Looking for Mr. Right!


Sure it is! You get to learn all about the inner psychosis of women (Pssst... I may lose my female card for telling you this... but we really have no freakin' idea what we want!)
women want candy, cream cheese, ham, captain morgan, presents, pretty things, good smelling men, and basset hounds :yay: YW


They're out to get us




They're out to get us
Just an observation; People, while at work spend amazing amounts of time on this forum...
Breaks, lunch, or just a general lack of other stuff to do (I was actually busy most of the day so I didn't get on much!)...unless they work for the government, and then it doesn't really matter how much they're on the forums since they'll never be fired.

Yeah, when I was 25 I thought I knew it all too...
I don't think I know it all. In fact, I keep saying I don't know it all and just make the contention that you don't either. You're the one who thinks he knows it all.

And now that you're 55 you still think you know it all? :lmao:
Thinks? No, he has 100% definitive proof. Don't you read? Books are always true! I hope he pops out Dianetics tonight.


New Member
Just an observation; People, while at work spend amazing amounts of time on this forum...

I've noticed this too. After a busy and productive day of work, I come here and look at the threads and see pages and pages of new posts in threads that all seem to have been made hours earlier in the day. This is part of the reason I lack motivation to post frequently here is because traffic seems the heaviest during the times I'm not bored =\, and slowest during the hours I am... so I'll settle for lurking.
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:shrug: I'm not really a big chocolate fan.

Ok, Ok, you caught me BF... I really do want a Basset Hound. :rolleyes:

Um... well... it's good in jello salad, stuffed in jalapenos to make poppers, on bagels, mixed with sour cream in a taco dip, with strawberries, and the list goes on.

I am happy to hear that you are limiting your use of cream cheese to the kitchen! Do you batter and fry your poppers or bake them?


Harley Rider
And now that you're 55 you still think you know it all? :lmao:
HEY! Don't rush me! Not 55 until mid October TYVM...:buddies:
I don't think I know it all. In fact, I keep saying I don't know it all and just make the contention that you don't either. You're the one who thinks he knows it all.
No, I just know the guy who knows it all...:yahoo:
Birds of a feather...:yahoo: :howdy:
I've noticed this too. After a busy and productive day of work, I come here and look at the threads and see pages and pages of new posts in threads that all seem to have been made hours earlier in the day. This is part of the reason I lack motivation to post frequently here is because traffic seems the heaviest during the times I'm not bored =\, and slowest during the hours I am... so I'll settle for lurking.
I do late a night radio program so I'm up until 1am. I miss most of the morning stuff but the early birds do some serious posting by 7am here.
I have to find creative ways to stay awake at my desk!
Never a dull moment here...