Lies, Damn Lies, and Democratic Operatives


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Democrats Really Have a Problem With Jews

As the antisemitic riots were taking place a block and a half from the Capitol, Border Czar Kamala Harris could have electrified the country by summoning up her own version of a Sister Souljah moment and denounce the violence, renounce the Jew hatred in her Democratic base, and ask the country to rally around common values.

Border Czar Kamala Harris didn't do any of that. She demonstrated that her political instincts are exactly where they were in 2019 when she dropped out of the Democratic presidential primary weeks before the Iowa Caucus started doling out delegates - completely tone deaf.

As an afterthought, a private meeting between Border Czar Harris and Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has been scheduled at the White House later today, but at least the Border Czar Harris campaign won't have to worry about a lot of video leaking out of her standing behind Bibi and applauding. Any imagery that comes out of that meeting will be greatly sanitize for her electoral protection.

The optics all around Washington, D.C. Wednesday were absolutely horrible for the Democratic Party. As Bibi was walking down the aisle to the well of the House to give what turned out to be an absolute baller of a speech, he passed right by Senate Majority Leader, Chuck Schumer. Keep in mind, Schumer is Jewish. But that's secondary these days to his political ideology and desire to stay on the right side of his growing antisemitic base. Schumer would not even give the courtesy of shaking the hand of the leader of America's most strategic ally in the Middle East.


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The Justice Department agreed to pay former FBI special agent Peter Strzok a $1.2 settlement over the release of his anti-Trump text messages.

Peter Strzok sued the DOJ for ‘unlawfully disclosing’ his text messages to his paramour Lisa Page.

Strzok and Lisa Page discussed an “insurance policy” to keep Trump out of office.

“I want to believe the path you threw out for consideration in Andy’s office…that there’s no way [Trump] gets elected…but I’m afraid we can’t take that risk,” Strzok text messaged to Page in an Aug. 15, 2016 exchange, referring to Andrew McCabe.

“It’s like an insurance policy in the unlikely event you die before you’re 40,” Strzok added.

Other profanity-laced text messages between Strzok and Page showed their contempt for Donald Trump.

Peter Strzok also said in a text message to Lisa Page “we’ll stop” Trump from becoming President.

Strzok was fired from the FBI in 2018 for violating bureau policies after he launched the ‘Crossfire Hurricane‘ Trump-Russia probe in July 2016.

The only thing Strzok should be getting is a jail sentence
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Virginia Democrat Councilman Charged With Election Fraud, Illegal Voting

Police arrested a Virginia Democrat this week on felony charges of election and voter fraud.

Blacksburg Town Councilman Liam Watson, a 24-year-old Democrat operative, allegedly committed three counts of election fraud and one count of illegal voting in an election in August 2023, according to online court records. The Montgomery County grand jury “handed up” the charges on Tuesday, and Watson turned himself in to the Virginia State Police (VSP) on Wednesday, according to VSP Public Relations Director Corinne Geller.

“The United States Postal Inspection Service assisted the Virginia State Police Bureau of Criminal Investigation with this matter,” Geller said in an email. “The investigation remains ongoing.”

Watson allegedly “feloniously and intentionally” made false statements or entries last year on his Virginia voter registration application, on a statement of organization candidate committee, and on a declaration of candidacy form, according to indictments obtained by The Federalist. He also allegedly “feloniously and intentionally” voted in an election in which “he was not qualified to vote.”


Just sneakin' around....

Virginia Democrat Councilman Charged With Election Fraud, Illegal Voting

Police arrested a Virginia Democrat this week on felony charges of election and voter fraud.

Blacksburg Town Councilman Liam Watson, a 24-year-old Democrat operative, allegedly committed three counts of election fraud and one count of illegal voting in an election in August 2023, according to online court records. The Montgomery County grand jury “handed up” the charges on Tuesday, and Watson turned himself in to the Virginia State Police (VSP) on Wednesday, according to VSP Public Relations Director Corinne Geller.

“The United States Postal Inspection Service assisted the Virginia State Police Bureau of Criminal Investigation with this matter,” Geller said in an email. “The investigation remains ongoing.”

Watson allegedly “feloniously and intentionally” made false statements or entries last year on his Virginia voter registration application, on a statement of organization candidate committee, and on a declaration of candidacy form, according to indictments obtained by The Federalist. He also allegedly “feloniously and intentionally” voted in an election in which “he was not qualified to vote.”
All of those quoted segments makes me think the author was very biased and sarcastic.


PREMO Member

A bogeyman is born​

The gatekeepers-turned-destroyers cited Trump as the justification for giving themselves license to abolish limits on their own words and actions.

Claiming he would smash norms, they smashed norms.

And they haven’t stopped.

It’s as if they’ve adopted as a motto an infamous military line from the Vietnam War: We had to destroy the village to save it.

To the Trump haters, he is so uniquely bad and dangerous that any means necessary to stop him is acceptable.

Would-be assassin Thomas Crooks certainly got that message.

And so did the renegade media outlets that claimed Trump wasn’t actually hit with a bullet and that his ear bandage was all theater.

Once again, the tech companies did their underhanded part to distort public opinion.

Search engines at Google and Meta have been caught suppressing the facts and photos that don’t fit their politics.

Meta’s AI assistant went so far as to claim the attempt to murder Trump was “fictional,” according to The Post’s sensational Tuesday report.

Anybody who still doesn’t believe in Trump Derangement Syndrome and its destructive effects isn’t paying attention.

Consider the action of the Dem prosecutors who rewrote national history by using law enforcement and the courts to charge and try a former president.

It’s the stuff of banana republics, but they haven’t stopped even though he is now the opposition party’s presidential candidate.

Fearful he’ll win, they’re still trying to get one more trial in before the election.

Trump is no angel, but are there no limits to their jihad against him?

For my money, the gates to this particular hell were thrown open in the late summer of 2016 when The New York Times decided to abandon its legendary standards of fairness to make sure Trump didn’t win the White House.

The wheels started turning after the newspaper’s media writer, Jim Rutenberg, began a column with this question: “If you’re a working journalist and you believe that Donald J. Trump is a demagogue playing to the nation’s worst racist and nationalistic tendencies, that he cozies up to anti-American dictators and that he would be dangerous with control of the United States nuclear codes, how the heck are you supposed to cover him?”



PREMO Member

What singularly characterizes the left? Contempt!

By Patricia McCarthy

President Trump was invited by the Black Journalists of America to be a guest at a debate or conversation with his opponent.

But no opponent showed up; it was a set-up … that’s what the left does.

ABC’s Rachel Scott submarined the former president right off the bat. She was arrogant, rude, and so unserious. She was just a hit-person, disrespectful and oozing contempt. Like the rest of the left, she didn't play fair. But, no matter, Trump can handle himself with far more aplomb and respect for his interrogators than those on the left ever do.

Harris Faulkner is one of the fine exceptions to the rule. She is the real deal, an actual journalist. Rachel Scott? Not so much. She was so very concerned to hear from Trump, “Was Kamala Harris a DEI hire?” Of course, she was. Biden made that abundantly clear at the time. He pledged to appoint a black woman. Someone had a “binder” and Kamala Harris was the lucky hire because she filled the bill.

Yes, she was appointed because she is nominally black but not African-American. She is Indian-Jamaican. She has zero experience as an African-American person because she is not African-American. She hails from Berkeley, California, and the part of her childhood that wasn't there was spent in Montreal, Canada. She ran for the public offices she eventually held in California as an Indian-American.

Only after becoming Biden’s DEI hire did she suddenly identify as black.
Pity the American blacks who fall for her pretensions that she cares a bit about them. She does not. Of that, you can be sure. Just ask the young black men she threw into prison for petty offenses and kept there beyond their terms in order to have their captive labor to fight wildfires.

Those of us in California are meant to forget what we know to be true, that she is a woman without any core beliefs beyond her ambition to power.

She got every job, and every promotion to higher office she eventually got, thanks to patronage from a powerful man and her submission to such men. She was a terrible, craven, politicized district attorney. Before she became pro-criminal, she put thousands of black men in prison for marijuana possession!

She dropped cases her donors found inconvenient including numerous sex abuse cases involving priests. The San Francisco Catholic Church had donated generously to her campaign.

She also dismissed cases against her husband’s clients.

She is nothing more than a tool of the left and/or whoever pays the big bucks.
That she is a candidate for the president of the U.S. is an affront, an assault, and an insult to all patriotic Americans whose family members have sacrificed their lives for generations to keep America a free and democratic republic.

As a vice presidential candidate, she raised money to bail out countless rioters who committed all manner of crimes during the George Floyd riots that she wholeheartedly supported. That cash she raised bailed out criminals who went on to commit more serious crimes with impunity.

ABC’s Rachel Scott is hardly unique or special. She is just another anti-white racist like Joy Reid, the women of The View, Rachel Maddow, Whoopi Goldberg in her current incarnation, etc., women hired to incite racial rage.

Racial rage sells.

The media is chock full of such women (and men) white and black, who believe their path to fame and power is full-scale anti-white sentiment.


PREMO Member

Violent leftist hate has been ignored for too long — new map calls it out

The bullet that whizzed through the ear of former President Donald Trump in Butler, Penn., on July 13 was fired by a shooter with apparently leftist sympathies.

The man who opened fire on Republicans practicing for the Congressional baseball game and nearly took House Majority Leader Steve Scalise’s life in 2017 campaigned for Democratic Sen. Bernie Sanders.

The transgender perpetrator of the 2023 Nashville school shooting, who murdered three 9-year-olds and three adults at the Presbyterian Covenant School, held a deep hatred for Christianity and said she would “kill” to get puberty blockers.

These aren’t one-off events.



PREMO Member
Promoting False, Leftist Narratives

“By the time the article was published, Wojcicki—now infamous for her farreaching censorship policies—had already been caught targeting pro-life groups, demonetizing journalists critical of the left, and systematically removing Republican campaign ads,” reported the MRC.

Ding Dong The Bitch is Dead ... may she burn in Hell for all Eternity
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PREMO Member

Democrats Greenlight Campus Zionist Purge By Passing Over Shapiro

He was called “Genocide Josh” by detractors who launched a website and social media campaign to scuttle a Shapiro pick. Influential groups like the Democratic Socialists of America started organizing against him on the grounds that “Governor Shapiro is an outspoken supporter of the Zionist project in Palestine.”

The anti-Zionist purge of Shapiro took on distinctly antisemitic undertones. As Democrat activist and commentator Van Jones said on CNN: “But you also have anti-Semitism that has gotten marbled into this party…. How much of what just happened is caving in to some of these darker parts in the party?”

Shapiro tried to walk back his pro-Israel position, but it came across as groveling. To try to appease the baying mob, Shapiro did what many Jewish students on campuses feel compelled to do, to run from their deeply held beliefs.

But it was too late. Tim Walz, the far-left Governor of Minnesota, was substituted for Shapiro on the ticket in a last-minute decision. DSA claimed credit, and anti-Israel Democrats were ecstatic.


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Florida Rep. Anna Paulina Luna speaks out after years-old footage of MAGA swimsuit goes viral

Florida Republican Rep. Anna Paulina Luna responded to years-old footage of the Donald Trump-backing lawmaker dancing in a MAGA-themed swimsuit that resurfaced Wednesday.

The 35-year-old pol sported the suit in a 2016 video to show her support for Trump before she began serving in the House of Representatives at the start of last year.

Luna leaned into the social media stir while she blamed liberals for the unearthed images in a series of tweets.
“The left is attempting to make this a thing yet can’t define a woman. Very low IQ behavior. Get over it.”
“I’m confirming that I have indeed worn swimsuits and you can tell I am biologically a woman,” she snarked on X with the hashtag “MAGA.”

r/AnnaPaulina - Bikini photoshoot



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PREMO Member

Florida Rep. Anna Paulina Luna speaks out after years-old footage of MAGA swimsuit goes viral

Florida Republican Rep. Anna Paulina Luna responded to years-old footage of the Donald Trump-backing lawmaker dancing in a MAGA-themed swimsuit that resurfaced Wednesday.

The 35-year-old pol sported the suit in a 2016 video to show her support for Trump before she began serving in the House of Representatives at the start of last year.

Luna leaned into the social media stir while she blamed liberals for the unearthed images in a series of tweets.
“The left is attempting to make this a thing yet can’t define a woman. Very low IQ behavior. Get over it.”
“I’m confirming that I have indeed worn swimsuits and you can tell I am biologically a woman,” she snarked on X with the hashtag “MAGA.”

r/AnnaPaulina - Bikini photoshoot
