If I may ...
You cannot un-ring a bell. Once a child sees, hears, participates in these activities, it is with them for life. The thoughts that follow in them have no other life experiences to balance out what they've seen and heard. Children act out, in thought and practice, in things they've seen and heard. This is the normalcy of growing up, and guided by their parents as to what is right and wrong, and acceptable or un-acceptable behavior. They see mommy and daddy being loving and affectionate to each other, they will be the same with their playmates of the opposite sex. To them a normal practice. They see f-ggots dressing up a women, twerking, etc., they will imitate that with their playmates, of the same or opposite sex, and think it normal as well. When it is not.
I'm not closed minded at all. I care not what consenting adults do in the confines of their houses. I care not the sexually deviant practices consenting adults might enjoy. I care not of queer bars and night clubs, or even, "bath houses", either. I care about the teaching of these things as normal behavior to young innocent minds of mush that have no business of learning of such things until they are of a thoroughly developed and mature mind to fully understand, comprehend, and able to critically think for themselves.
Persons abnormally born and medically termed hermaphrodite are atypical in terms of genitalia and are less than 1.7% of the population. These individuals had no say in their being this way. Most live a normal life. I have no problem or criticism of them. I have no problem with them being born differently. I have a problem with people taking to the streets, and libraries, getting in people's faces forcing everyone into treating it as normal behavior, when it is not. If 1.7% to 1.8% of the population identify as gay, that's not normal behavior. (Though maybe normal in a statistical sense since there will always be abnormal developmental instances in all biological life forms). What is normal natural behavior is that 98.2% to 93.3% of people identify as straight, ie., also know as naturally sexually normal. I accept there are gay people and have no problem living their, born that way, or decided to be that way, lifestyle. I do not accept them attempting to force me, or others, into accepting the in-your-face flaunting of it.