Looking for Mr. Right!


New Member
Nah. If I drown him he'd end up in He!! and I don't want that on my conscience. Besides, it's too late for him to learn any manners. His excuse about not knowing anyones age in cyberspace is :bs:. You respect people you don't know first, then, if you lose respect for them, you still do not HAVE to disrespect them.

your old and you do not have a clue, Beta is very respectful!
Nah. If I drown him he'd end up in He!! and I don't want that on my conscience. Besides, it's too late for him to learn any manners. His excuse about not knowing anyones age in cyberspace is :bs:. You respect people you don't know first, then, if you lose respect for them, you still do not HAVE to disrespect them.

Ummm... if you drown him, won't YOU end up in hell?


They're out to get us
Age is a state of mind IMHO so, mentally I'm young at heart even though numerically I'm that age.
And you couldn't be more wrong with your statement. The first time we interacted, I stated the only way to heaven and you came in and personally attacked me for it as if it was I who made up those rules. You hit me with all kinds of derogatory names and, if you go back to whatever thread it was, you'll see this is true.
I do not think "any less of you" because we have different beliefs. I actually think more compassionately about you because of your bad study habits.
Couldn't be more wrong? I don't want to get into any religious argument here, but you are merely going based on an opinion. What if I told you that you'd be going to hell based on my beliefs? You don't know whether you're right or I'm right. You have absolutely no 100% definitive premise except for what YOU believe in YOUR heart. So don't feed me that crap. You may not realize it but it's insulting, rude, and downright hateful...and I have 0 respect for that.

Don't do it beta, do you really want to be known as the someone who got pearled by TP?

I really need to get in the habit of checking their ring finger. It'll save me a lot of time and effort. >_<;
It doesn't help much. They could still be in a relationship or even married. OR could be wearing a ring to keep most guys away.

Nah. If I drown him he'd end up in He!! and I don't want that on my conscience. Besides, it's too late for him to learn any manners. His excuse about not knowing anyones age in cyberspace is :bs:. You respect people you don't know first, then, if you lose respect for them, you still do not HAVE to disrespect them.
Actually, you'd go to hell if you drowned me ya dumbass. Oh wait, you probably believe that everyone can do bad things but as long as they stay true to their religion, they can be saved! Talk about stupid. The point of religion isn't to stay 100% true to your religion, it's to be a good person! It's fundamentalists like you that have your wires crossed.

I don't need to know someone's age to determine whether or not I have respect for them. Go back to what I said higher up and you'll see why I have no respect for you. I don't really care if you agree, but that's how it goes. And I have better manners than most people...ask anyone that's actually met me. You just strike me as a POS and I have no need to be friendly toward you.

your old and you do not have a clue, Beta is very respectful!


Don't bet on that.... I'm married and I'm not wearing my wedding ring. Why? I didn't want to resize the ring just because I gained weight during pregnancy.

Also, some single women wear a ring on the wedding finger. :shrug:

Rings do not matter. I have personally witnessed more "married" men leave the bar with a "friend" at the end of a night than the unmarked single guys. Besides if rings mattered I would be married currently and not still single.


They're out to get us
Rings do not matter. I have personally witnessed more "married" men leave the bar with a "friend" at the end of a night than the unmarked single guys. Besides if rings mattered I would be married currently and not still single.

I think you're missing the discussion. The ring suggestion was to determine who is taken and who isn't. Just because some married guy is leaving a bar with a "friend", that really doesn't have much to do with people who are looking for relationships.


A wise person once said, "Don't hate the player, hate the game." It's hard to hate the game and not the player if you don't know what the game is... once you know the game, then it's hard to hate either the player or the game because you didn't know the rules, which makes you the dumb arse for even attempting to play in the first place.


They're out to get us
A wise person once said, "Don't hate the player, hate the game." It's hard to hate the game and not the player if you don't know what the game is... once you know the game, then it's hard to hate either the player or the game because you didn't know the rules, which makes you the dumb arse for even attempting to play in the first place.





I think you're missing the discussion. The ring suggestion was to determine who is taken and who isn't. Just because some married guy is leaving a bar with a "friend", that really doesn't have much to do with people who are looking for relationships.

No, I am hitting it right on the nail. Rings are not a determining factor of who is actually taken or not.


pretty black roses
A wise person once said, "Don't hate the player, hate the game." It's hard to hate the game and not the player if you don't know what the game is... once you know the game, then it's hard to hate either the player or the game because you didn't know the rules, which makes you the dumb arse for even attempting to play in the first place.



They're out to get us
No, I am hitting it right on the nail. Rings are not a determining factor of who is actually taken or not.

Except a married guy is still married. That's considered taken. Just cuz he's screwing around with a "friend" doesn't mean he's not married. Or do you mean guys wearing wedding rings that are actually single?


pretty black roses
Except a married guy is still married. That's considered taken. Just cuz he's screwing around with a "friend" doesn't mean he's not married. Or do you mean guys wearing wedding rings that are actually single?

There are some married guys who just don't care if they cheat or not. Also, you have to put in the factor is that some married couples have an open relationship allowing them to freely go meet a "friend".


There are some married guys who just don't care if they cheat or not. Also, you have to put in the factor is that some married couples have an open relationship allowing them to freely go meet a "friend".

Could you accept your marriage if your significant other was running amok with someone else? I know that I could not. My ex wore her ring "proudly" all the way to the hotel rooms that she was using as her party places.


Ladies love to flirt with married guys.........because they are safe.....:yay:


pretty black roses
Could you accept your marriage if your significant other was running amok with someone else? I know that I could not. My ex wore her ring "proudly" all the way to the hotel rooms that she was using as her party places.

I didn't say it was right nor acceptable to me (one of the many reasons I am now happily divorced). I was just stating there are those out there who allow this kind of behavior and just those that don't care.


They're out to get us
There are some married guys who just don't care if they cheat or not. Also, you have to put in the factor is that some married couples have an open relationship allowing them to freely go meet a "friend".
I know some guys don't care if they cheat or not. My point was that it was a discussion about single people looking for Mr/Ms Right and how to pick out a single person versus a married person using the ring (and whether it was an accurate assumption or not), then a comment was made about married people still leaving the bar with someone else in their arms, and I didn't see how that was relevant. Not that stuff needs to be relevant in these forums but I was trying to bridge everything and couldn't! Single people looking for Mr/Ms Right wouldn't hook up with a married person, end of story. Only an idiot would think a married person would cheat on their SO with them and think there's going to be a happy ending.

Oh and as for open marriages....:crazy::crazy::crazy: