Met said that despite their increased patrols in heavily Jewish areas, they have seen a drastic increase of 1,353 per cent in antisemitic offences this month, which they said included “abuse directed at individuals or groups in person or online, racially or religiously motivated criminal damage and other offences.”

London police alleged that “Islamophobic offenses” went up 140% compared to this time last year.

Community Security Trust (CST) policy director Dave Rich reportedly said, “This huge spike in anti-Jewish hate crime happens every time Israel is at war, yet other foreign conflicts such as the war in Ukraine do not trigger similar outbursts of hate crimes here in the UK. It is shameful and appalling that this still occurs in modern Britain, and yet it happens time after time.” CST rated this jump in anti-Semitic crimes as seemingly higher than the normal increase during Israeli conflicts. Some young Jews in the UK and Germany have left off wearing Jewish religious symbols out of fear of being targeted, Breitbart explained. It’s so tragic that this should happen in Europe—within living memory of WWII!


PREMO Member

Fury on the streets of NYC as thousands of anti-Israel protesters clash with cops after shutting down traffic and refusing to leave: NYPD officers are seen brawling with demonstrators waving Palestinian flags

  • Thousands of anti-Israel protesters have clashed with police in Bay Ridge after they refused to vacate the Brooklyn suburb which they flooded on Saturday
  • Chaos erupted at the 'Flood Brooklyn for Palestine' demonstration as night fell with protesters shutting down traffic, screaming at police and lighting small fires