Leftist Response to Hamas Attacks


Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member



PREMO Member

My Encounter with Pro-Hamas Protesters

When I took a picture of the banner, one of the men in the group wearing a black ski mask approached me and assumed — possibly because of my curly hair — that I was Jewish, or at least a “Zionist.” I am not of Jewish heritage, but maybe my dress slacks’ shade of blue was too close to that of the Israeli flag.

Thus began a slew of questions, including “Where are you from, white man?” I said, “I’m a reporter,” but he took that to mean “Zionist.”

He warned those nearby: “Beware of the Zionist! Beware!”

He took a video and posted it to TikTok, where he has more than 110,000 followers. One of my roommates found the video when scrolling through the app.

Harassment is this guy’s bit, and there are enough people interested in this kind of entertainment to fill Beaver Stadium for a Penn State football game.

As I wrote in my report:

He told me he was “with the H-Team, the people who start with ‘H.’”
Another man nearby pointed to my nose and asked if I was Jewish. . . . A third asked me if I was Jewish and said “mazel tov” and “l’chaim.”

These were not the only comments. As I was walking back to my apartment, a man in a car stopped at a red light pointed at me and shouted, “F*** you!” from his open window. As the light turned green, he wished the same for my mother and father. What appeared to be his wife and kids were in the car.

“Young man,” said a man walking by, “don’t pay him no mind.”


PREMO Member

Suspect Arrested in Pro-Palestinian Arson Attacks on Berkeley Campus (Update)

The claim of responsibility ties all of the arson attacks to the same person or group.

at one p.m. this a f t e r n o o n, we torched large portions of a construction site in the middle of u.c. berkeley campus. OPERATION CAMPS FLOOD on u.c.b. kkkampus has began with:
- successful looting of a u.c.b supply building of thousands of dollars,
- the fire bombing of a u.c.b cop car,
- the experimental burning of dry grass hills on the interior of campus
- the torching of a building on the perimeter of the campus
and now
- the arson of a construction site (mostly construction materials, wood pallets, and massive dry bush area...
glory to the martyrs
blessed is the flame

Last night, a suspect in all of these crimes was arrested.

On Monday evening, Cal Fire announced the arrest of 34-year-old Casey Robert Goonan "in connection with the firebombing attack of a UC Berkeley Police Department vehicle and three other arson attacks on UC Berkeley campus during the month of June."
Goonan was arrested Monday "following a comprehensive investigation" by Cal Fire's Office of the State Fire Marshal Arson and Bomb Unit, UC Berkeley police, the FBI and the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives...
Goonan is now facing multiple felony charges, authorities said, including "the possession and use of destructive devices and multiple counts of arson."

According to Andy Ngo, Casey Goonan was arrested last year for vandalism and resisting arrest. At the time he was described as a 33-year-old with a Ph.D in African Studies from Northwestern.
