Letter sent to Phil Rollins and Authur Shepherd


New Member
Pig skin

I just loved the Pigskin league under Don Kemp, I had 3 children in Football, I was told that each kid had to sell 3 Pizza for a fund raiser or they would be suspended for 2 games. Lets see 3 pizza's x 3 kids = 9 pizza's at $20.00 a kit.
( cheap nasty pizza that cost him $1.02) um last time I checked that was a $180.00. Needless to say my kids were suspended. Thanks for looking out for the family DK lol lol


New Member
I would just like to say that the letter shows what great leadership St. Mary’s County will have when Arthur Shepherd gets elected commissioner. Here is a department under his control that is a complete mess by admission of his own staff.

Hey Arthur....where is the consensus building platform that you are running on? I can honestly say that this year is worse than any of my previous with Pigskin.

I have a recommendation……let Pigskin serve as the league administrator and have RecNParks step aside since they have exceeded everyone’s expectations in terms of incompetence!!!

And the Hornets Football/Cheerleading club is just another prime example of REC and Parks and Art's great leadership... Go Mr. Shepherd!


What do they have to do with the Mgmt of the Hornets club?:shrug:

Duh, don't you know that the director of parks and rec is directly responsible for hoods throwing down in the parking lot of a county park after a long night at the club the night before!


New Member
Duh, don't you know that the director of parks and rec is directly responsible for hoods throwing down in the parking lot of a county park after a long night at the club the night before!
Oh sorry, I forgot. :otter:


New Member
Pigskin / Kemps Not the Solution

Amazing that the Kemps are going to stand up and say their program was better just because there are problems with this one--in its first year. Obviously, Pigskin was far worse...or else a) they'd still be around and b) they would have worked out their issues after what, 20 years? I mean, if anyone would have had a program working problem-free, it would be the program that ran for 20 years, right? Ahhhh, wrong. Their issues are why the Raiders started...and I presume that when the guys started SMYFL up, it was because they didn't want to get in on the Raiders' gig but were also fed up with Pigskin.

There were days and weeks this off-season where I thought we wouldn't have youth football in St. Mary's County this year. I think our program has MAJOR PROBLEMS this year, but I can say that I'm happy my kids have a tackle season. The only part of me that wishes I had gone over and signed up with a Calvert team is the part that hears the crazy complaints, and the absurd 'threats' of planning to not show up for games cause you already know you'll lose, citing it as a fear for safety. And even worse, I've heard rumors of physical threats against other parents and coaches, and that's just a pathetic shame.

I realize we can't all get along, and the clubs will never "like" each other, etc. And really, we don't have to like each other...and we can still have a good football program.

But can't we all establish common goals and work toward achieving them...together? Can everyone just establish some discipline for themselves and before you open your mouth, ask yourself...is what I want to say going to help the football program?

Some issues that are being brought up inappropriately, may be valid issues but will never be addressed because people just run their mouth without thinking.

The season is underway...so stop looking to change rules or how teams are set up. But if you truly care, keep a list of concerns and when the season is over, attend your club meetings and be sure that your issues are going to be addressed. Your club President should then work through the system with Rec & Parks to get the issues addressed. If you have a President that isn't open to that, then you need to elect a new President or play for a different club.

Please think of your kids, your club's kids, and your opponents...and make sure that when you start, continue, or feed drama, that it's really benefiting these kids.

And if you love complaining about youth football on these forums, then start a new forum, call it Concerns with SMC Football Program, and start documenting your concerns...without names of clubs or teams or coaches...stick to the facts (and I do mean facts...not rumors), be sure that your issue is concrete enough that there actually could be a solution, and then get all your issues together and then work them out for the future of our program.


New Member
Amazing that the Kemps are going to stand up and say their program was better just because there are problems with this one--in its first year. Obviously, Pigskin was far worse...or else a) they'd still be around and b) they would have worked out their issues after what, 20 years? I mean, if anyone would have had a program working problem-free, it would be the program that ran for 20 years, right? Ahhhh, wrong. Their issues are why the Raiders started...and I presume that when the guys started SMYFL up, it was because they didn't want to get in on the Raiders' gig but were also fed up with Pigskin.

There were days and weeks this off-season where I thought we wouldn't have youth football in St. Mary's County this year. I think our program has MAJOR PROBLEMS this year, but I can say that I'm happy my kids have a tackle season. The only part of me that wishes I had gone over and signed up with a Calvert team is the part that hears the crazy complaints, and the absurd 'threats' of planning to not show up for games cause you already know you'll lose, citing it as a fear for safety. And even worse, I've heard rumors of physical threats against other parents and coaches, and that's just a pathetic shame.

I realize we can't all get along, and the clubs will never "like" each other, etc. And really, we don't have to like each other...and we can still have a good football program.

But can't we all establish common goals and work toward achieving them...together? Can everyone just establish some discipline for themselves and before you open your mouth, ask yourself...is what I want to say going to help the football program?

Some issues that are being brought up inappropriately, may be valid issues but will never be addressed because people just run their mouth without thinking.

The season is underway...so stop looking to change rules or how teams are set up. But if you truly care, keep a list of concerns and when the season is over, attend your club meetings and be sure that your issues are going to be addressed. Your club President should then work through the system with Rec & Parks to get the issues addressed. If you have a President that isn't open to that, then you need to elect a new President or play for a different club.

Please think of your kids, your club's kids, and your opponents...and make sure that when you start, continue, or feed drama, that it's really benefiting these kids.

And if you love complaining about youth football on these forums, then start a new forum, call it Concerns with SMC Football Program, and start documenting your concerns...without names of clubs or teams or coaches...stick to the facts (and I do mean facts...not rumors), be sure that your issue is concrete enough that there actually could be a solution, and then get all your issues together and then work them out for the future of our program.
This is one of the best posts I've read on here regarding youth football. Bravo! :buddies:


New Member
This is one of the best posts I've read on here regarding youth football. Bravo! :buddies:

This was my favorite:

Do you seriously think that this county can run or mediate football here. I have lived her all my life and the group that runs Parks and Recs is and always will be a joke. The good ole boy system in working order. Thats why the fields look the way they do cause they are county maintained. As long as they get there paycheck they could care less. Those guys couldn't run a striaght line for ten feet without stopping and asking for directions. An dont say aw they are good guys you are being to harsh. No I am not thats the problem, nobody has been harsh enough and they need to start with clearing out the trash at P&R first and hire some people that will make a difference. Get rid of the commissoners and get people who care for all sports in this county and the kids that play them not just softball and chancellors park. I am for that an making the places we play at nice for our kids lets start there.


Active Member
Why the sudden apology? Could it be someone is concerned about losing votes in the upcoming election? :eyebrow:


why so serious

Mostly for the fact that the letter was posted here without the letter writer's knowledge or permission.
There is a link to the letter above.


New Member
Why the sudden apology? Could it be someone is concerned about losing votes in the upcoming election? :eyebrow:
Mike Paust is running for office now?

Seriously though folks, there is always someone looking to sling mud isn't there?