Looking for Mr. Right!



I am happy to hear that you are limiting your use of cream cheese to the kitchen! Do you batter and fry your poppers or bake them?
Mostly I stuff the jalapenos with cream cheese and wrap them in bacon and then bake them.


That sounds very interesting! Do you season the cheese with anything? Do you pre-fry the bacon to shorten the cooking time in the oven?
Nope, nothing added to the cream cheese... although I prefer to use the pre whipped cream cheese because it spreads easier. I don't precook the bacon either, cuz the whole thing bakes up in about 20 minutes anyway... less if you want the bacon more chewy, a little more if you want the bacon crispy. Sometimes I make a spicy chocolate dipping sauce to go with them (I know, I know... bacon and chocolate?!??!) that goes over really well, once people get over their fear of combining the two.


Nope, nothing added to the cream cheese... although I prefer to use the pre whipped cream cheese because it spreads easier. I don't precook the bacon either, cuz the whole thing bakes up in about 20 minutes anyway... less if you want the bacon more chewy, a little more if you want the bacon crispy. Sometimes I make a spicy chocolate dipping sauce to go with them (I know, I know... bacon and chocolate?!??!) that goes over really well, once people get over their fear of combining the two.

WOW!!!!!!!!! :drool: That sounds delicious!


:lol: The funniest part is... I really don't like to eat my own cooking... it takes something out of it for me, it's more fun to cook for other people.


Thought you didn't eat chocolate....... :shrug:
I said I'm not a big fan of chocolate... not that I haven't ever nor do I ever eat chocolate. That being said... this spicy chocolate dipping sauce is super spicy so you don't really even notice it's chocolate :shrug:


New Member
I said I'm not a big fan of chocolate... not that I haven't ever nor do I ever eat chocolate. That being said... this spicy chocolate dipping sauce is super spicy so you don't really even notice it's chocolate :shrug:

Can I smear it all over you and have Beta lick it off?


Harley Rider
Anyone notice how this thread went to 375 posts and the "Ms Right" one died after only 39 posts?
Guess that proves what we've all said on here; there just ain't many Ms Rights in So Md...:elaine: