I just called the superintendent's office, spoke to someone who works directly for the superintendent (sorry but I've forgotten the name, it was a woman) who said that at this time they have NO PLAN.
Yep, they have no plan. Which is nuts in my book.
The lady on the phone is going to call LMS and talk to the principal, she said. See, stuff goes on and the parents are never notified - so I specifically asked if the parents of the students in these schools would be specifically notified... cause the lady was talking about how there would be a press release.
LMS manages to call my home every week giving me an update about such lovely things as teacher appreciation week.
As for parents picking up their kids... if my kid is sitting in class doing squat all, then she should be home. If they're trying to carry on regular classes, that's a bit different. But if she's doing nothing, then she can jolly well do nothing at home.
As for what they could do, for each kid that normally gets picked up, they could call those parents and arrange to have them pick their kids up at the fairgrounds. Then they could go thru the bus lists and call up one bus worth of parents at a time and the ones that okay having their kids sent home, send the kids home. That's manageable.
OR if that's too involved and they feel it's pointless... then they could freaking issue a news item on the main website and tell us what the freaking plan is!