living together/kid

New Member
my better half and I are moving in together in the next month or so....and my teen-ager is not too pleased with the idea. Any ideas on how to make it a smooth transition for all of us?


wandering aimlessly
How old is the teenager?
How long has he been the "man of the house"?
What is the relationship like between your beau and your boy?

New Member
bresamil said:
How old is the teenager?
How long has he been the "man of the house"?
What is the relationship like between your beau and your boy?

I have been a single mom since he was 12 - now 19. Their relationship is cordial, they both love me and that is about the extent of it.....


Set Trippin said:
I have been a single mom since he was 12 - now 19. Their relationship is cordial, they both love me and that is about the extent of it.....

You can do whatever you wanna do.....


American Beauty
PREMO Member said:
I have been a single mom since he was 12 - now 19. Their relationship is cordial, they both love me and that is about the extent of it.....

Why is 19 y/o still living at home?

New Member
mainman said:
And why the need to "shack up" as Dr. Laura would say? :drama:

we have been together for about 7 yrs or so now., divorce for either one of us is not an option right now.....


Set Trippin said:
we have been together for about 7 yrs or so now., divorce for either one of us is not an option right now.....
Not that it really matters all that much, but what are his objections?


New Member said:
we have been together for about 7 yrs or so now., divorce for either one of us is not an option right now.....
Maybe that's why the kid is pissed. You and the guy are still married, to other people.

WTF is wrong with you?

New Member
Nickel said:
:yeathat: If he doesn't like it, he knows where the door is. :shrug:

We have been waiting for him to make a decision as to what he wants to do with his life - didn't want him to feel like he was being kicked out....we/he have been thru so much already - but I am tired of putting my life on hold, so to speak.....


wandering aimlessly said:
I have been a single mom since he was 12 - now 19. Their relationship is cordial, they both love me and that is about the extent of it.....
May be territorial. If you've been together a long time maybe he just sees something you don't and is worried about you (whether the worry is justified or not.)


American Beauty
PREMO Member said:
we have been together for about 7 yrs or so now., divorce for either one of us is not an option right now.....

So your s/o has been in the picture since boy was 12. Right after you and ex split up? Perhaps that explains the resentment on your sons part.

New Member
slotted said:
Maybe that's why the kid is pissed. You and the guy are still married, to other people.

WTF is wrong with you?

spouse has cancer and no medical insurance except thru my job.....

New Member
RoseRed said:
So your s/o has been in the picture since boy was 12. Right after you and ex split up? Perhaps that explains the resentment on your sons part.

only romanticly for the past couple of years - before that just best friends.....


American Beauty
PREMO Member said:
spouse has cancer and no medical insurance except thru my job.....

Maybe son thinks you should stick by his father in his time of illness.