Looking for Mr. Right!


If you folks get time tomorrow, I'm making the trek to Cheeseburger in Paradise for a few hours. Supposed to meet some friends there but I don't stay long. I usually like to get there @3 and stay until 6 or so depending on the crowd. I'll be the one drinking iced tea at the bar.
My favorite bar tender got canned this week! :bawl: I need some grief counseling. GG, Crewdawg, Kris, Toppick, etc., come on down!!! :buddies:

That sounds like a good reason to ride the Harley!


They're out to get us
Old man? You're not that much younger than I am...
well you act like an old fart on the boards. I dont know how you act off the boards, but maybe that's part of your problem. From all the stuff you've said in the past it sounded like you're at least upper 30's if not in your 40's or older. Why won't you say your age if you're not embarrassed by it?

What's for dinner? I might show up as the pizza delivery guy...


Harley Rider
well you act like an old fart on the boards. I dont know how you act off the boards, but maybe that's part of your problem. From all the stuff you've said in the past it sounded like you're at least upper 30's if not in your 40's or older. Why won't you say your age if you're not embarrassed by it?
And why is my age such a concern to you? I'm simply having fun in a CLEAN way and you and your soul brother say it's creepy. You seem to be the ones with the issues about it. I think you're racist and you just don't like Italians.
Maybe, if you knew me better, you'd know that I'm not the one with the problem in real life. You went off the deep end with your personal attacks on me, I didn't. You're judging all of me by what I say on here and so you don't have a complete picture of me. I'm not being mean to you here, honestly.
Just because I find it hard to meet quality women down here doesn't mean it's my fault.:buddies:
Your vocabulary is sooooo extensive or should I say: VERY?

You ladies may say you want Mr. Right, but your past relationships have proven you want Mr. Wrong. Well, here I am...

I'm an old, fat, bald, ugly, unemployed dude who lives in my Mom's basement and plays online video role playing games all day.

Don't worry, I'll treat you like crap, just like your ex's did, and won't give you an ounce of credit for anything you do.

I have put on some weight since my AV picture was taken, and I'm not as tan now as I was then.

So, seeing as all you chicks are attracted to the wrong guy, hit me up. :lmao:


New Member

You ladies may say you want Mr. Right, but your past relationships have proven you want Mr. Wrong. Well, here I am...

I'm an old, fat, bald, ugly, unemployed dude who lives in my Mom's basement and plays online video role playing games all day.

Don't worry, I'll treat you like crap, just like your ex's did, and won't give you an ounce of credit for anything you do.

I have put on some weight since my AV picture was taken, and I'm not as tan now as I was then.

So, seeing as all you chicks are attracted to the wrong guy, hit me up. :lmao:

Wow, you were not kidding!!:killingme I bet your PM box is filled with that discription.

Have a great weekend!!


They're out to get us
And why is my age such a concern to you? I'm simply having fun in a CLEAN way and you and your soul brother say it's creepy. You seem to be the ones with the issues about it. I think you're racist and you just don't like Italians.
Maybe, if you knew me better, you'd know that I'm not the one with the problem in real life. You went off the deep end with your personal attacks on me, I didn't. You're judging all of me by what I say on here and so you don't have a complete picture of me. I'm not being mean to you here, honestly.
Just because I find it hard to meet quality women down here doesn't mean it's my fault.:buddies:

Your vocabulary is sooooo extensive or should I say: VERY?
I called things creepy as I saw them. You were like "oo maybe I'll sneak up on you and show up as the pizza delivery guy". Dude, that's creepy and stalker-like. I'm just being honest. You say you're a nice guy that has clean fun and you're very religious and blah blah blah...which is all fine and dandy, but then whenever you're talking to women on here you turn into this creepy stalker dude. Since you're probably a nice guy otherwise (cept for your apparent disdain for anyone that doesn't believe in your religion, which would make you a jerk), I'm just trying to point out that you should stop acting creepy with women and maybe you'd do a better job of attracting them.

Trust me, there may not be a TON of "quality" women (as you called them) around here considering it's a small area and most of them are snatched up quickly, but there plenty of good, single women around here. You just need to find them and hope they're interested in you. While it's not easy, it's not impossible either. You make it sound like you haven't dated women in the time you've been here. That's on YOU, not them.

And I don't have any problems "in real life". I'm doing pretty great and enjoy good, clean fun just like plenty of other people. Come on now, I'm a nerdy engineer. How much trouble can I possibly get into? :lol:

BTW -- my cousins and uncle are Italians. I love Italy too -- one my favorite countries visited. Italian food, also among my favorites. I'm not racist, you're just a dumbass.


You ladies may say you want Mr. Right, but your past relationships have proven you want Mr. Wrong. Well, here I am...

I'm an old, fat, bald, ugly, unemployed dude who lives in my Mom's basement and plays online video role playing games all day.

Don't worry, I'll treat you like crap, just like your ex's did, and won't give you an ounce of credit for anything you do.

I have put on some weight since my AV picture was taken, and I'm not as tan now as I was then.

So, seeing as all you chicks are attracted to the wrong guy, hit me up. :lmao:

:killingme :high5:

I'll tell you what...the reason those jerks are exes is because the women weren't being treated the way they wanted to be. Thats what a lot of "nice guys" fail to realize. At the same time, you need to grab and maintain their interest. That's the tough part, but it has little to do with being nice or being a jerk.
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You ladies may say you want Mr. Right, but your past relationships have proven you want Mr. Wrong. Well, here I am...

I'm an old, fat, bald, ugly, unemployed dude who lives in my Mom's basement and plays online video role playing games all day.

Don't worry, I'll treat you like crap, just like your ex's did, and won't give you an ounce of credit for anything you do.

I have put on some weight since my AV picture was taken, and I'm not as tan now as I was then.

So, seeing as all you chicks are attracted to the wrong guy, hit me up. :lmao:
Let's see...

Old: There's your problem right there, I'm apparently only attracted to douchebags in their early to mid 20's.
Fat: Eh... if you've got a pecker-do, there's a problem. I don't have a boobie-do so you can't have a pecker-do.
Ugly: Subjective.
Unemployed: :lmao: I'd say that's a problem but someone in the know would be quick to call me out.
Video Games in Mom's Basement: Is there a reason for living in mom's basement? Videos are fun every once in a while... but every day?
Treat me like crap: How are you gonna do that? Passive aggressiveness? Because that's a real turn on, and the bigger arsehole you become the hotter you'll become (or so it seems :ohwell:). The whole passive aggressive cycle creates an entertaining dynamic designed to drive me to the brink of insanity, and we all know men love crazy biatches.

All in all, SM, you're about half way to Mr. All Wrong based on the above description, but there's room for improvement.


Harley Rider
I called things creepy as I saw them. You were like "oo maybe I'll sneak up on you and show up as the pizza delivery guy". Dude, that's creepy and stalker-like....then whenever you're talking to women on here you turn into this creepy stalker dude.

I'll tell you what...the reason those jerks are exes is because the women weren't being treated the way they wanted to be. Thats what a lot of "nice guys" fail to realize. At the same time, you need to grab and maintain their interest. That's the tough part....
You have soo much to learn about life, jr. I didn't say I'd "sneak up on you" but if you think that's creepy, you're really in for a surprise. It may seem creepy/stalker to you but I was actually invited to join the dinner & movie if you remember.:yahoo:
And, while I agreee with the last statement, it still irritates me that these women fell for these guys in the first place. Most other guys can see right through their lies and BS but the women couldn't?
I've been around long enough to have seen what happens. Everything is "la la la" for the first few years and they are so loyal to their men, then it all gets trashed. In fact, I actually heard it happened to another gal just today at lunch. That's usually when I meet them and this is why I have the attitude that I have. Even an engineer should be able to see that...:evil:


They're out to get us
You have soo much to learn about life, jr. I didn't say I'd "sneak up on you" but if you think that's creepy, you're really in for a surprise. It may seem creepy/stalker to you but I was actually invited to join the dinner & movie if you remember.:yahoo:
And, while I agreee with the last statement, it still irritates me that these women fell for these guys in the first place. Most other guys can see right through their lies and BS but the women couldn't?
I've been around long enough to have seen what happens. Everything is "la la la" for the first few years and they are so loyal to their men, then it all gets trashed. In fact, I actually heard it happened to another gal just today at lunch. That's usually when I meet them and this is why I have the attitude that I have. Even an engineer should be able to see that...:evil:
you were jokingly invited, not actually invited. :huggy:

I've heard some saying where women marry men hoping they'll change and they don't, while men marry women hoping they won't change and they do. Point being, women seem to know what they want but don't pick the right guys for it quite frequently. They probably see it just like guys do, but they ignore it. Women in general spend far too much time with guys that they know aren't what they want, but hope they'll change...only to eventually get screwed over in the long run. They stay with them, fall in love, then blindly support all their faults (out of love, obviously) when it's just gonna end up in heartbreak. Obviously, the longer they deal with it, the worse it's gonna end. Until women figure that out EARLY and get out of relationships with guys that don't act right for them, they're doomed to be hurt again and again. I know quite a few women around here that could probably talk about their stories...things they ignored at first or hoped would change, blindly accepted once they fell in love, and then eventually were the reason for their breakups and heartbreak. I just hope they all learned from it and find better relationships the next time around :smile:

Oh and I find it interesting that you went from saying you're around my age to calling me junior and saying you've been around for a long time. You confused or somethin?

very creepy

:lol: yeah apparently this dude is a different age depending on his mood or something. :crazy:
you were jokingly invited, not actually invited. :huggy:

I've heard some saying where women marry men hoping they'll change and they don't, while men marry women hoping they won't change and they do. Point being, women seem to know what they want but don't pick the right guys for it quite frequently. They probably see it just like guys do, but they ignore it. Women in general spend far too much time with guys that they know aren't what they want, but hope they'll change...only to eventually get screwed over in the long run. They stay with them, fall in love, then blindly support all their faults (out of love, obviously) when it's just gonna end up in heartbreak. Obviously, the longer they deal with it, the worse it's gonna end. Until women figure that out EARLY and get out of relationships with guys that don't act right for them, they're doomed to be hurt again and again. I know quite a few women around here that could probably talk about their stories...things they ignored at first or hoped would change, blindly accepted once they fell in love, and then eventually were the reason for their breakups and heartbreak. I just hope they all learned from it and find better relationships the next time around :smile:

Oh and I find it interesting that you went from saying you're around my age to calling me junior and saying you've been around for a long time. You confused or somethin?

:lol: yeah apparently this dude is a different age depending on his mood or something. :crazy:

I like how you two aren't even thirty and you already have all women figured out. You guys should write a book. :sarcasm:


I like how you two aren't even thirty and you already have all women figured out. You guys should write a book. :sarcasm:
... I'm almost 30 and even I don't have myself figured out :lmao: B's got some serious insight though. Now if he could just figure out how to get women to actually listen to his advice!


You know how those engineers are,...........the first to look up and say "it's raining" and drown.


you were jokingly invited, not actually invited. :huggy:

I've heard some saying where women marry men hoping they'll change and they don't, while men marry women hoping they won't change and they do. Point being, women seem to know what they want but don't pick the right guys for it quite frequently. They probably see it just like guys do, but they ignore it. Women in general spend far too much time with guys that they know aren't what they want, but hope they'll change...only to eventually get screwed over in the long run. They stay with them, fall in love, then blindly support all their faults (out of love, obviously) when it's just gonna end up in heartbreak. Obviously, the longer they deal with it, the worse it's gonna end. Until women figure that out EARLY and get out of relationships with guys that don't act right for them, they're doomed to be hurt again and again. I know quite a few women around here that could probably talk about their stories...things they ignored at first or hoped would change, blindly accepted once they fell in love, and then eventually were the reason for their breakups and heartbreak. I just hope they all learned from it and find better relationships the next time around :smile:

Oh and I find it interesting that you went from saying you're around my age to calling me junior and saying you've been around for a long time. You confused or somethin?

:lol: yeah apparently this dude is a different age depending on his mood or something. :crazy:

Hey junior,...:howdy:..:huggy:.......:biteme:..your pasty, can't swim in the water,..but loves Florida would last about 2 minutes here.............:rolleyes:

You don't know heat, my friend.
