Leftist Response to Hamas Attacks


PREMO Member

Majority Of Muslim Americans Believe Hamas Was ‘Justified’ In Its Terror Attacks Against Israel

A majority overall, 50.6%, have a positive opinion of Israel compared to only 12% who have a negative opinion while 37% were neutral. The two groups that had the highest negative views of Israel were Muslim Americans at 36.5% and Democrats at 15.7%. The groups that had the largest positive views of Israel were Jewish Americans at 85.1% (vs less than 5% negative) and Republicans at 64.9% (vs less than 9% negative).

The results showed that Muslim Americans were far less educated about numerous aspects of the atrocities committed by Palestinian terrorists than Jewish Americans. For example, only 10.8% of Jewish Americans were “not aware” of the fact that Hamas had decapitated babies compared to 34.1% of Muslim Americans who were “not aware.”

Overall, the overwhelming majority of Americans strongly — about 84% — said that Israel had the right to defend themselves against Hamas terror attacks. About 75% of Americans said that Hamas was not justified in attacking Israel.

The survey found that Hamas is viewed by the majority of Americans as the same as Al Qaeda, the Taliban, and ISIS. Muslim Americans mostly agreed but “they slightly over-index for saying Hamas is not as bad as each of the other three terrorist organizations,” the report said.


PREMO Member

Dr. Phil Shreds ‘Incredibly Racist’ Elite Universities For ‘Coddling’ Pro-Hamas Students: ‘We Must Call Out These Institutions’

“The Hamas invaders were not soldiers. They were assassins,” he said. “The Hamas charter calls for the ultimate annihilation of all Israeli Jews, followed by the annihilation of Jews around the world. Sound familiar? Sadly, some people, including some right here in America actually celebrated the slaughter and blame those being murdered, raped and kidnapped.”

“Many of America’s most respected elite universities are not only indulging but actually endorsing sanctioned student organizations holding celebrations for the murders,” he continued. “Harvard, Yale, Georgetown, UCLA, and Stanford are high profile examples that should raise concern if not outrage.”

McGraw said that the reactions of the student groups revealed a “disturbing degree of ivy-covered intellectual rot” at America’s alleged top schools.

“Americans nationwide have been appalled and shocked,” he said. “The leadership of these supposedly highly sophisticated schools are so busy virtue signaling and coddling students who think that words are violence, but violence, horrific, inhumane violence is social justice, that they have forgotten it is their job to teach their students to think and to test reality. Instead of training tomorrow’s leaders, they are profoundly demagnetizing our culture’s moral compass among the college population.”


PREMO Member
“I’m shocked at the rhetoric and actions of so many Western leaders & governments, with the exception in particular of Ireland’s government, who for once are doing the right thing. War crimes are war crimes even when committed by allies, and should be called out for what they are,” Cosgrove said on October 15.

He faced criticism for the post. One response came from former PayPal and Facebook executive David Marcus.

“Saddened by your ill-informed stance. You could’ve taken a more nuanced one, condemning these atrocities and calling for restraint. That would’ve been acceptable. You chose to support terrorists. As such I’ll never attend/sponsor/speak at any of your events again,” Marcus said.

Cosgrove issued other statements to X, including a lengthy post that explained, “What Hamas did is outrageous and disgusting. It is by every measure an act of monstrous evil. Israel has a right to defend itself, but it does not, as I have already stated, have a right to break international law.” He later posted on October 16, “To repeat: War crimes are war crimes even when committed by allies & should be called out for what they are. I will not relent.”



PREMO Member

Minneapolis City Council Candidate, Rioters Terrorize Old Man in Car at ‘pro-Palestine’ Rally

Once again, despite video evidence, the left and media frame a story to make the “pro-Palestine” rally participants look innocent.

It’s the Black Lives Matter riots all over again. Literally deja vu in Minneapolis.

Remember, these aren’t pro-Palestine or anti-Israel rallies. They’re anti-JEW rallies.

Minneapolis City Council candidate Zach Metzger and many people blocked a highway in Minneapolis.

One area only really had cars blocking it. A man drove barely moved forward.


Again, he barely moved forward before the crowd swarmed his car. He got out but returned right in when he realized the crowd was larger than he expected.

Thankfully, the man got away. But then they chased him down as he had to stop at another roadblock!

He turned around and luckily got away.

Metzger got to the car and recorded the man inside his car. The poor old guy is terrified beyond belief.

Metzger is a coward, though. He deleted the video from Instagram that is in the first tweet.

Zach’s Instagram page has many videos of him “protesting” and causing problems in Minneapolis.



PREMO Member

Palestinian refugees are a risk America can’t afford to take

By William Davis

Following the Hamas terrorist attacks against Israel and the ensuing outbreak of another war in the Middle East, influential people in Washington, D.C., are already calling for the U.S. to take in Palestinian refugees.

They couldn’t be more wrong.

While the war is still in its early days, it is expected that up to one million Palestinians living in Gaza could soon become refugees. Progressive members of Congress and anti-borders groups are already claiming the U.S. has a responsibility to take in some of these refugees, but fail to mention that importing migrants from an area that glorifies and idolizes terrorists could put the national security of the U.S. at grave risk. It is well-known that a large majority of the Palestinian people have been brainwashed by their government to hate the U.S. and Israel. Children in Gaza are taught from a young age about the glories of martyrdom and violent Jihad.

Palestinians voted in 2006 to elect Hamas as their government, the same terrorist organization that just led the greatest slaughter of the Jewish people since the Holocaust. Even the supposedly more moderate Palestinian Authority (PA) has a martyrs’ fund that pays stipends to families of terrorists who commit attacks against Israelis. This led Congress in 2018 to pass the Taylor Force Act, which cut some foreign aid to the PA following the murder of U.S. citizen and veteran Taylor Force at the hands of a Palestinian radical.

Hamas’s charter explicitly calls for the genocide of the Jewish people and the destruction of the state of Israel. As of 2021, 53 percent of Palestinians still supported the Hamas government. And, of course, no American can forget the widespread celebration among Palestinians in Jerusalem following the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks, which killed roughly 3,000 Americans and others, including Arabs. Some progressives will argue that the U.S. has the capability to distinguish between terrorists and civilians, but can anybody argue that it is responsible to resettle people into the country who think the September 11 attacks were a good thing, or who support a government that calls for the extermination of the Jewish people?


PREMO Member

Anti-Israel Imam Supported by Texas House Democrat Running for Higher Office Continues to Raise Alarms

Earlier this month, Townhall covered how Rep. Colin Allred's (D-TX) stated support for Israel and his call for President Joe Biden to freeze the $6 billion in funds to Iran was complicated by his previous history. This included not only his support for sending aid to Gaza--despite the possibility that money could go to Hamas--but his support for anti-Israeli Imam Omar Suleiman.

From his official account in 2019, Allred posted a photo alongside the imam along with a note of praise. That post continues to haunt Allred, especially as Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX), whom Allred is in the running for to challenge next November, has taken an increased notice. Although the senator posted a screenshot, the original post from the congressman's official X account still remains.



Power with Control

Minneapolis City Council Candidate, Rioters Terrorize Old Man in Car at ‘pro-Palestine’ Rally

Once again, despite video evidence, the left and media frame a story to make the “pro-Palestine” rally participants look innocent.

It’s the Black Lives Matter riots all over again. Literally deja vu in Minneapolis.

Remember, these aren’t pro-Palestine or anti-Israel rallies. They’re anti-JEW rallies.

Minneapolis City Council candidate Zach Metzger and many people blocked a highway in Minneapolis.

One area only really had cars blocking it. A man drove barely moved forward.


Again, he barely moved forward before the crowd swarmed his car. He got out but returned right in when he realized the crowd was larger than he expected.

Thankfully, the man got away. But then they chased him down as he had to stop at another roadblock!

He turned around and luckily got away.

Metzger got to the car and recorded the man inside his car. The poor old guy is terrified beyond belief.

Metzger is a coward, though. He deleted the video from Instagram that is in the first tweet.

Zach’s Instagram page has many videos of him “protesting” and causing problems in Minneapolis.

Funny, where are the police when these people block roadways? Again, there must be any number of repo guys who could snatch those vehicles in under a minute. Properly protect them with some water cannon backed officers and CLEAR THE DAMN ROADS.


PREMO Member

ABC, CBS, and NBC Are Shielding Pro-Hamas Democrats from the Public

Since the October 7 Hamas massacre of Israeli civilians, House Democratic members of the “Squad” have drawn harsh criticism from even members of their own party for their rabidly anti-Israel posturing. But rather than shining a spotlight on the controversy, the broadcast networks (ABC, CBS, and NBC) instead dutifully sheltered them from public scrutiny; in fact, since the attack, they have not received even a second of airtime on the evening newscasts.

MRC analysts combed through all of ABC, CBS, and NBC’s evening newscasts from October 7 through October 22 for any mention of the House Democrats colloquially known as “the Squad.” Despite dedicating a whopping 525 minutes (nearly 9 hours) of airtime to the ongoing tumult in Gaza, none of these three networks gave even a second to any member of the progressive cadre.

That’s not for a lack of action on the part of the Congresswomen (and one man). We compiled a list of eight anti-Israel actions and remarks by Squad members which one might reasonably expect serious journalistic outlets to mention in their Gaza coverage.

For the purpose of this study, the Squad refers to an informal group of seven House Democrats. In addition to the four original members — Reps. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY), Ilhan Omar (D-MN), Ayanna Pressley (D-OH), and Rashida Tlaib (D-MI) — other common recipients of the label include Reps. Jamaal Bowman (D-NY), Cori Bush (D-MO), and Summer Lee (D-PA). Some lists also include Gregorio Casar (D-TX), but as he did not engage in any of the behavior included in the table above (nor was he mentioned in any of the newscasts), he was not included in the study.

On October 17, Congresswoman Haley M. Stevens (D-MI) introduced a resolution condemning Hamas “for its brutal attack on Israel” and demanding they immediately release all their hostages. Tlaib distinguished herself from her colleagues by being the only Squad member not to sign onto the resolution. As of this piece’s publication, Tlaib has yet to directly condemn Hamas.


PREMO Member

White House Holds Wellness Meetings for Muslim, Arab, and Palestinian Aides

The meetings, termed “listening sessions,” featured serious “discussions” about the war and its impact on White House aides, eight officials told Politico.

National security adviser Jake Sullivan conducted one virtual wellness check staff meeting on October 13. About 100 staffers attended, which Politico described as a review of the Biden administration’s position on the war while emphasizing that “not everyone agrees with it and has their own strong, personal feelings about the fighting.”

One official told Politico the wellness meetings focused on a pervasive “culture of fear” and a counteractive culture of support.

Some meetings were split between Muslim, Arab, Palestinian, and Jewish aides. Senior leaders “wanted our team — many who have served in the region and have family or colleagues there — to know these are tough times across the board, and that we need to check on one another,” one White House official told the outlet.

Chief of Staff Jeff Zients also hosted a call with President Joe Biden’s cabinet secretaries “to ensure they are reaching out to their Muslim, Arab American and Palestinian staff along with Jewish staff,” one official told Politico.


PREMO Member

As university crowds cheer Hamas, the intellectual left has rarely been less moral

Why? When you abstract away reality in favor of broad, sweeping ideas — work that belongs at the heart of many academic endeavors — dangerous things can happen. You can abstract away men, women and children, thinking of them only as bit players in a larger (and much more interesting) intellectual drama. Why bother with reality when it is the life of the mind that matters?

When I see very smart, very earnest individuals, including my fellow Yale and Penn students and alumni, either cheering on Hamas, or, at the very least, working to understand and sympathize with them, I know that many of these individuals are not true Jew-haters (though some are). They may not discriminate against Jews in their personal lives. They might not be peddlers of the Protocols, closeted Cossacks, or brazen blood libelers.

They’re something worse: intellectuals.

The hip intellectual move today is to see everything, everywhere, as an example of the oppressor-oppressed dichotomy. The oppressor is perceived as privileged; the oppressed, marginalized. The oppressor has more power; the oppressed, less. The oppressor has agency but no feelings; the oppressed has feelings but no agency. The oppressor is automatically wrong; the oppressed, automatically right.

Since Hamas attacked Israel, the hip intellectuals have demonstrated the ultimate expression of this binary: The group that conducted a brutal attack on innocent civilians is good, and the group responding to try and ensure no such attack ever takes place again is bad.

The intuitive appeal of such black-and-white thinking is seductive. Is there anything better than feeling like part of an international movement of the underdog? What is more soothing than a wall-to-wall, all-encompassing moral vision? Such a vision divides the world into right and wrong, good and bad — and you’re always in the camp of the good guys.

Plus, for these intellectuals, the cost of this luxury belief is free. When you’re living in Brooklyn or Berkeley, you’re protected from the conflict itself. So you get the warm, fuzzy feeling of moral superiority while someone far away pays the costs. Best of all — it immediately simplifies our otherwise complex reality. You have power? Bad. You’re less powerful? Good.

What could be wrong with that?

Because it offers moralism without morality. Because it intentionally ignores reality in favor of an intellectual hologram. Because it justifies acts that, as President Joe Biden aptly put it, are “pure, unadulterated evil.”

Despite being so concerned with history’s judgments, the hip intellectuals today seem blithely unconcerned with the fact that a similar group of intellectuals in the 20th century also abstracted away reality. They, too, had an all-encompassing vision. Part of the right race? The right class? Good. Part of a different race? Bad.

Different intellectual paradigm, same rotten intellectuals.