Looking for a nice girl


My Sweetest Boy
itsbob said:
Was it an apostrophe? Their's?

Yeah..but actually that sentence is structured poorly...should just say "their campus." Also, the first sentence really isn't an interrogative. :lol:


In your head
cattitude said:
Yeah..but actually that sentence is structured poorly...should just say "their campus." Also, the first sentence really isn't an interrogative. :lol:

I did not know you were one of the spelling and grammar nazis,too.


New Member
MrHarvard09 said:
and as for grammar, everyone has difficulties in some areas of thier studies.

and history, if you think Einstein failed math. Which happens to be a myth.
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New Member
Hey harvard, you are too intelligent for this forum. > Most fo here dont' appreciate you like I do. LOL.

Hoe u find that gal.


New Member
Interestingly enough, upon completion of this semester coming up, I will start as a TF/TA for the colleges computer science department. Although my grammar might be questionable, I suppose I've done well enough to achieve this incremental goal that I set for myself.

Besides the point, it is very amusing to see people make jokes about me, in that once I graduate more likely is the situation in that you will work for me :whistle:

But, I digress. It isn't my fault that your too self concious that you have to come into chat and pick on someone because of who they are, or difficulties they have. It's not my fault you alienate people based on your predecation of thier views, nor is it my fault the majority of people in Calvert didn't attain a seat at a higher learning institution such as the one I am attending. Let me just say this, I have been very patient with the insults, slurs and overall disdaining views of those who have commented on the forum, and to be honest it is very pathetic. Those who make jokes and sneer at me, will one day reap the benefit of knowing that I have achieved success despite all of the tom foolery and bally-hoo that was thrown at me. Grow up, and Go Harvard!!


New Member
Harvard, most people that post on forums regularly think they are in a "Members only" world and it can be difficult to penetrate. tell em to piss off and keep posting, secretly all the females are probably wondering what you look like, hoping you are not an evil little teenager!!


Luvin Life !!!
yeahright said:
Harvard, most people that post on forums regularly think they are in a "Members only" world and it can be difficult to penetrate. tell em to piss off and keep posting, secretly all the females are probably wondering what you look like, hoping you are not an evil little teenager!!

Hey Einstein!! No need to wonder what he looks like. His piture is his av. :dork:


100% Goapele Head!
You all are terrible

Who said he lived in the basement? Wrong on so many levels and I don't like it. MrHarvard, do you, forget them haters, you can tell they are bitter, they know they want you. But if you really want to know where to meet some nice country girls, you have to make yourself present at the events and there are enough churches down here to get you started. The women in the church will introduce you to every neice and grand-daughter they know. Good luck!!!
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river rat

Why are you telling this psycho to go to local churches and prey upon the vunerable women in our community are you freaking nuts :spank: