lets share helpful hints with one another.


New Member
BS Gal said:
Don't think of me doing u-turns. I never do those. If there's a way to get out of it, I'm doing that. I have been known to go south on 235 for quite a ways until I see a road I can turn left on and go through a parking lot. San Souci is a perfect example. One time I went all the way down to Esperanza Farms cause there was a fuel truck next to me. :lmao:

Speaking of turns. If you ever find yourself in Miami, a helpful hint is to know that even when you are riding in the left lane, the person in the right lane will make a left turn directly in front of you. It's known as a "Miami Left" and will total your Saab if you so happen to drive one.


Never put eggs in a pot to boil and then stand outside running your mouth with the neighbors. Eggs will reach the ceiling after the water is all gone, and some pans will melt into a puddle. :lmao:


PrchJrkr said:
Never call a Chuck County Deputy (or any other county for that matter) a Cub Scout.
Never chunk a lawn chair under a chain link fence to swim illegally in a Chuck County Pool. (or the Cub Scouts will getcha) :killingme


Ponytail said:
Not everything a dog CAN eat is good for them, though some stuff they might eat that seems incredibly dangerous can pass without issue and seemingly harmless things like deer jerky and buckwheat will produce surprising negative results if given in excess.

Never add cloves to pasta alfredo for "flavor".

Never clean grease off of a cars finish using brake fluid.

Never start a gas grill after its winter hibernation with the grill cover down.

Never take a little black kid to a party with your friend "Giker", especially if nobody at that party knows Giker or the little black kid.

Entering a drinking contest at a party with an alcoholic with hopes of getting that alcoholic to pass out and shut the hell up, never ends with satisfactory or memorable results.

When massaging an electrical box into a tight fitting area, move fingers away electrical box prior to striking said box with large hammer.

When doing home renovation, if you notice on the floor, a board with nails in it posing a possible threat to your feet several times a minute, move it prior to nailing your foot to the floor.

Metal stinks when it burns from positive electrical contact in short bursts.

When undoing sink drains from one sink, ensure that it is in fact HIGHER than the drain of the sink on the opposite side of the wall prior to using this other sink for an extended period of time for such things as as washing out coffee pots, doing dishes and brushing teeth.

Most importantly, NEVER ask the advice of somd.com forumites expecting even a single serious answer. :lol:
PT, I'm going to guess that this is all from personal experience. :killingme I can't believe you did some of this sh!t.


Long Haired Country Boy
Ad Free Experience
Vince said:
Never chop jalapeno peppers with your bare hands and then go take a leak without washing thoroughly first. :yikes:

Been there, done that. :stupid:

:jameo: :jameo: :jameo:


Long Haired Country Boy
Ad Free Experience
gumby said:
Never chunk a lawn chair under a chain link fence to swim illegally in a Chuck County Pool. (or the Cub Scouts will getcha) :killingme

I plead the 5th. :whistle:

That's what $1.25 pitchers will get you. :alkies:


Never forget to lock your bedroom door when you and the hubby are gettin' busy. Even if it's 1:00 AM and you think the kids are asleep. They might not be. :faint: :doh:


camily said:
Never forget to lock your bedroom door when you and the hubby are gettin' busy. Even if it's 1:00 AM and you think the kids are asleep. They might not be. :faint: :doh:

Nothing kills a mood like a nice chilly hand grabbing your leg while you're in mid-stroke. :killingme


Well-Known Member
When you are drunk off your ass and decide to go behind your friend's big ass truck to pee, be sure to avoid squatting on the trailer hitch. :twitch:


24/7 Single Dad
Cowgirl said:
When you are drunk off your ass and decide to go behind your friend's big ass truck to pee, be sure to avoid squatting on the trailer hitch. :twitch:
I'll bet they're cold


Cowgirl said:
When you are drunk off your ass and decide to go behind your friend's big ass truck to pee, be sure to avoid squatting on the trailer hitch. :twitch:
2 inch ball?
Never assume that a rope you find tied to a tree limb is strong enough to hold you. Especially swinging out over a steep hill.

Bird Dog

Bird Dog
PREMO Member
BS Gal said:
IF you get pulled over, asking the nice young hot officer to take off his shirt is probably not a good idea.

My daughter told a police officer "You must be a traffic ticket because you have the work "fine" written all over you.
She got off
morganj614 said:
Nope. True story during a Sunday Brunch. Other tables didn't like the waitresses action of cutting us off so they gave us their champagne :alkies:
I have a girlfriend that knows how to wrap a cloth napkin so that it likes exactly like a penis. I will see if I can teach this to as that art would have come quite in handy at the brunch... you could have left that waitress lots and lots of folded napkins all around the place...:smile: