Let's talk about "Dick" ......


You're a LOON :)
Ruthless Babe said:
I can't believe Jameka is in the final four. I know she's from Southern MD but even so I couldn't even force myself to route for her because she's done absolutely nothing.

We now know who the final 3 will be but I won't post it here in case you all don't want to find out yet.

How long do you think Dick and Dani will try to ride out their 15 minutes (I'm thinking forever!). I won't be surprised to see them on The Amazing Race next a la Rob and Amber. Those who don't love them certainly love to hate them, and it would definitely boost the ratings.

I would LOVE to see Dick and Dani on Amazing Race..


I wanna be a SMIB
Hi BB fans, Heres my 2 cents. I love Dick but at the same time he irritates the living crap out of me cause hes so mean. Danielle needs to go away. Im so sorry Jameka got the boot. I was rooting for her, she played well. Very quiet, first few weeks, I forgot she was there. Why did no one get rid og D and D when they had the chance? Its like Zach said, no one has the stones to do it. They kept promising everyone they would take them to the final 3 which I never understood, as long as D and D were part of the final 3, who ever was the 3rd one would never have a chance. They should of just called this Big Brother D & D. Im just pissed Jameka is gone and I dont think either D or D should win. Danielle is a big backstabbing 2 faced baby and Dick was too mean to win.
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Nanny Pam

Who's gonna watch BB tonight?

I know I am. :dance:

I hope Dick or Daniele wins!

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You're a LOON :)
Nanny Pam said:
Who's gonna watch BB tonight?

I know I am. :dance:

I hope Dick or Daniele wins!

I watched it and I couldn't believe how stupid Dick and Zack were with those questions LOL I was happy to see Dick won. Who do you want to win the big prize and did you vote???


nunya bidnis
LusbyMom said:
I watched it and I couldn't believe how stupid Dick and Zack were with those questions LOL I was happy to see Dick won. Who do you want to win the big prize and did you vote???

I would like to see Dick win because I know he will share with Dani but if she won I'm not so sure she would share the money.


You're a LOON :)
EmnJoe said:
I would like to see Dick win because I know he will share with Dani but if she won I'm not so sure she would share the money.

I agree... I voted for dick.. I think the jury is going to be furious and not want to vote for either one.


Witchy Woman


The Donatos dominated this game. I may not have always agreed with the way they played it.. but damn if they didn't PLAY it. :yay:

I voted for Dick. He's a dick but he's DICK! :lol:


Witchy Woman
Nanny Pam said:
Damn CBS is messing with me tonight. I am having BB withdrawl. :tantrum:

I hate those stupid recap shows. :ohwell:

BB is THE best reality show ever. I love a game that's all about strategy.

And NP! Tuesday is the last BB until NEXT SUMMER. :bawl:

Thank the moon for Survivor.

Nanny Pam

MysticalMom said:
I hate those stupid recap shows. :ohwell:

BB is THE best reality show ever. I love a game that's all about strategy.

And NP! Tuesday is the last BB until NEXT SUMMER. :bawl:

Thank the moon for Survivor.


I think Dick will win. I hope he does, because I am getting tired of Daniele's whining.


Witchy Woman
Nanny Pam said:

I think Dick will win. I hope he does, because I am getting tired of Daniele's whining.

I think he will. No matter the tactics, he played the best game. And I've been sick of Dani's whining for weeks. :lol:

Nanny Pam

:lmao: I love Dick!

"In the show’s first few weeks, Dick was a dynamic television character: brash, outrageous, and rude, spitting out gobs of saliva into the back yard between cigarettes. His breathtakingly uncomfortable strategy was brutal honesty combined with confrontation; he’d talk with someone privately and then expose what they said publicly, and no one knew what to make of that.

Dick was by far the most interesting person in the house, and one of this season’s twists made him even more compelling: He entered the house and surprised his estranged 20-year-old daughter, Daniele, who hadn’t spoken to him in years. With Dick, the producers not only had the potential for conflict with other houseguests and his own daughter, but they also had the potential for significant reconciliation, a storyline they did everything in their power to play up and maintain.

When Dick crossed a line to abuse and a flagrant violation of rules, the producers did nothing besides perhaps warn him in private. His emotional abuse and sexist language may have been permissible, however horrifying it was, but the producers declined to act after he dumped a beverage on a fellow houseguest’s head during a fight — even though another houseguest was removed years ago for simply throwing furniture.

Instead, the producers highlighted the iced-tea assault and host Julie Chen chuckled about it while reading questions from her cue cards."


Nanny Pam

"America’s Player Eric Stein and Amber made unacceptable comments suggesting incest between Dick and Daniele. :twitch:
And on and on.

None of this made it on TV, although it was broadcast live online. CBS even helped let the contestants off the hook. After journalists revealed that CBS wouldn’t let reporters ask evicted houseguests like Amber about their comments, the network decided to stop allowing the media to interview those who were evicted."