Long hair on boys


Free to Fly
He sounds very comfortable with who he is, Camily. He's cute as he can be. Let his hair go for awhile. Anyway, he's into wrestling so if kids mouth off he can just...no, I guess that's not good advice! My son and my oldest daughter are only 23 months apart and copied each other on nearly everything. When she started up dance lessons he wanted to do everything she was doing - copied every step (drove her crazy). My ex-husband went nuts because he was sure the boy would end up dressing in pink tutus and be gay for life. Well, then my son went into Karate, nice and limber from doing ballet stretches like his sister, and she followed his every Karate move so she could try & beat the tar outta him! He is not gay and she is not lesbian/butch! Kids just want to express thmselves or be like their friends sometimes. Let him enjoy himself!


New Member
My oldest son went from 1999 until now to cut his hair. It was almost waist-length when he went for a "trim" in November. That took it to his shoulders. He went a couple of weeks ago and donated his hair to "Locks of Love". He now has an "adult" hair cut. He will be 23 next week. My 17 year old son hasnt' cut his hair shorter than ear length since sixth grade. He had a trim his freshman year. It is now almost to his waist. He is planning on donating his hair before joining the military. Son's #2 and 4 prefer short hair. My daughter has hair almost at long as the 17 yo. My hair is to the middle of my back.

My opinion is.....clean and out of the eyes.....oh well. This too shall pass.

When your son is ready to cut his hair, please check out Locks of Love. The take the donated hair and make wigs for children who have lost their hair. Their web site is Locks of Love helps disadvantaged children suffering from medical hair loss


Well-Known Member
My oldest son went from 1999 until now to cut his hair. It was almost waist-length when he went for a "trim" in November. That took it to his shoulders. He went a couple of weeks ago and donated his hair to "Locks of Love". He now has an "adult" hair cut. He will be 23 next week. My 17 year old son hasnt' cut his hair shorter than ear length since sixth grade. He had a trim his freshman year. It is now almost to his waist. He is planning on donating his hair before joining the military. Son's #2 and 4 prefer short hair. My daughter has hair almost at long as the 17 yo. My hair is to the middle of my back.

My opinion is.....clean and out of the eyes.....oh well. This too shall pass.

When your son is ready to cut his hair, please check out Locks of Love. The take the donated hair and make wigs for children who have lost their hair. Their web site is Locks of Love helps disadvantaged children suffering from medical hair loss

I have donated 3 times in the past 4 years. :yay:


My oldest son went from 1999 until now to cut his hair. It was almost waist-length when he went for a "trim" in November. That took it to his shoulders. He went a couple of weeks ago and donated his hair to "Locks of Love". He now has an "adult" hair cut. He will be 23 next week. My 17 year old son hasnt' cut his hair shorter than ear length since sixth grade. He had a trim his freshman year. It is now almost to his waist. He is planning on donating his hair before joining the military. Son's #2 and 4 prefer short hair. My daughter has hair almost at long as the 17 yo. My hair is to the middle of my back.

My opinion is.....clean and out of the eyes.....oh well. This too shall pass.

When your son is ready to cut his hair, please check out Locks of Love. The take the donated hair and make wigs for children who have lost their hair. Their web site is Locks of Love helps disadvantaged children suffering from medical hair loss
Great idea! I'll do that.


CageKicker Extraordinaire
My oldest son went from 1999 until now to cut his hair. It was almost waist-length when he went for a "trim" in November. That took it to his shoulders. He went a couple of weeks ago and donated his hair to "Locks of Love". He now has an "adult" hair cut. He will be 23 next week. My 17 year old son hasnt' cut his hair shorter than ear length since sixth grade. He had a trim his freshman year. It is now almost to his waist. He is planning on donating his hair before joining the military. Son's #2 and 4 prefer short hair. My daughter has hair almost at long as the 17 yo. My hair is to the middle of my back.

My opinion is.....clean and out of the eyes.....oh well. This too shall pass.

When your son is ready to cut his hair, please check out Locks of Love. The take the donated hair and make wigs for children who have lost their hair. Their web site is Locks of Love helps disadvantaged children suffering from medical hair loss

"adult" has nothing to do with length :duh:


Here's one from just the other day.


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A lot of kids can't pull off long hair, but that boy is doing it! Does he play guitar? :lol:

As long as Mom and Dad are fine with it - who cares! :shrug:

Nice lookin' kid!


Yeah. Military haircuts look great with broken noses and black eyes. It was you who posted pics of your fighting boys, right? :lmao:

Those were the days!

You can say what ya want, about the black eyes and broken noses.... They looked damn professional! :killingme


My son had long hair for a while, I didn't cut it for his first 5 years. I just feel that if he wants his hair long, blue, spiked, mowhawk, whatever, let him have it as we only live once and he is only a kid once. What's more important, respect for others or long hair? Good grades or long hair? His long hair was a great ice breaker too.


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American Beauty
PREMO Member
My son had long hair for a while, I didn't cut it for his first 5 years. I just feel that if he wants his hair long, blue, spiked, mowhawk, whatever, let him have it as we only live once and he is only a kid once. What's more important, respect for others or long hair? Good grades or long hair? His long hair was a great ice breaker too.

What a cherubic face!


As much as I swore, I would NEVER be like my mother.... I picked up some serious traits. Perfect hair, respectable clothing, perfect manners in public.

So much for doing my own thing. :lmao:


Do a Complete Check

When your son is ready to cut his hair, please check out Locks of Love. The take the donated hair and make wigs for children who have lost their hair. Their web site is Locks of Love helps disadvantaged children suffering from medical hair loss

Checking them out is a good idea ... but do a complete one.

Very little of the hair that is donated actually gets used to help the children they claim to be collecting for. You can count the wigs they have made each year on the fingers of one hand - despite the donations.

It's great when a kid wants to help others, but this organization isn't everything it tries to portray.


Checking them out is a good idea ... but do a complete one.

Very little of the hair that is donated actually gets used to help the children they claim to be collecting for. You can count the wigs they have made each year on the fingers of one hand - despite the donations.

It's great when a kid wants to help others, but this organization isn't everything it tries to portray.

So where does the hair go? Hair eaters in Northern Sudan?:killingme