Looking for a nice girl


New Member
LOL, wel I am going to leave you all have a good day. Now I know how pathetic it actually is to come onto this thing, eh I just wanted to satisfy those who have been emailing me asking about what I have been up to.


professional daydreamer
MrHarvard09 said:
LOL, wel I am going to leave you all have a good day. Now I know how pathetic it actually is to come onto this thing, eh I just wanted to satisfy those who have been emailing me asking about what I have been up to.

You should have emailed them back. :yay:


New Member
MrHarvard09 said:
LOL, wel I am going to leave you all have a good day. Now I know how pathetic it actually is to come onto this thing, eh I just wanted to satisfy those who have been emailing me asking about what I have been up to.
YOUR still here though ARENTCHYA?


New Member
MrHarvard09 said:
As I was alluding to, my main concern right now is building up enough knowledge to be able to successfully market myself in the real world, anyway I recently took a personlality test, wherin I found that I am an INFJ...only 1 percent of the population have this personality type. So, in all actuality I am rather rare :)
Be sure to list us as references on all of your applications!! We'll vouch for your personality!! :jet:

P.S. How's that girl hunt going??


MrHarvard09 said:
, anyway I recently took a personlality test, wherin I found that I am an INFJ...only 1 percent of the population have this personality type. So, in all actuality I am rather rare :)

so in other words; you annoy 99% of the population :yay:


New Member
Yale is a fine school, with exceptional teachers and very intelligent students. The only thing I do not like is when they went to one of our games and facilitated the, "Harvard Sucks!" fiasco... very annoying to me... and as for grammar, everyone has difficulties in some areas of thier studies, I am working on it by reading and studying grammar some more by taking more English classes. Well, have a nice day everyone, I am off to work!


I bowl overhand
MrHarvard09 said:
Yale is a fine school, with exceptional teachers and very intelligent students. The only thing I do not like is when they went to one of our games and facilitated the, "Harvard Sucks!" fiasco... very annoying to me... and as for grammar, everyone has difficulties in some areas of thier studies, I am working on it by reading and studying grammar some more by taking more English classes. Well, have a nice day everyone, I am off to work!
Might I suggest you add spelling to your studies too? I don't know about Yale, I've never been there, but their campus is fairly nice. Take your pick of which "there" to use, but nowhere can I find a thier!
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My Sweetest Boy
itsbob said:
Might I suggest you add spelling to your studies too? I don't know about Yale, I've never been there, but the campus of theirs is fairly nice. Take your pick of which "there" to use, but nowhere can I find a thier!?

Maybe you could go with him. :razz: :lol:


I bowl overhand
cattitude said:
Maybe you could go with him. :razz: :lol:
What did I miss?? Besides, I'm not an IV Leaguer, I have an excuse, and Yes, it's supposed to be IV as in the number four, not IVY as the stuff that grows on the walls!!