Lets Tell the French How we feel


New Member
Originally posted by bluto
I vote we send back that green-skinned b#### the Statue of Liberty.

I would go along with that!!

Give me a break...I for one don't want anymore of their undernourished, poor, humble destitute, insipid......you get the picture!!!!
:biggrin: :biggrin: :biggrin:


Football season!
You people are sick. How quick we lose focus of the real problem... Boycot things from france that nobody really uses any way... ooooooohhhhhhh, wow, quick thinking there guys. Way to sacrifice.

Last I heard, Iraq was the enemy, not france. Thank god iraq doesn't export anything we find useful. Would hate to hurt their economy. I guess the thinking is, we keep their "economy" going so they can build more buildings and palaces for us to bomb??


Sorry about that chief.
As usual, Americans have jumped to conclusions and overreacted.


Poll shows French dislike Bush, not US

PARIS, Feb 18 (AFP) - More than three French people in four have a bad opinion of US President George W. Bush, but most have nothing against Americans in general, a new survey released Tuesday showed.

Despite a stream of criticism from US media and politicians in recent days, 54 percent of respondents had have a generally good opinion of Americans, and only one in three had a bad opinion, the survey by the French polling company BVA showed.

In contrast, 76 percent held Bush in low esteem, with a mere 15 percent saying he inspired a good impression.

And when it came to the handling of Iraq by each country's leaders, 81 percent backed President Jacques Chirac's position that UN inspections should continue and war be held back as a last resort despite strong US pressure for imminent military action - a finding that confirmed other recent surveys.

BVA's findings, based on a sample of 1,013 French adults, seemed to undermine claims that the French were "anti-American", and signalled that most French differentiated clearly between their perception of Bush's policies and their attitude to American people.

That was reinforced by responses to the question "Are you personally in favour of the alliance between France and the United States?" to which 57 percent said yes, and 39 percent said no.

When asked if they thought that US-French relations would improve "once the Iraq crisis is over", 66 percent said they would be neither better nor worse, five percent said they would be better and 21 percent thought they would be worse.

They also ranked Americans as the second-ranking nationality for whom they felt the most sympathy, behind Germans, and ahead of Britons and Russians.

Nevertheless, there was a massive rejection of the US way of life.

More than three-quarters of respondents said their country had nothing to learn from the United States in terms of economy, culture, lifestyle or labour relations, and four out of five rejected US foreign policy as a model.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Originally posted by SmallTown
Way to sacrifice......Last I heard, Iraq was the enemy, not france.
Just doin' my part for the war effort! :banana: And Bush already said that if you're not with us, you're against us - so France is indeed the enemy.

And, JL, I couldn't care less what the French think of our President, especially since theirs is such a fruitcake.


Football season!
Originally posted by vraiblonde
And Bush already said that if you're not with us, you're against us - so France is indeed the enemy.

This is the same president who said " Is Our Children Learning?"

I take what he says with a grain of salt. Who knows what he really meant by that comment :biggrin: Maybe we need to put the comment on crossfire and let those guys break down what it means!


Sorry about that chief.
I was just trying to say that the French don't really despise Americans, just W. A lot has been said in this country about how the French hate us. That obviously isn't true.

I don't really care what they think either, I didn't like the country when I was there, arrogant folks. They have given us many great inventions though.:wink:


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Originally posted by SmallTown
Maybe we need to put the comment on crossfire and let those guys break down what it means!
Yeah, that's just what we need - Begala translating foreign policy. :duh:

I truly don't understand why people are having a problem with this. Do you honestly think Bush, Powell, Rice, the US media, and everyone else is lying? Do you think they're making up those stories about Saddam's viciousness as some sort of personal vendetta? Maybe they did a voice-over for the Hussein boys in those interviews? Do you REALLY think that?


JL obviously you have never been to France. Regardless of what the "Free Press" is saying about French opinions on Americans (today) I can assure you that their distate for ALL Americans has existed for decades.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Originally posted by jlabsher
I was just trying to say that the French don't really despise Americans, just W.
Dubya is trying to keep our country from being the target of more terrorist attacks. If the French despise him for that, the logical conclusion is that they don't want us to be protected. The other logical conclusion is that they don't care what kind of conditions people are living under with these damn tyrants. So I think we can safely say that the French don't care about anyone but themselves. So to hell with them.


Football season!
Originally posted by vraiblonde
Yeah, that's just what we need - Begala translating foreign policy. :duh:

I truly don't understand why people are having a problem with this. Do you honestly think Bush, Powell, Rice, the US media, and everyone else is lying? Do you think they're making up those stories about Saddam's viciousness as some sort of personal vendetta? Maybe they did a voice-over for the Hussein boys in those interviews? Do you REALLY think that?

Yes! The token republican comment! "Do you REALLY think that?"


Ok.. I'm better now...

I am just concerned about Bush's urgency with this matter.

The last thing I read was that Bush and Blair were getting the point and are rethinking their strategy (whatever that may mean)

I'm also concerned with things such as the $15billion package for turkey (though they are holding out for more) for us to have troops there (among other things)

Lets see. 15 billion for (last figure I saw) 80k troops. About $187,000 per troop... Damn.. I'll let 4 or 5 soldiers stay at my place and i'll even feed them for 187K each. I'll keep this in mind in case an invading force takes over Ridge and the government wants to use my yard as a staging ground.


Dancing Up A Storm
Items that nobody uses anyway?

Originally posted by SmallTown
You people are sick. How quick we lose focus of the real problem... Boycot things from france that nobody really uses any way... ooooooohhhhhhh, wow, quick thinking there guys. Way to sacrifice.
SmallTown, are you really that naive? I gather you don't imbibe French wines, if I recall one of your earlier replies, but do you have any clue what kind of money is involved with just the imported French wines alone?

It's a billion dollar+ industry!!

Now bring in to account their perfume and cosmetic products: another billion dollar pair.

If you think a boycott of these three industries wouldn't have an impact on their economy, then you are, indeed , living on another planet!

How about French Designer clothes? The fashion industry. Do you also think this is a nickle-and-dime enterprise?

Pull your head out of the sand, my friend.


Cleopatra Jones
Originally posted by SmallTown

Lets see. 15 billion for (last figure I saw) 80k troops. About $187,000 per troop... Damn.. I'll let 4 or 5 soldiers stay at my place and i'll even feed them for 187K each.

Me first, me first! Do I get to pick out the 4 or 5 that I'd like to have stay?


Football season!
Re: Items that nobody uses anyway?

Originally posted by penncam
SmallTown, are you really that naive? I gather you don't imbibe French wines, if I recall one of your earlier replies, but do you have any clue what kind of money is involved with just the imported French wines alone?

I didn't say it wouldn not work. I was just laughing at actually doing it. It easy for you to say you will boycot something you hardly use. Iraq is a large exporter of oil, I didn't hear you mention anything about boycotting their product. And this goes for other countries in the middle east who we see as "the enemy"

I just don't see how boycotting wine will help the war on terrorism. Oh I get it. With no french wine here, the terrorists would have no reason to be jealous of us anymore thus they won't attack us! Great thinking Penn!


Football season!
Originally posted by pixiegirl
Me first, me first! Do I get to pick out the 4 or 5 that I'd like to have stay?

I don't know. Having 4 or 5 guys at your place who haven't had sex in several months could be dangerous. Besides, we would never see you online anymore and we can't have that!


Dancing Up A Storm
Kain, you beat me to it.....

Jllabsher, I was wondering, as I read your reply, if you had ever even set foot in France?

I have, many times, when I was stationed in Germany, in the 80s.

Listen to me: the French do not like us. I found it to be the younger folks, the students, etc., who were the worst.

The older ones, in their 40s and up, still remember what we did for them during the last war in Europe, and those were the ones we were able to have a rapport with, when two or three of us took bus trips to Rheims, Paris, and along the Loire where we toured a few French Castles.

We also visited a number of Winefests in Strasbourg and other little "burgs" on the border between France and Germany.

Believe me, I wasn't prepared for the distaste, and smug attitudes they showed us.

It wasn't all of them that gave us that impression, just the young ones, mostly.

However, think about this now, it's 25 years later, those younger people, the students, etc., they are not kids anymore, are they?


Dancing Up A Storm
Re: Re: Items that nobody uses anyway?

Originally posted by SmallTown
Iraq is a large exporter of oil, I didn't hear you mention anything about boycotting their product. And this goes for other countries in the middle east who we see as "the enemy"
ST, in my last reply, I merely asked if you were that naive; now with this post, the question is indeed moot.

I, just like you, I imagine, drive a vehicle which requires fuel - gasoline- in order to function.

So, I just as you, do not have much CHOICE about purchasing this commodity. I don't recall if the oil companies can tell us which petroleum products are coming from Iraq to my knowledge, in any case.

What part of this fact escapes you?

Boycotting French goods would, however make a serious impression; it's a tactic to bring more pressure on them, working on the economical and trade sectors.

Would the boycotts last very long? I can't say, probably not.
But it would sure get their attention.
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Football season!
Re: Re: Re: Items that nobody uses anyway?

Originally posted by penncam

I, just like you, I imagine, drive a vehicle which requires fuel - gasoline- in order to function.

Plenty of people in the middle east don't own vehicles and somehow manage to survive. Did the "big bang" happen with the invention of the gasoline engine?

We rely on these things because we make ourselves rely on it.

So again. You would make a much more bold statement by boycotting petroleum products instead of wine. Then we would see who actually is sincere with these types of ideas, and those who just want to make themselves seen.