Live streaming from African watering hole.


Set Trippin
Bustem' Down said:
I'm fricken mezmerized by this website. :lmao:

There was a Giraffe on earlier this morning.
No crap... Notice how fast he is breathing... And he is layin there chillin...:confused:
Nanny Pam said:
Is that a pig?

This is a great site. :yay:
I come here several times a day just to check it out.

Warthog. Me too! There were two Impalas there earlier. They're cool. I saw a wildebeest last night. He was huge.

Nanny Pam

Well since it's just after 2:00 in Africa, he probably likes his wet mud hole. I bet he feels good in there.
Bustem' Down said:
It might be hot there. :shrug:
Indeed it is.
Summer brings the welcome rains. Mid October until end February. Young are born soon after the first rains. Can get very hot.
Temp: 20 deg C at night to a midday high of 35 deg C. (95F)
March to April.
Temp: 15 deg C at night to a midday high of 30 deg C.