Looking for Mr. Right!


Harley Rider
very creepy
OMG! You've really outdone yourself now! 2 WORDS IN A ROW? :faint:
you were jokingly invited, not actually invited. :huggy:
Beta84 said:
I've heard some saying where women marry men hoping they'll change and they don't, while men marry women hoping they won't change and they do. Point being, women seem to know what they want but don't pick the right guys for it quite frequently. They probably see it just like guys do, but they ignore it. Women in general spend far too much time with guys that they know aren't what they want, but hope they'll change...only to eventually get screwed over in the long run. They stay with them, fall in love, then blindly support all their faults (out of love, obviously) when it's just gonna end up in heartbreak. Obviously, the longer they deal with it, the worse it's gonna end. Until women figure that out EARLY and get out of relationships with guys that don't act right for them, they're doomed to be hurt again and again. I know quite a few women around here that could probably talk about their stories...things they ignored at first or hoped would change, blindly accepted once they fell in love, and then eventually were the reason for their breakups and heartbreak. I just hope they all learned from it and find better relationships the next time around :smile:
I think we'd get along fine in person if you'd just respect your elders more by quitting the childish name calling.
As for your above statement, I couldn't agree with you more on it. It's exactly what I've seen in my 54 (soon to be 55) years of life.......OOPS!
It slipped out. At least now you know what you're dealing with.
Beta84 said:
Oh and I find it interesting that you went from saying you're around my age to calling me junior and saying you've been around for a long time. You confused or somethin?
:lol: yeah apparently this dude is a different age depending on his mood or something. :crazy:
It's a grown up thing. You'll find out later...maybe :whistle:
I like how you two aren't even thirty and you already have all women figured out. You guys should write a book. :sarcasm:
Thanks for the 2 compliments.....I think??


OMG! You've really outdone yourself now! 2 WORDS IN A ROW? :faint:


I think we'd get along fine in person if you'd just respect your elders more by quitting the childish name calling.
As for your above statement, I couldn't agree with you more on it. It's exactly what I've seen in my 54 (soon to be 55) years of life.......OOPS!
It slipped out. At least now you know what you're dealing with.

It's a grown up thing. You'll find out later...maybe :whistle:

Thanks for the 2 compliments.....I think??

:buddies:.we may be old,...:rolleyes:........but we ain't slow......



They're out to get us
I like how you two aren't even thirty and you already have all women figured out. You guys should write a book. :sarcasm:
I just call em like I see em. At least the ones around my age, I dunno how they change when they get to your age :razz:

... I'm almost 30 and even I don't have myself figured out :lmao: B's got some serious insight though. Now if he could just figure out how to get women to actually listen to his advice!
it'll never happen. not a big deal.

You know how those engineers are,...........the first to look up and say "it's raining" and drown.
:rolleyes: mocking me cuz I'm an engineer? sorry for having a good education, i know it's a tough thing to understand for many people around here. maybe i should become a day laborer and be a real cool guy

Hey junior,...:howdy:..:huggy:.......:biteme:..your pasty, can't swim in the water,..but loves Florida would last about 2 minutes here.............:rolleyes:

You don't know heat, my friend.
I'm from Florida and lived there all my life ya dumbass. I don't know heat? The heat index has been around 100 this entire weekend and I've been out in it quite a bit. Can't swim? From FLORIDA! Basically everyone in Florida knows how to swim before they reach elementary school.

If you're gonna throw retarded insults at least get your facts straight. Why don't you go lick some more 19 yr olds.


They're out to get us
I think we'd get along fine in person if you'd just respect your elders more by quitting the childish name calling.
As for your above statement, I couldn't agree with you more on it. It's exactly what I've seen in my 54 (soon to be 55) years of life.......OOPS!
It slipped out. At least now you know what you're dealing with.

It's a grown up thing. You'll find out later...maybe :whistle:

so you're 30 years older than me. That's about what I pegged your age at. How do you get off saying you're barely older than me? Guess it's that "grown up thing". Sounded like lying to me though. :lol:

Respect my elders? First, I didn't know how old you are and nobody really has an "age" in cyberspace unless they let it be known, so it's tough to respect elders when that's the case. Second, you never respected me, so why the hell should I respect you? The first time we ever interacted in this forum you insulted me because of my religion and told me I'm going to hell. I have no respect for any POS that thinks any less of me because of my chosen beliefs. Maybe you should try that respect thing first. Just because you're older doesn't mean you instantly deserve respect.


Harley Rider
so you're 30 years older than me. That's about what I pegged your age at. How do you get off saying you're barely older than me? Guess it's that "grown up thing". Sounded like lying to me though. :lol:
Respect my elders? First, I didn't know how old you are and nobody really has an "age" in cyberspace unless they let it be known, so it's tough to respect elders when that's the case. Second, you never respected me, so why the hell should I respect you? The first time we ever interacted in this forum you insulted me because of my religion and told me I'm going to hell. I have no respect for any POS that thinks any less of me because of my chosen beliefs. Maybe you should try that respect thing first. Just because you're older doesn't mean you instantly deserve respect.
Age is a state of mind IMHO so, mentally I'm young at heart even though numerically I'm that age.
And you couldn't be more wrong with your statement. The first time we interacted, I stated the only way to heaven and you came in and personally attacked me for it as if it was I who made up those rules. You hit me with all kinds of derogatory names and, if you go back to whatever thread it was, you'll see this is true.
I do not think "any less of you" because we have different beliefs. I actually think more compassionately about you because of your bad study habits.


I just call em like I see em. At least the ones around my age, I dunno how they change when they get to your age :razz:

it'll never happen. not a big deal.

:rolleyes: mocking me cuz I'm an engineer? sorry for having a good education, i know it's a tough thing to understand for many people around here. maybe i should become a day laborer and be a real cool guy

I'm from Florida and lived there all my life ya dumbass. I don't know heat? The heat index has been around 100 this entire weekend and I've been out in it quite a bit. Can't swim? From FLORIDA! Basically everyone in Florida knows how to swim before they reach elementary school.

If you're gonna throw retarded insults at least get your facts straight. Why don't you go lick some more 19 yr olds.



Come with me in the fall...and you can swim the Pearl River ......:howdy:


so you're 30 years older than me. That's about what I pegged your age at. How do you get off saying you're barely older than me? Guess it's that "grown up thing". Sounded like lying to me though. :lol:

Respect my elders? First, I didn't know how old you are and nobody really has an "age" in cyberspace unless they let it be known, so it's tough to respect elders when that's the case. Second, you never respected me, so why the hell should I respect you? The first time we ever interacted in this forum you insulted me because of my religion and told me I'm going to hell. I have no respect for any POS that thinks any less of me because of my chosen beliefs. Maybe you should try that respect thing first. Just because you're older doesn't mean you instantly deserve respect.

Y'all should meet at the Lake.:jerry:


The day this smart ass skools me on anything,........let me know.


New Member
I really need to get in the habit of checking their ring finger. It'll save me a lot of time and effort. >_<;


Sweet and Innocent
I really need to get in the habit of checking their ring finger. It'll save me a lot of time and effort. >_<;

Don't bet on that.... I'm married and I'm not wearing my wedding ring. Why? I didn't want to resize the ring just because I gained weight during pregnancy.

Also, some single women wear a ring on the wedding finger. :shrug:


Harley Rider
Y'all should meet at the Lake.:jerry:
Nah. If I drown him he'd end up in He!! and I don't want that on my conscience. Besides, it's too late for him to learn any manners. His excuse about not knowing anyones age in cyberspace is :bs:. You respect people you don't know first, then, if you lose respect for them, you still do not HAVE to disrespect them.


New Member
Nah. If I drown him he'd end up in He!! and I don't want that on my conscience. Besides, it's too late for him to learn any manners. His excuse about not knowing anyones age in cyberspace is :bs:. You respect people you don't know first, then, if you lose respect for them, you still do not HAVE to disrespect them.
