Free to Fly
He sounds very comfortable with who he is, Camily. He's cute as he can be. Let his hair go for awhile. Anyway, he's into wrestling so if kids mouth off he can just...no, I guess that's not good advice! My son and my oldest daughter are only 23 months apart and copied each other on nearly everything. When she started up dance lessons he wanted to do everything she was doing - copied every step (drove her crazy). My ex-husband went nuts because he was sure the boy would end up dressing in pink tutus and be gay for life. Well, then my son went into Karate, nice and limber from doing ballet stretches like his sister, and she followed his every Karate move so she could try & beat the tar outta him! He is not gay and she is not lesbian/butch! Kids just want to express thmselves or be like their friends sometimes. Let him enjoy himself!