Leonardtown HS lockdown


pretty black roses
kwillia said:
The swat team searching is true... I find the "teacher being held at gunpoint" to be questionable ... did you hear that from stmarystoday.com? :eyebrow:

Came from an email I received. Not sure where the person got her information.


Active Member
sockgirl77 said:
I have to ask this. When in the hell did they allow kids to have their cell phones in class with them? When I was in school the issue was pagers. They weren't even allowed to be in the school with us. :shrug:

peoples needed to get through to family, some peoples parents worked in the pentagon


yeah yeah
residentofcre said:
saint mary's today.com

or baynet.com has a running dialogue...

Again I say, I would hardly refer to St marys today- the Bay Net is doing just fine- and it much more reputable than the St Mary's Today could ever fathom.

We dont need drama- we need whats really going


I bowl overhand
sockgirl77 said:
I have to ask this. When in the hell did they allow kids to have their cell phones in class with them? When I was in school the issue was pagers. They weren't even allowed to be in the school with us. :shrug:
That changed after 9-11, especially in this area.. my kids can have cell phones at school, they have to be registered at the main office (yeah right) and they must be off while in the classroom.

On 9-11 cell phones were not authorized in any of the schools my kids went to.. the planes hit the Pentagon and phones just apperared out of nowhere. School administrators finally saw, for that purpose, cell phones were a good thing to have.


wandering aimlessly
Rick just released a statement at 11 saying search is continuing, nothing found yet. 2 students arrested on unrelated charges. Uncertain how much longer this will be going on.

I don't think he'd mislead anyone. His kid is sitting over at LMS right now. I'm sure safety of the children is THE NO 1 priority.


Well-Known Member
CMC122 said:
Since Columbine, I believe.........

They have to have a special form filled out to carry it and it's supposed to be used only incase of emergency.
Thanks for the info. I guess in situations like this it is a good idea for the kids to have their phones on them. However, I'm not sure if I agree with it on a normal daily basis. How many of them really keep them turned off? How many of them use them to text their BFF's to tell them how hot Tommy is in his wife beater today? :shrug:


Loving My Life...
sdm said:
Just received from my co-worker: He received a text message from his son. The boy is in his classroom, Ty said they (all the students) are face down in the floor and the boy has a duffel bag full of automatic weapons. Ty is a Senior so it is in a senior class inside Leonardtown High School.

Are you serious?


Go Braves!
sockgirl77 said:
Thanks for the info. I guess in situations like this it is a good idea for the kids to have their phones on them. However, I'm not sure if I agree with it on a normal daily basis. How many of them really keep them turned off? How many of them use them to text their BFF's to tell them how hot Tommy is in his wife beater today? :shrug:
The teachers are super strict about the phones, if you get caught the phone gets taken away.

I finally broke down and let my daughter have one. She was physically assualted twice in the last few months and after the last one going a little too far we (school and us) felt it was a good idea for her to carry one:yay:


Long Haired Country Boy
Ad Free Experience
sockgirl77 said:
Thanks for the info. I guess in situations like this it is a good idea for the kids to have their phones on them. However, I'm not sure if I agree with it on a normal daily basis. How many of them really keep them turned off? How many of them use them to text their BFF's to tell them how hot Tommy is in his wife beater today? :shrug:

I'm sure the gunman will be nice enough to tell them when they should bring them in, before hand.:rolleyes:


sdm said:
Yep, I'm serious. Ed is on his way to the Fairground now. He said that if Ty text messages him again he will call me and let me know what he says.

I went by there at 11 and the Fairgrounds and Gas station were packed. Hope everyone is okay.


wandering aimlessly
sdm said:
Just received from my co-worker: He received a text message from his son. The boy is in his classroom, Ty said they (all the students) are face down in the floor and the boy has a duffel bag full of automatic weapons. Ty is a Senior so it is in a senior class inside Leonardtown High School.
I would hope that this information was given to the police department so they can concentrate their search.

Please notice everyone that we have about 600 viewers of this thread. A great number are guests that are probably terrified relatives of children in the schools, desparate for information. Let's not panic anyone more than they are already, and not report any unfounded rumors.

My heart goes out to everyone involved. I've learned my high school niece is at home having taken her only final yesterday. My middle school niece is still on lockdown.


yeah yeah
bresamil said:
Please notice everyone that we have about 600 viewers of this thread. A great number are guests that are probably terrified relatives of children in the schools, desparate for information. Let's not panic anyone more than they are already, and not report any unfounded rumors.

:yay: you said it

and prayers for your neice! :huggy:


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
DAMN IT! I gave up my scanner spot and now I can't get back on!!! :jameo:

You guys who are listening, keep us posted. And I agree with Bres - please don't post any rumors. Parents are frightened enough.


Loving My Life...
sdm said:
Ed just got another call. The boy is now walking up and down the hallway with the guns. He has the backpack/duffel bag with him and they are unsure now whether it contains guns and a bomb. Explosives Unit has just arrived on the scene.

Who is telling you this? And can you believe them?
sdm said:
Ed just got another call. The boy is now walking up and down the hallway with the guns. He has the backpack/duffel bag with him and they are unsure now whether it contains guns and a bomb. Explosives Unit has just arrived on the scene.
I find your post hard to believe. If it were true that the gunman was holding a room full of students hostage and then decided to walk the hallways. Why wouldn't one of the 24 or so swat members have taken him out. And how could the Explosives Unit have JUST ARRIVED on scene when they were already on scene at least two hours earlier?


b*tch rocket
vraiblonde said:
And I agree with Bres - please don't post any rumors. Parents are frightened enough.

:yeahthat: First the kid was in a classroom face down with a duffelbag full of guns, now he's roaming up and down the halls. :duh: It's really crappy to post something like that and get people all spun up. :mad: I think just about everyone in the area has someone in that school that is important to them. It is my hope that it's all just one big false alarm.