Looking for Mr. Right!



I don't understand the question (go figure) but is Mr. All Wrong all wrong all the time??
:lmao: See previous posts in this thread... if GG or myself are interested in someone, they are ALWAYS Mr. All Wrong, though Mr. All Wrong can sometimes be Mr. Right For the Moment until he becomes Mr. All Wrong again, and sometimes there's Mr. All Wrong But Not So Bad and then Mr. Really All Wrong.


:lmao: See previous posts in this thread... if GG or myself are interested in someone, they are ALWAYS Mr. All Wrong, though Mr. All Wrong can sometimes be Mr. Right For the Moment until he becomes Mr. All Wrong again, and sometimes there's Mr. All Wrong But Not So Bad and then Mr. Really All Wrong.
well, if they are ALL wrong, then its you guys. you guys are picking the wrong ones. its not thier fault.
:lmao: See previous posts in this thread... if GG or myself are interested in someone, they are ALWAYS Mr. All Wrong, though Mr. All Wrong can sometimes be Mr. Right For the Moment until he becomes Mr. All Wrong again, and sometimes there's Mr. All Wrong But Not So Bad and then Mr. Really All Wrong.

Sounds like quite the predicament. Maybe you two should start hanging out at the library :shrug:

well, if they are ALL wrong, then its you guys. you guys are picking the wrong ones. its not thier fault.

You're bad :spank:


So :offtopic: (is there even a topic anymore?) What's a girl to do when Mr. All Wrong texts her, but it's not the right Mr. All Wrong, it's the really wrong Mr. All Wrong?

No there are a few of us Mr. Right's blathering back and forth because no Ms. Right's a chiming in. So we have entertained ourselves!


No there are a few of us Mr. Right's blathering back and forth because no Ms. Right's a chiming in. So we have entertained ourselves!
:lmao: Every woman is a Ms. Right in her own mind, just like every man is a Mr. Right in his own mind.


They're out to get us
So :offtopic: (is there even a topic anymore?) What's a girl to do when Mr. All Wrong texts her, but it's not the right Mr. All Wrong, it's the really wrong Mr. All Wrong?
this is when you re-read your question, realize that you are totally retarded, and either use your brain to do what you KNOW you should, or shut the #### up and make ur stupid mistakes and then cry about them later.

No! its called they play Mr. Sweet and #### til you fall then he turns into a f**kin #######! :yay:
Yeah but see, here's the thing...you dumbazz chicks (no offense) fall for that guy, but your family, friends and his friends and basically everyone else all say "HES AN ####### DONT DATE HIM", yet you do anyway because he's "misunderstood". Wrong, he's an ####### and most of the time if your friends and/or family are pissed that you're dating a certain person, it should really be sending you a message.

I hear chicks say that all the time. "Well he was a jerk but he treats me great" or "my family/friends/etc won't talk to me cuz I'm dating him and think he's a jerk". Unless your friends/family are jerks or just greedy for your time, that's a bigtime RED FLAG ALERT! Love is blind, so you need to look through other people's eyes. They aren't all wrong.

Boston Lager is on Ice SEC can afford it :killingme
this is when you re-read your question, realize that you are totally retarded, and either use your brain to do what you KNOW you should, or shut the #### up and make ur stupid mistakes and then cry about them later.

Yeah but see, here's the thing...you dumbazz chicks (no offense) fall for that guy, but your family, friends and his friends and basically everyone else all say "HES AN ####### DONT DATE HIM", yet you do anyway because he's "misunderstood". Wrong, he's an ####### and most of the time if your friends and/or family are pissed that you're dating a certain person, it should really be sending you a message.

I hear chicks say that all the time. "Well he was a jerk but he treats me great" or "my family/friends/etc won't talk to me cuz I'm dating him and think he's a jerk". Unless your friends/family are jerks or just greedy for your time, that's a bigtime RED FLAG ALERT! Love is blind, so you need to look through other people's eyes. They aren't all wrong.


sadly.. everyone loved him at first...

i do realize it was a bad and i feel sorry for the stupid ##### hes with now.. or do i feel sorry for him b/c within the next month she'll be smart to leave his ass b/c she doesnt want to feel with his bopolar ass anymore..




this is when you re-read your question, realize that you are totally retarded, and either use your brain to do what you KNOW you should, or shut the #### up and make ur stupid mistakes and then cry about them later.

:huggy: You see, B? This is why I keep you around... no one kicks my ass like you do. :roflmao:


They're out to get us
sadly.. everyone loved him at first...

i do realize it was a bad and i feel sorry for the stupid ##### hes with now.. or do i feel sorry for him b/c within the next month she'll be smart to leave his ass b/c she doesnt want to feel with his bopolar ass anymore..


well i wasn't necessarily pointing at your case, but there are plenty of times where it happens that way. for yours, it's MUCH tougher to deal with since people only realized it after they got to know him better.

and i dunno, if the ##### he's with right now is stupid like you're saying then maybe he'll stay with him for even longer than you did :jet:


:huggy: You see, B? This is why I keep you around... no one kicks my ass like you do. :roflmao:

:buttkick: guess it's that soccer thing


this is when you re-read your question, realize that you are totally retarded, and either use your brain to do what you KNOW you should, or shut the #### up and make ur stupid mistakes and then cry about them later.

Yeah but see, here's the thing...you dumbazz chicks (no offense) fall for that guy, but your family, friends and his friends and basically everyone else all say "HES AN ####### DONT DATE HIM", yet you do anyway because he's "misunderstood". Wrong, he's an ####### and most of the time if your friends and/or family are pissed that you're dating a certain person, it should really be sending you a message.

I hear chicks say that all the time. "Well he was a jerk but he treats me great" or "my family/friends/etc won't talk to me cuz I'm dating him and think he's a jerk". Unless your friends/family are jerks or just greedy for your time, that's a bigtime RED FLAG ALERT! Love is blind, so you need to look through other people's eyes. They aren't all wrong.


:yeahthat: It sounds like you and I talk to similar women! It is always fun to be the guy on the "Girlfriend's List"! :sarcasm:


:yeahthat: It sounds like you and I talk to similar women! It is always fun to be the guy on the "Girlfriend's List"! :sarcasm:
Sure it is! You get to learn all about the inner psychosis of women (Pssst... I may lose my female card for telling you this... but we really have no freakin' idea what we want!)