Little Bastages!



Originally posted by laureng
Oh lord, hehe!! I've only had it at Aldridge, and this time it'll be going to the dealership in Laurel where I live since it's the closest. I have about 60K on mine, so it's not like it should be falling apart yet. And I do all of the regular maintenance, etc...


I wish you the best of luck girlygirl.....mine will be back at the dealer tomorrow so they can fix the newest issue since they touched it......the "check engine" light came on after I left there Saturday.

I'm getting fairly tired of chewing managers a$$es. :burning:


Be about it
Thanks, JH. If I can at least (FINGERS CROSSED) get it to start and run long enough to get it to the dealership I'll be happy. If I have to get it towed that's going really p*ss me off!


Football season!
Originally posted by justhangn
With the exception of that dastardly carpet. :lmao: Of course I’m just yanking your chain, but I can’t see paying that much for a Toyota called Lexus.

Big difference there. Drive a camry and drive a entry level lexus. A lot of differences, though some might not be so obvious. Noise reduction, softer ride, then you have all the little gadgets. Then you start going up in the lexus line and things are very nice.

I guess a ford pinto is the same as lincoln LS because they are both owned by ford?

But on the same note. I was at a dealer awhile back and heard this guy saying he wanted a lexus without leather seats, without all of these other things because he wanted to price down. The salesman showed him a camry (or maybe it was an avalon) instead.


Football season!
Originally posted by Kyle
Who's replacing things on domestics? :confused: Only lemons I know of are imports labeled as domestics. :lol:

But I do have to wonder how many toyotas and Hondas, on average, actually make it to 200k, 300k or 400k miles? :wink:

well, most who own foreign don't keep the car that long :biggrin:

But I knew plenty of kids in school who drove accords, preludes, integras, camrys with 150K plus miles on them and ran great. And being kid owned, you know the only mainentance they got was gas every week and MAYBE an oil change once a year.


Football season!
Originally posted by Kyle
I hear SmallTown is buying a Peugeot!

Get your head out of your a$$ and maybe you'll hear better! :biggrin:

I drive a toyota, but looking for something new. thinking about a car like pixie's.

People say foreign cars are bad because they cost so much to fix. People only worry about that when the car is in the shop all the time, which in my experience has not been the case with toyota and honda.

But I thought about Catt the other day (yes, not all my thoughts about people on here are negative!) when I was going for a walk and a guy was in his driveway polishing up his Vette. I'm not a big Vette fan, but it did look pretty sweet!


Be about it
Originally posted by laureng
Thanks, JH. If I can at least (FINGERS CROSSED) get it to start and run long enough to get it to the dealership I'll be happy. If I have to get it towed that's going really p*ss me off!

WooooHoooo, we got it started and it's been dropped off at the dealer. We stopped by Autozone first b/c they'll look at it for free - battery is good, and they say it's the starter. I'll wait to hear from the dealership tomorrow, what a royal pain in the arse - but at least we didn't have to get the sucker towed!


New Member
Get a PO box for a few months and fill your mailbox with cement.

After a couple of sprained wrists/elbows, the mail bashing should subside. It worked for my grandmother in the Poconos.

She hasn't hit a mailbox in years! :biggrin:

Another idea, make a fake one out of some thin plexi glass and fill it with ink/dye. Easy to track them down.

maybe just some glass viles glued or taped to your existiing mailbox with paint/ink/dye or brake fluid in them? (the brake fluid will remove the paint from the car)

get creative CAN get them back.


I have my mailbox in the middle of a cluster of mailboxes. I'm safe. :cool:


Originally posted by laureng
WooooHoooo, we got it started and it's been dropped off at the dealer. We stopped by Autozone first b/c they'll look at it for free - battery is good, and they say it's the starter. I'll wait to hear from the dealership tomorrow, what a royal pain in the arse - but at least we didn't have to get the sucker towed!

Excellent!!!! :smile:

I got mine looked at and it's a PCV and fume/fuel release issue. Back yet again next week to get worked on. :frown:

At least the first 98,000 miles were trouble free. :lmao:


Active Member
One time some punks were totally destroying my grandma's mailbox everyday. They put smoke bombs and dead birds in it and smashed it with sticks and hammers. My grandma got so mad she tooks some matters in her own hands. She made some device that blowed up and put it in the mailbox. When them kids hit it they totally got it. One kid lost two fingers and the other one got some schrapnel in his eye. Both of them missed almost all of second grade. The police said my grandma shouldn't do that at all and she spent 30 days in jail. It also knocked a hole in the wall and damaged the front porch when it blowed up. I would say don't try this or you might regret it.