Let's all welcome the new dog


New Member
Do you not like the customer feedback used on most internet sites? Or is that offensive as well? This is an internet site and I'm providing feedback about a member, it just so happens to be a zero star feedback so others will not get burned like me. This is a very nice community of people, there just happens to be one among you who is not honest.....just letting you know. I'll take my lumps from those who think I'm offensive. I am an honest hard working person, not a charity. I really don't care about the money, I care about getting hosed - one buck or ten thousand..... it's irrelevant. Dishonesty is dishonesty. Madoff comes to mind, someone should have blown the whistle on him as well.

I will stick to my original assesment thank you.


New Member
This is not the place for you to resolve your money issues with other people.
In fact your being pretty petty and are making yourself look bad.
If you legitemately have a problem with whomever -- take such a matter to small claims court -- not here.

I hope this garbage gets erased.

Totally agree! Can't believe I opened this thread up to read it and it's this crap again. RippNLips - this is the 3rd time we've had to read your gum bumping about this and it's obviously not getting the result you wanted. Put your big boy pants on and actually do something about it or just shut your pie hole. I too hope this junk gets erased.


New Member
Totally agree! Can't believe I opened this thread up to read it and it's this crap again. RippNLips - this is the 3rd time we've had to read your gum bumping about this and it's obviously not getting the result you wanted. Put your big boy pants on and actually do something about it or just shut your pie hole. I too hope this junk gets erased.

Let me get this straight, the family that lent someone money 1-2 yrs ago was already paid back? :shrug: And they just keep posting this info to ruin the borrowers reputation?
If they haven't been paid back then, you are right, I think they should seek a legal remedy and maybe then the judge can just garnish any wages if they default on the small claims judgement.


New Member
I don't know what happened, or who's involved and honestly, I don't care but posting this on the forums will not get your problem resolved. You should either go to small claims court or just drop it. People are desperate for money and there are plenty of scams going around. I think most of the people that get on these forums are smart enough to not fall for any type of scam and can hold their own, so while the heads up is appreciated, it is unnecessary as I don't feel that the reason you posted this was to put someones name out there, but it was to seek some type of action.

It is childish to name names and point fingers. What's done is done, and you learned your lesson to keep a hold of your money or whatever else you lent out.


R.I.P. Bobo, We miss you!
I don't know what happened, or who's involved and honestly, I don't care but posting this on the forums will not get your problem resolved. You should either go to small claims court or just drop it. People are desperate for money and there are plenty of scams going around. I think most of the people that get on these forums are smart enough to not fall for any type of scam and can hold their own, so while the heads up is appreciated, it is unnecessary as I don't feel that the reason you posted this was to put someones name out there, but it was to seek some type of action.

It is childish to name names and point fingers. What's done is done, and you learned your lesson to keep a hold of your money or whatever else you lent out.

I personally don't mind a heads up as to who you might not want to extend credit to or lend money to. If the thread bothers you so much why do you read or post on it?:shrug:


Get some!
:jerry: I am glad it isn't about me this time.:killingme I guess distance makes the heart grow founder.:dye:
Ahh Sadie, we miss you!! You know I think I would be PO'd if someone owed me money and then spent money on items they clearly do not need. I think maybe she is just beyond mad at this point. I personally would not post a matter like this all over the forum, but maybe she just needs to get it out. Sucks when "friends" take advantage of you. But I agree with others. Go to small claims court and be done with it.


Ahhhh Florida!
It was the Florida heat, that or being chased by alligators! :biggrin:

We just have dead alligators down here....right devine? WHo are these forminites? These jumps are lovely, I am fond of them!


  • dead alligator.JPG
    dead alligator.JPG
    52.2 KB · Views: 97
  • forminites.JPG
    39.9 KB · Views: 108
  • marcia.JPG
    40.2 KB · Views: 121


New Member
oooh who is that in the tight pants??? he's HOT


dead alligators stink. live ones are cuter.

i kinda miss our florida trip :(

Back to the topic...Free Speech, you can post whatever you want on this forum. and no one is forcing anyone else to read it...LOL. and i totally agree that TC should have paid you back a LONG time ago. time to go to court.


Ahhhh Florida!
oooh who is that in the tight pants??? he's HOT


dead alligators stink. live ones are cuter.

i kinda miss our florida trip :(

Back to the topic...Free Speech, you can post whatever you want on this forum. and no one is forcing anyone else to read it...LOL. and i totally agree that TC should have paid you back a LONG time ago. time to go to court.

He doesn't play for our team.:whistle: