living together/kid

New Member
slotted said:
And you are wondering why your son is upset? :bigwhoop:

Is your husband the boy's father?

yes, my husband is his dad. he was/is an alcoholic who was VERY abusive for many both of us.
Based on the info provided, your son's ill feelings about the move would carry more weight if you were still raising him. However, at 19, he should be spreading his wings by now and you offering him the comforts of home are no longer mandatory. If your beau and him can tolerate each other than your son should bite his tongue and work harder and faster to be on his own. Until than, he should be thankful he is still welcome to tag along at your expense...:shrug:


I bowl overhand said:
I have been a single mom since he was 12 - now 19. Their relationship is cordial, they both love me and that is about the extent of it.....
Call the Army Recruiter, he'll solve all your problems..


American Beauty
PREMO Member
mainman said:
I think it's pretty damn big of her to keep him on her insurance...

Granted. But if my spouse was abusive towards me for years, I would cut him loose. Why do him any favors. JMO.


New Member
Why not ask your son why he isn't pleased with it. WTH do we (a bunch of people on the internet) know?

Find out what the problem is and work it out with your son and the man who you're committing adultry with. :rolleyes:

New Member
mainman said:
I think it's pretty damn big of her to keep him on her insurance...
Thanks -- I have tried to do the right things no matter what has happened in the past between us. I have been struggling for a long time because of all of this....


Set Trippin
RoseRed said:
Granted. But if my spouse was abusive towards me for years, I would cut him loose. Why do him any favors. JMO.
I gave mine a year on my insurance... Than promptly dismissed her ass... :alaparkinglotwildewood:


slotted said:
Why not ask your son why he isn't pleased with it. WTH do we (a bunch of people on the internet) know?

Find out what the problem is and work it out with your son and the man who you're committing adultry with. :rolleyes:
You sound....uh.........uh......."preachy".


New Member said:
Thanks -- I have tried to do the right things no matter what has happened in the past between us. I have been struggling for a long time because of all of this....
You're just one big bag of drama aren't you? :huggy:


New Member
mainman said:
I think it's pretty damn big of her to keep him on her insurance...
She is putting her life on hold for her son, keeping his father's,the abusive alcoholic, health insurance, therefore not able to get divorced.....


wandering aimlessly
Given what you've said and not knowing any of you personally, the situation could be any of the following:
1. Boy is wondering where he fits into this new arrangement.
2. Boy is has harbored secret hopes of reconcilliation with Dad - yeah I know he's 19 but believe me there are much older people who think that way.
3. Boy is concerned "free ride" is over.
Not knowing which one is correct, I'm not sure what advice to offer.

New Member
slotted said:
Why not ask your son why he isn't pleased with it. WTH do we (a bunch of people on the internet) know?

Find out what the problem is and work it out with your son and the man who you're committing adultry with. :rolleyes:

I have asked and he doesn't want to talk about it. He says it won't change anything so why talk?
Sometimes it can be helpful to get fresh opinions that are not biased by family/friendship ties, that is why I thought I would throw it out there for discussion....
Adultry is a pretty harsh word.


mainman said:
I gave mine a year on my insurance... Than promptly dismissed her ass... :alaparkinglotwildewood:
I saw it, not the ugliest I have ever seen but it was ugly. :lmao:


I wanna be a SMIB said:
Thanks -- I have tried to do the right things no matter what has happened in the past between us. I have been struggling for a long time because of all of this....

Keeping the ex on your insurance during his illness is very good of you...but the boy needs to grow up and realize that you have a new life and get on with his. If he keeps up with this behavior, just remember it for when hes in love and make his relationship miserable like hes doing to you.