Looking for Mr. Right!

I know my chances of finding that smart, intellectual, assertive women of my dreams that does not have a mind full of bitterness and past relationship baggage slim to none but hell, I will keep my optimism alive.


Harley Rider
Sounds like an unhappy type
Not really. I'm just a realist and reality sucks lately. I have been disappointed by the lack of quality prospects lately.
For now I just "hang out" with a few of my lady friends without actually "dating" them. We get along great but we're soo different.
They're typical of many women today. They're in their "happy stages" right now I tell them; you know, living with their guy (maybe a kid) but very soon they'll be jaded too and hate men so I'll enjoy it while it lasts...


New Member


They're out to get us
Well, if you're with Beta you must be an incredibly tolerant woman.....

not too smart, but still special...:lmao:

Counting down to jaded....5..........4..........3.........2......:razz:
coming from one of the biggest dumbasses on this forum. :dork:

Not really. I'm just a realist and reality sucks lately. I have been disappointed by the lack of quality prospects lately.
For now I just "hang out" with a few of my lady friends without actually "dating" them. We get along great but we're soo different.
They're typical of many women today. They're in their "happy stages" right now I tell them; you know, living with their guy (maybe a kid) but very soon they'll be jaded too and hate men so I'll enjoy it while it lasts...

it's tough to "date" your "lady friends" when they are just your hands with women names. and those ladies on the other side of the bushes wouldn't be considered friends either. nor are the people stuck sitting next to you in church while you're thumping your bible. it's ok, everyone is special somehow!

Oh and gg, you really need to get over yourself hun. You're really not all that :huggy:
coming from one of the biggest dumbasses on this forum. :dork:

it's tough to "date" your "lady friends" when they are just your hands with women names. and those ladies on the other side of the bushes wouldn't be considered friends either. nor are the people stuck sitting next to you in church while you're thumping your bible. it's ok, everyone is special somehow!

Oh and gg, you really need to get over yourself hun. You're really not all that :huggy:

Thats it..u are offically on ignore.. I didnt say i was all that u @$$. :duel::burning::shutup::war::whip::loser: