Let's welcome our newest member....


I bowl overhand
OK, Diesel Engines smoke so those that run on Diesel could be called smokers, so if we translate his name, he's COckSmoker


Cleopatra Jones
Lugnut said:
Fresh meat for the ladies here. Watch out, some of them have predatory tendencies! But that isn't necessarily a BAD thing! :wink:


Whatsoever are you talking about? :whistle: The worst of us are scheduled to be wed soon and are no longer a threat; we have passed the hoochie torch to the next generation of hoochies. Carry it proud my sisters! :lmao:


Mr. Contemptuous
mv_princess said:
Well.....................that works........how do you not know if you ride a bike though?

That question came out of no where. Ask if I am married, have kids, and then ask if I ride... just struck me as odd. Sorry.


Mr. Contemptuous
Lugnut said:
Fresh meat for the ladies here. Watch out, some of them have predatory tendencies! But that isn't necessarily a BAD thing! :wink:


I kinda picked up on that. Thanks for look'n out.