Just throwing this out there for consideration.....
If Obama had brought in George Soros in a capacity to be the head of an auditing department as his consultant... and was given military contracts to benefit from... would you all be OK with that?
And yes, I already know this is very "unpopular opinion" around these parts. Just trying to get an idea of what you all would think about that.
Well I do get you on a related issue - if the DEMS were in charge of cutting costs and saving money, yeah, I'd be suspicious and watching them like a hawk also.
Because I remember the LAST time they did it. I think most of us are old enough to remember "Reinventing Government". IIRC, most of their "cuts" were of course, to the Defense Department, because they were seriously anxious to spend that much vaunted "peace dividend" - the idea that now that the Cold War was OVER, we didn't need to spend as much on defense.
From what ELSE I can recall, yes they made cuts - but they also repurposed the saving to do what Democrats always do - spend it on something ELSE. My Dad worked for the Navy back then - he told me it took years to recover from all the slash and burn they did.
But, but, but Sam - he - he balanced the budget, right? Well that IS another discussion, but one, the shutdown back then was because Clinton REFUSED to commit to balancing the budget. And he was also the beneficiary of a lot of things that he didn't do - the rise of the Internet and the prosperous economy of the 90's. THAT, plus having a Republican Congress for the first time in 40 years, determined to balance the budget is how we got there.
"Reinventing Government" didn't do it.
So - yeah. Mostly agree - I wouldn't be cool with the Democrats doing what DOGE is doing, and going around claiming why is the other party against saving money and cutting waste? But for one thing - they DID do it before.