Letter sent to Phil Rollins and Authur Shepherd


New Member
Well, maybe I was a little off?

According to a person present at the protest meeting Thursday night, a 2nd Raiders team staff showed up in support of the Braves protest against the 1st Raiders team and accused them of stacking 2 of the Raiders Peewee teams. That was not enough evidence though according to R&P.

Why can't it be about the kids folks? Why does it have to be about the coaches and their egos? The drama continues...

I think what is really going on with this whole situation is that the Raiders Black team has been HONESTLY undefeated so far this season and the other teams don't like being beat (including the Raiders that showed up in support of the Braves). As soon as the Raiders Black made their first touchdown in this game, the Red Braves were protesting. If they had an issue with the kids weights or ages, they should have brought it up prior to the game, not after they started losing. In fact, most of the Braves kids were even bigger than the Raiders kids.

The coaches of the Raiders Black team are the most sincere, dedicated and honest coaches that I have met. I have been involved with two different leagues and several coaches over many years. They teach their players to treat others as they want to be treated, to play with dignity, and to play honestly. They provide their players with equal playing time and teach them a diverse set of skills that allow them to expand their knowledge into different aspects of football. There are no "fake" birth certificates. There is no stacked team. They are 5 to 7 year olds that have been officially and legally weighed in and they just want to play football.

I really don't understand your thought processes here people. This is Pee Wee football we are talking about. IT IS ABOUT THE KIDS HAVING FUN! The author of this letter seems to have left out the fact that the Red Braves had THREE coaches ejected during this game AND one of their coaches threatened a Raider's dad after the game. This happened in front of his team while his own kid was crying about the way he was talking and acting. But I am sure that none of that matters since I am wrong to think that this should be about the kids.

Now that the real truth is out, let's move on. The Raiders Black playbacker weighed in legally and Red Braves are out some money (not sure if they knew since they didn't show up to R&P when their case was heard). JUST LET THE KIDS HAVE FUN!!!!!!


New Member
All Comes Down to a Personal Decision

So, because there are two Raiders Pee Wee teams that are winning, they're stacked? Is it that any Raiders team that wins is stacked or only the PW teams? Is it any teams that win or only Raiders? I'm so confused!!!

I must say, this whole controversy over the Raiders Black vs Braves Red is absurd! They have ONE PLAYBACKER!!!! The one PB didn't beat the Braves...one TEAM beat ANOTHER.

And this whole negligence accusation...PLEASE GET OVER IT--QUICKLY! This is PW...go look up some stats. Kids at this age don't get serious injuries because the speed of the game is that of kids who are 6 and 7 years old. Do some more research and you'll find that the SMC/Calvert weight charts are very tight on weight...most leagues across the US don't even have a weight limit on this age group or it allows on average around 85lbs...with no restriction on position. Large groups like Pop Warner and AYF don't make these national weight charts up on a whim, the research has been done and it's a fact, serious injuries do not occur at this age group.

But, if that doesn't do it for you...and you still think that a 75lb 7 year old is too much of a danger to your child, then please, by all means, take care of your child and don't sign him up for tackle football. There are plenty of other sports out there that are non-contact and a lot of fun. Their future NFL career will not be impacted if they sit out until they're 10...or whenever you feel the age chart is appropriate.

As far as stacked teams for the Raiders...both the Black and Silver squads are comprised of a good portion of teams that existed last year and are still eligible for PW this year. So they have worked together before...the kids have a year of experience...the coaches know them, etc. These kids obviously requested the coaches...should they not be allowed to play together 2 years in a row???? The other two are new teams...they'll be kicking butt next year.

Now, that sucks for the sake of competition but the reality is that SMC doesn't have enough kids to permit both a) kids being allowed to stay together year after year with the same coach AND b) a fair, balanced competitive league. Youth football works in Calvert because there are enough kids to support an A and B division.

So what's the solution? If I knew, I would have been fighting like hell to make it happen. I can say with certainty that creating this much drama over 5 pounds is absolutely not going to convince some soccer families to give tackle a try...so we're definitely not going to get enough kids in SMC to support an A and B division. Is it changing the weight chart? Well, that will make some parents of 5 year olds happy but how about the first year, 70 pound 7 year old playing against 95lb kids who have been tackling for 4 years?--probably not so much.

The immediate solution is to shut up, stop whining, and make your team the best it can be...and for God's sake, make sure your kids are having fun! For the future, be an adult...and a great parent...ask yourself, is tackle football the right sport for my child? If yes, sign them up and cheer them on. If no, pick a different activity. Yes or no, stop making it miserable for yourself, your opponents, and OUR CHILDREN!


New Member
So, because there are two Raiders Pee Wee teams that are winning, they're stacked? Is it that any Raiders team that wins is stacked or only the PW teams? Is it any teams that win or only Raiders? I'm so confused!!!
No, its not just the Raiders. The 85lb Wildcats were complaining and yelling at player on the 85 White Braves claiming he was illegal too.
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New Member
I think what is really going on with this whole situation is that the Raiders Black team has been HONESTLY undefeated so far this season and the other teams don't like being beat (including the Raiders that showed up in support of the Braves). As soon as the Raiders Black made their first touchdown in this game, the Red Braves were protesting. If they had an issue with the kids weights or ages, they should have brought it up prior to the game, not after they started losing. In fact, most of the Braves kids were even bigger than the Raiders kids.

The coaches of the Raiders Black team are the most sincere, dedicated and honest coaches that I have met. I have been involved with two different leagues and several coaches over many years. They teach their players to treat others as they want to be treated, to play with dignity, and to play honestly. They provide their players with equal playing time and teach them a diverse set of skills that allow them to expand their knowledge into different aspects of football. There are no "fake" birth certificates. There is no stacked team. They are 5 to 7 year olds that have been officially and legally weighed in and they just want to play football.

I really don't understand your thought processes here people. This is Pee Wee football we are talking about. IT IS ABOUT THE KIDS HAVING FUN! The author of this letter seems to have left out the fact that the Red Braves had THREE coaches ejected during this game AND one of their coaches threatened a Raider's dad after the game. This happened in front of his team while his own kid was crying about the way he was talking and acting. But I am sure that none of that matters since I am wrong to think that this should be about the kids.

Now that the real truth is out, let's move on. The Raiders Black playbacker weighed in legally and Red Braves are out some money (not sure if they knew since they didn't show up to R&P when their case was heard). JUST LET THE KIDS HAVE FUN!!!!!!

Thanks for coming on here and giving the other side of the story. Hopefully things will get better. And yes, I think most of would agree with just letting the kids have fun.:howdy:


New Member
You football parents crack me up! There is so much drama associated with your sport. It seems to me, that all of you have forgotten what the sport is about, and who the most important people are. It should be about the kids, and developing them. Teaching them about sportsmanship and working together as a team. I hear stories about parents fighting all the time. Coaches fighting. Coaches and players going after referees. I work in law enforcement, and have been called numerous times, to stand by and maintain order at youth football games. I have never had to respond to an incident at any other sport. I once got called at the request of the referees, because one team was losing so badly, that the parents on that team, were threatening their owns childrens coach. That is just ridiculous and uncivil. What a great example you are teaching the children.
Then all this drama about players being eligible / ineligible because of a couple of pounds. So what, let the kids play. Base it on age, like most other youth sports leagues. If a child is too heavy or too light, deal with it.
My daughter plays soccer and is one of the smallest players in her age group. She plays goalkeeper, on a highly competitive and elite soccer team, which is the most physical position on the field. She doesn't back down from anyone and is one of the toughest players I have seen. I have taught her not to let her size prohibit her. She collides with players twice her size,(without pads on) and usually wins. If soccer had all the quirky weight rules football does, half the players she plays with wouldn't be allowed to play.
I have been a youth sports coach for 10 years, and I am currently on the Board of Directors for a youth sports league in the area. I am very proud to say that I have never had to deal with unruly parents or the drama that is associated with youth football. Remember the real reason these leagues exist. Let the kids have fun and start being role models and good examples to them.


New Member
This has never changed. I played football from boys club ball through college, as did my brother. I coached for years in Prince Georges County, and that has been over 25 years ago. We used to weigh in at the beggining of the year, with original birth certificates (1 time) and the kids was photographed for a league card immediately. The coach had a big ring of league cards and the kids lined up on the 50 yard line to have the Referee check the league card to the kid. Due to teams changing players over half time to their older brothers (if they were losing) we had to implement checking the kids again after the half. It was so obvious that a kid that had his jersey tucked in to the bottom of his number became a kid the the jersey did not reach his pants! There was no shame on their part and our 14-15 year olds would complain that the guy facing them had a full beard!

Bottom line, as long as there are adults that place winning over the integrity of the game, there will always be these issues. I am sure that those of you reading this, that played and shared my experiences will chuckle, regardless of the time frame. In Texas, where football takes on the status of religion, the elementary school kids go to the high school games and sit with their entire class, cheering on the older guys. This promotes team spirit and grants these kids legendary status, even if that is as far as they ever go in the sport.

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New Member
No, its not just the Raiders. The 85lb Raiders were complaining and yelling at player on the 85 White Braves claiming he was illegal too.

Correction: 85lb Wildcats Navy complaining and yelling at player on the 85 White Braves, but none-the-less........


New Member
This has never changed. I played football from boys club ball through college, as did my brother. I coached for years in Prince Georges County, and that has been over 25 years ago. We used to weigh in at the beggining of the year, with original birth certificates (1 time) and the kids was photographed for a league card immediately. The coach had a big ring of league cards and the kids lined up on the 50 yard line to have the Referee check the league card to the kid. Due to teams changing players over half time to their older brothers (if they were losing) we had to implement checking the kids again after the half. It was so obvious that a kid that had his jersey tucked in to the bottom of his number became a kid the the jersey did not reach his pants! There was no shame on their part and our 14-15 year olds would complain that the guy facing them had a full beard!

Bottom line, as long as there are adults that place winning over the integrity of the game, there will always be these issues. I am sure that those of you reading this, that played and shared my experiences will chuckle, regardless of the time frame. In Texas, where football takes on the status of religion, the elementary school kids go to the high school games and sit with their entire class, cheering on the older guys. This promotes team spirit and grants these kids legendary status, even if that is as far as they ever go in the sport.

Yeah, I remember playing in the St. Mary's Pigskin Turkey bowl as a 12 year old (1986) and the Cardinals team we were playing didn't have their starting QB because he wrecked his car the night before (He was 16). I remember chasing a TE out of bounds, he ran around the chain crew right in front of the side judge, then came back in bounds and continued for a TD. The officials let them have the TD. I stood in disbelief. The place erupted into a riot and the ref's had to flee before they got lynched. Players on our Redskins team were crying (12 year olds!) because it was so crooked.


New Member
... Due to teams changing players over half time to their older brothers (if they were losing) we had to implement checking the kids again after the half. ...

Now that's funny. Unfortunately, this will either give somebody a bright idea or just get someone accusing another team of doing this. But at least it was good for a chuckle this morning


Yeah, I remember playing in the St. Mary's Pigskin Turkey bowl as a 12 year old (1986) and the Cardinals team we were playing didn't have their starting QB because he wrecked his car the night before (He was 16). I remember chasing a TE out of bounds, he ran around the chain crew right in front of the side judge, then came back in bounds and continued for a TD. The officials let them have the TD. I stood in disbelief. The place erupted into a riot and the ref's had to flee before they got lynched. Players on our Redskins team were crying (12 year olds!) because it was so crooked.

Brings back many fond memories...:killingme


New Member

How do you stack a Pee Wee Team? You guys are so funny. I will give you a little info. Most of the kids on the Raiders Black were new comers. There were probably 3-4 kids that played Flag Football with the coach for a couple of years that moved up with him and thats it. Now, lets look at the registration process. My form said that if you wanted to go with a certain coach that your kid was familiar with, to put that coaches name down and your son or daughter would be on that team. Then certain parents and coaches get together and form a team. Some put together a better team then others. That's not stacking.

When my kid started playing 4 years ago with "Pig Skin" he was placed on a team with all new players. The first 2 years of Football his teams were 0-20. Then came the Pax River Raiders. My son was so happy because he finally won a game.The Raiders organization has done a better job of placing kids on different teams. Most teams can compete. I will also add that the SMYFL MAY HAVE not faced the same level of competition as the Raiders. Due to the fact we played in Calvert County last year. Calvert County has mutiple teams with excellent players. The also have more kids to form several teams and the are all usually very good. Lets move on, the kid was weighed and passed. Lets not forget its for the kids, not some over the hill parents trying live re-live football through their kids.


Yeah, I remember playing in the St. Mary's Pigskin Turkey bowl as a 12 year old (1986) and the Cardinals team we were playing didn't have their starting QB because he wrecked his car the night before (He was 16). I remember chasing a TE out of bounds, he ran around the chain crew right in front of the side judge, then came back in bounds and continued for a TD. The officials let them have the TD. I stood in disbelief. The place erupted into a riot and the ref's had to flee before they got lynched. Players on our Redskins team were crying (12 year olds!) because it was so crooked.



They call me ... Sarcasmo
Ahhh, fall is here. The shorter days, cooler temps and turning leaves but let's not forget the most important sign of fall in Southern Maryland ... the yearly pissing contest that is pigskin/youth football.

Shall we start new threads for a new season or just not the skin off the turds that are least season's threads?


New Member
I would just like to say that the letter shows what great leadership St. Mary’s County will have when Arthur Shepherd gets elected commissioner. Here is a department under his control that is a complete mess by admission of his own staff.

Hey Arthur....where is the consensus building platform that you are running on? I can honestly say that this year is worse than any of my previous with Pigskin.

I have a recommendation……let Pigskin serve as the league administrator and have RecNParks step aside since they have exceeded everyone’s expectations in terms of incompetence!!!


Ahhh, fall is here. The shorter days, cooler temps and turning leaves but let's not forget the most important sign of fall in Southern Maryland ... the yearly pissing contest that is pigskin/youth football.

Shall we start new threads for a new season or just not the skin off the turds that are least season's threads?



New Member

yah thet, we just laugh at all you dums a__es that thoguht thear was something beter then pigskin the last laugh is the best!!!


Obama destroyed America
yah thet, we just laugh at all you dums a__es that thoguht thear was something beter then pigskin the last laugh is the best!!!
Did you really attempt to call someone dumb in a post that looks like it was written by a first grader? :killingme