looking for some legal help

somd whisper

New Member
elaine said:
You forget where you live? None of that is a given. Hell, being read your rights isn't a given. Common sense? I don't think that comes into play when you're talking about lawyers and court.

Thanks....I was feeling like a total idiot for not knowing these things. :flowers:

somd whisper

New Member
Tigerlily said:
Agreed. :yay:

On a side note my 16 yr old daughter informed me last friday that her date with her BF for Saturday was canceled because he had to go stay with his father who was recovering from being poisened by his Step Mother!!
I was like OMG that was all over the radio this week. :jameo:

OMG really?????? That is so horrible


Luvin Life !!!
somd whisper said:
I am sorry I am so bad at explaining things and my hand is in a cast so I am not the best for typing a response. BUT thanks for the help
Well I hope it all works out for your family.

somd whisper

New Member

I wanted to take the time to thank all those kind people that came to our aide in this matter. While I really do not want to provide my or my boyfriends name I do want you to know that your support and kinds words were taken to heart. His sister and I are best friends and have known each other for quite some time. To know she worked so hard at trying to help us is amazing and it meant so much to us to know that you took the time to help her out.

I am feeling much better and he is home now, but we still have to go to trial. I saw some of your comments in here and I may be just wasting my time but I will tell you that he has never raised his hand in anger towards anyone. It frightens and saddens me to think that that is the norm down here for so many people to naturally assume that is the case.

Maybe it is not just down here….all the same……
I am very grateful for those who took the time to help and send my best wishes to you.

I can only hope to put this behind us as fast as possible.
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Sleep Deprived
Robert Harvey defends child rapists. He may be a good lawyer and all but something about defending someone that rapes children just doesn't set well with me. Just thought you should know. I would use Lamson and Leblanc in PF. Can anyone suggest a divorce/child custody lawyer? Not too terribly expensive. I was going to do it myself...but as far as custody is concern I see my ex fighting me on. He doesn't have a leg to stand on as far as I'm concerned...since he's in barstow. But I am aware that he talked to an attorny.

somd whisper

New Member
kellbelle said:
Robert Harvey defends child rapists. He may be a good lawyer and all but something about defending someone that rapes children just doesn't set well with me. Just thought you should know. I would use Lamson and Leblanc in PF. Can anyone suggest a divorce/child custody lawyer? Not too terribly expensive. I was going to do it myself...but as far as custody is concern I see my ex fighting me on. He doesn't have a leg to stand on as far as I'm concerned...since he's in barstow. But I am aware that he talked to an attorny.

walter sawyer is very good. he takes the time to listen I mean really listen and he is well respected in the courts. (did my own research too) he is in lexington park near the second (main) gate at Pax not too far down the road on the right. Good luck.


Come Play at BigWoodys
Sorry Im late to the party.. My question is that if he was hallucinating why didnt they take him into custody and immediately to the hospital? Thats very confusing here.

somd whisper

New Member
FastCarsSpeed said:
Sorry Im late to the party.. My question is that if he was hallucinating why didnt they take him into custody and immediately to the hospital? Thats very confusing here.

I cannot not answer that, I do know that will be brought up during court. Everything happened too fast. But he was released. There were a lot of things that happened that did not make sense.


Not too talkative
Court rules 911 call can be admitted as evidence

Not sure how the police became involved, but this article may be of interest

The U.S. Supreme Court ruled on Monday that a victim's emergency call to a 911 operator can be admitted as evidence, but crime scene statements to a police officer must face cross-examination.

The ruling in a pair of cases from Washington and Indiana clarified a 2004 Supreme Court decision that testimony based on out-of-court statements cannot be used at trial unless the person who made them is available for cross-examination.

In the Washington case, a judge allowed the 911 tape of Michelle McCottry, who said her ex-boyfriend, Adrian Davis, was beating her. She was subpoenaed to testify at trial, but failed to appear and could not be located.

Davis was convicted for violating a restraining order and for assault and sentenced to 15 months in prison.

Justice Antonin Scalia ruled for the court majority that McCottry's statement can be used as evidence. He said a 911 call is ordinarily designed mainly to describe current circumstances requiring police help during an emergency.