I see the dissapproval in strangers but don't care. He wears his wrestling shirts, baggy pants and the long hair tops it off. He tells me the chicks dig it.
When I was a teenager, I had long hair halfway down my back.
But then again, that was the 80's, and everyone's hair was halfway down their back.
I say if he's doing good in school, behaves himself and is generally good people, then who gives a #### what other people think?
I, personally, have never judged anyone because of their hair. I find that you can more accurately judge someone by the way they wear their ballcaps. They lose 20 IQ points if their ballcap is on backwards, and they lose 50 IQ points, and they deserve a open-handed roundhouse slap right across the face if it's on sideways... plus they're most probably a criminal.
I say