My son is going through this now, he wants his hair long (it's in the scruffy stages) I think it's cute and don't mind aslong as it is kept clean and neat. However his because it isn't grown out yet is aweful looking but I am trying to deal with it. So anyway my question is How long does it take to grow his hair that long?
When I had hair, I had it about that long. And neither my mother nor I gave a flying fork what anybody thought about it. They give you any lip, give me their name, a picture, shoe size and body of water closest to where they live. I'll handle it.
I'm a military haircut momma..... one of my strictest rules.
Well, it did take a little while. I was so tempted to trim it but doing so would have resulted in a mullet.It didn't take THAT long though. Maybe 4-6 months to get out of that stage.
Both of my sons have long hair and my oldest once contemplated growing dreads. Personally, I prefer men with long hair so I obviously don't see a problem with it. Ignore the stares from everyone else. The way I see it parents have better battles to pick with their children then the length of their hair. :shrug:
Here's a couple from the in between stage.
I'm a military haircut momma..... one of my strictest rules.
I automaticaly assume they're girls.
Same here.
Same here.
Most people can tell it's a boy due to his dress, voice, actions etc.
Every now and again someone will say for example, "Does she like so and so..." or "How old is she?" I laugh and say "He is 10." Usually it's someone old.Most people can tell it's a boy due to his dress, voice, actions etc.
Being in high school back in the early 70's, 80% of the guys had long hair. :shrug: No big deal.
What? That's not good?