Lies, Damn Lies, and Democratic Operatives


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Harris Allies Seethe as ‘White’ Democrats Dominate Biden Replacement Talk

Politico reported the sour feelings within Harris’s camp as Govs. Gavin Newsom (D-CA) and Gretchen Whitmer (D-MI) have been at the forefront of media speculation as to who could potentially replace Biden at the top of the ticket if Biden were actually to step aside.

The article points to Govs. J.B. Pritzker (D-IL) and Josh Shapiro (D-PA) as other politicians mentioned as potential alternatives to Biden.

Behind the scenes, Harris allies are “expressing frustration that her name is not being mentioned in the same company as other ambitious Democrats,” wrote Politico’s Eugene Daniels, Jennifer Haberkorn, and Myah Ward. One source charged it is “offensive.”

“The fact that people keep coming back to this is so offensive to so many of us,” one Harris ally told the outlet. “They still don’t get that the message you’re saying to people, to this Democratic Party, is, we prefer a white person.”

“If they think they are going to get through South Carolina bashing an effective and qualified Black woman vice president — their instincts are as bad as I thought they were,” added a second source.


PREMO Member

Dems circle wagons after Biden debate disaster by telling lies new and same-old

Think about that: The president’s loved ones see him as a sock puppet repeating what he’s been told to say; the problem is only that they programmed him wrong.

But it wasn’t a “bad night”; he wasn’t over- or under-prepared: He was sundowning.

Biden’s handlers and media enablers insisted for a year-plus that Biden was totally and utterly fine (“sharp as a tack” was the endlessly repeated theme), that any suggestion to the contrary amounted to disinformation — and they’re still pitching the same tired lies.

But the race has fundamentally changed.

Biden, seeking to retain the most powerful political office in the world, fell apart in front of an expectant nation.

It wasn’t one “bad night” — it was the worst night in a string of increasingly humiliating nights. . . and days, and mornings, and afternoons and teatimes.

His own staffers told Axios he’s now only reliable between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m. How short will the window be in six months? 12?

The president is falling deeper and deeper into confusion: That’s why the administration won’t release the audio of his hours talking with special prosecutor Robert Hur last October.

Nor can it be anyone else’s fault: Joe Biden has been debating for half a century.


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Biden Family Blame Anita Dunn, Bob Bauer and Ron Klain for Joe Biden Debate Performance​

July 1, 2024 | Sundance | 561 Comments

The wheels on the bus go thump, thump, thump…. just ask the three debate officials who are now being blamed for the disastrous performance by Joe Biden in Atlanta last week.

According to several sources who have talked to Politico, the Biden family are naming top Biden advisor Anita Dunn, her CIA husband Bob Bauer and top advisor Ron Klain for horrible debate preparation. The three senior staff advisors have been a part of the Biden/Obama orbit for many years. Jill Biden and the rest of the family are pointing the finger directly at them.


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Woke New Yorkers whine about 4th of July saying America 'doesn't deserve a birthday party' - but newcomers have a different view

Patriotism among liberals is extremely low, with recent polling from Gallup showing just 34 percent of Democrats are extremely proud to be American.

Meanwhile, the FBI and Homeland Security issued a warning to those who do intend to celebrate the holiday of possible lone wolf 'attacks' by extremist groups, cautioning that large crowds are often seen as 'attractive targets.'

On the eve of the holiday, took to the streets of New York to ask young liberals how patriotic they are this 4th of July.

'I saw a meme the other day that was like 'America does not deserve a birthday party,' and I feel like that kind of encapsulates how I feel a little bit about the 4th of July,' said Denise Parker, 34, Wellness Director at a high school.


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Dem Rep Compares Biden to Jesus

When you think of President Joe Biden these days, who does he remind you of? You might invoke your impression of an elderly relative who is similarly struggling with cognitive issues. The less charitable among us might make a reference to Elmer Fudd or some other frequently befuddled character. But that's not the view that Democratic Congressman Don Beyer of Virginia holds. While introducing Biden at a fundraiser earlier this week, Beyer compared the President to none other than Jesus Christ. This was a case of setting the bar very high, to say the least. But what is it about Joe Biden that reminds Beyer of the Savior so much? Apparently it's his ability to endure hardship and suffering. A Beyer spokesperson later attempted to deny that his boss was drawing such a comparison, but a transcript of the remarks leaves little doubt as to what he was saying. (Free Beacon)

Embattled president Joe Biden has had a rough life, much like Jesus Christ, according to a House Democratic ally of the president.
Rep. Don Beyer (D., Va.) invoked the crucifixion of Jesus during introductory remarks at a McLean, Va., fundraiser, one of the president’s first appearances since a disastrous debate performance last week. "He died to demonstrate the universality of human suffering—that suffering was not the end," Beyer said of Jesus. "We each endure tragedies in our lives and hardships and suffering."
"But few had to endure more than this man," Beyer said of Biden, according to a White House press pool recording of the event. "Losing his wife, losing his daughter, and losing his son. The vicissitudes of American politics."

I had long believed that comparing anyone to Jesus Christ was something of a non-starter, but the rules have apparently changed in the 21st century. Such a comparison seems particularly inappropriate in this instance, however. I don't claim to be a Biblical scholar of any sort, but I've read the New Testament a couple of times. I don't recall Jesus being famous for telling blatant lies every time He addressed the masses. He was also famously opposed to persecuting His enemies. And He clearly wasn't noted for being confused, inarticulate, or stumbling around aimlessly.


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Democrats MELTDOWN Crying RACISM Over News Outlet Warning Kamala Harris May Be First DEI President!​



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MSNBC PULLED Morning Joe, Liberals FURIOUS They Can't Advocate For Trump Assassination Anymore​



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The Left Fear-Mongers Over Vance’s Tolkien Influence

Immediately in the wake of the announcement at the Republican National Convention that JD Vance is Donald Trump’s pick for running mate, the leftist media predictably launched a fear-mongering campaign to demonize the young populist. The politics of personal destruction – it’s their go-to strategy, rather than addressing the issues. And one of the first scary red flags they warned about is the influence on the future Vice President of Lord of the Rings author JRR Tolkien.

On Tuesday, MSNBC mainstay propagandist Rachel Maddow suggested that Vance and “his mentor,” venture capitalist Peter Thiel, were both inspired by “alt-right” and “Aryan” messaging in Tolkien’s vastly popular fantasy epic. Maddow stated,

Like Mr. Thiel, who has named his companies after things in The Lord of the Rings series of J.R.R. Tolkien books. Lord of the Rings is a, sort of, a favorite cosmos for naming things and cultural references for a lot of far-right and alt-right figures within Europe and the United States. Peter Thiel names things after Tolkien figures and places like his company, Palantir, for example.


Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member

On Tuesday, MSNBC mainstay propagandist Rachel Maddow suggested that Vance and “his mentor,” venture capitalist Peter Thiel, were both inspired by “alt-right” and “Aryan” messaging in Tolkien’s vastly popular fantasy epic. Maddow stated,

That #### gets crazier every ####ing day.