looking for some legal help

somd whisper

New Member
Tina2001aniT said:
All I keep hearing is me and my family and my brother and my mommy.....WHAT ABOUT THE GIRLFRIEND??????? Stop feeling sorry for your brother the wifebeater and tend to the real issue...

As far as only hearing about my family and I….she is a part of our family, I just did not want to put words in her mouth. You just do not have all the facts to come to such a conclusion.

The girlfriend is with us as a family trying to help. She is fine. She knows him and has for a long time. Over 17 years. They have a great relationship. So assume whatever you want, nothing I say will change that. Her and I and my mother are working together to get this solved. I understand that there are a lot of cases out there were there was previous domestic violence in the family but that is not the case here. The problem came in with the police report and now that has been taken care of as well thanks to the lawyer and his girlfriend.


New Member
somd whisper said:
Our father just passed away, if you had bother to have read the other posts but for some reason I don’t that that is the case here.

I sympathize with your family for fact that you father passed away. Guess what, it happens. My father passed away when I was 19, my little brother was 15 and my sister only 12, guess what though, neither one of us found it appropriate to beat the hell out of someone because of it.......Things happen, it's sad, you grow up and move on, THAT IS NO EXCUSE for what he did, and I am sure that your father would not approve of his death being used as a crutch for what your brother did....

Have you ever thought to be a little pissed with your brother for making the family have to deal with this when he knows what you guys are going through??


New Member
Tina2001aniT said:
I sympathize with your family for fact that you father passed away. Guess what, it happens. My father passed away when I was 19, my little brother was 15 and my sister only 12, guess what though, neither one of us found it appropriate to beat the hell out of someone because of it.......Things happen, it's sad, you grow up and move on, THAT IS NO EXCUSE for what he did, and I am sure that your father would not approve of his death being used as a crutch for what your brother did....

Have you ever thought to be a little pissed with your brother for making the family have to deal with this when he knows what you guys are going through??

somdwhisper----bet you are pissed you wasted your red karma on that other post huh??

somd whisper

New Member
nomoney said:
why was he prescibed the drugs to begin with?

In a few earlier posts I had briefly said that I was living with my brother so he and I could take turns caring for our elderly father who recently passed away from cancer.

We decided that he and I would take the responsibility of caring for our father since our mother is ill as well. We are in no way complaining about it, we were honored to have made his life as comfortable as it could have been. It took a toll on my brother after he died. I am not sure how, why or any of that, but the doctor felt that he might suffer from depression after the death of a parent and prescribed him this to help.


somd whisper said:
What is wrong with you? Do you have nothing better to do with your time then come into these forums and try to hurt people? What a waste of time. Our father just passed away, if you had bother to have read the other posts but for some reason I don’t that that is the case here. You and a few others have nothing better to do than troll forums and post hateful and immature things about people. You must be so proud of yourself. It must be so great being perfect. Those posts are not only immature but simply uncalled for, what exactly were you trying to accomplish by such behavior? No never mind answering that because even though I am new to these forums, I am not going to let the actions of a few bad people spoil from the benefits of having an opportunity to meet and speak with those in our community that are civil, mature and have something worth saying.

I'm sorry. You came on here expecting everyone to go...."oh my god! that damn evil medicine! You're right-your brother is a great great man! we should all ban together and fight this injustice that has been done. This great man deserves no jail time and no fines because he has never done anything bad ever ever before" ???

You don't expect people to have different opinions? You don't expect some people to go ...hmmmmm.......he beat the crap out of his "girlfriend" (whats wrong with him that after 17years he can't marry the chick anyhow?)...he deserves some charges against him no matter how dumb he was to drink while taking prescription drugs.

I'm sorry you don't like my opinion that he is trash for beating his girlfriend. But that's my opinion and whether he's done it before or was high or whatever the reason..he's a woman beater and woman beater=trash. :shrug: Hate me all you want. I don't care. I am after all perfect and don't have time to make friends with those that aren't :smooch:

somd whisper

New Member
Tina2001aniT said:
somdwhisper----bet you are pissed you wasted your red karma on that other post huh??

In no way are any of us pissed because we are a close knit family, he has nevr ever done anything like this before. Yes I understand people die everyday but that does not in anyway take away the pain.


New Member
somd whisper said:
Ummm no not really.

Maybe you should read all the other posts first.....

You keep saying read all the other posts...........I have read the whole thread and albeit a huge waste of my time, I did it......and I have not seen anything that makes me feel otherwise, if you would like to point it out to me that would be fine as well.......


somd whisper said:
In a few earlier posts I had briefly said that I was living with my brother so he and I could take turns caring for our elderly father who recently passed away from cancer.

We decided that he and I would take the responsibility of caring for our father since our mother is ill as well. We are in no way complaining about it, we were honored to have made his life as comfortable as it could have been. It took a toll on my brother after he died. I am not sure how, why or any of that, but the doctor felt that he might suffer from depression after the death of a parent and prescribed him this to help.

I thought it was an anxiety medicine?


New Member
somd whisper said:
In no way are any of us pissed because we are a close knit family, he has nevr ever done anything like this before. Yes I understand people die everyday but that does not in anyway take away the pain.

True it does not.........AND if you read my post I said that I sympathized with you and your family for that, as I have been through it.........BUT that in no way excuses what your brother did, it is actually pretty irrelevant to what he did....

somd whisper

New Member
nomoney said:
I'm sorry. You came on here expecting everyone to go...."oh my god! that damn evil medicine! You're right-your brother is a great great man! we should all ban together and fight this injustice that has been done. This great man deserves no jail time and no fines because he has never done anything bad ever ever before" ???

You don't expect people to have different opinions? You don't expect some people to go ...hmmmmm.......he beat the crap out of his "girlfriend" (whats wrong with him that after 17years he can't marry the chick anyhow?)...he deserves some charges against him no matter how dumb he was to drink while taking prescription drugs.

I'm sorry you don't like my opinion that he is trash for beating his girlfriend. But that's my opinion and whether he's done it before or was high or whatever the reason..he's a woman beater and woman beater=trash. :shrug: Hate me all you want. I don't care. I am after all perfect and don't have time to make friends with those that aren't :smooch:

No I never implied that as well. Everyone is entitled to an opinion but is it wrong to expect common courtesy? Was it wrong to ask help and expect help?

I did not ask anything more than a few recommendations for a lawyer.

Also they did not want to get married. Why …that is none of my business…as far as hating you….that is absurd I know you about as well as you know me.
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somd whisper

New Member
Tina2001aniT said:
You keep saying read all the other posts...........I have read the whole thread and albeit a huge waste of my time, I did it......and I have not seen anything that makes me feel otherwise, if you would like to point it out to me that would be fine as well.......

If this is a waste of your time than why continue???? You are the one who felt the need to make the statement that you did. If there was something that I had said or maybe did not say then please let me know.

somd whisper

New Member
Tina2001aniT said:
True it does not.........AND if you read my post I said that I sympathized with you and your family for that, as I have been through it.........BUT that in no way excuses what your brother did, it is actually pretty irrelevant to what he did....

But who are you to assume that. That is what I was trying to say.
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somd whisper said:
No I never implied that as well. Everyone is entitled to an opinion but is it wrong to expect common courtesy? Was it wrong to ask help and expect help?

I did not ask anything more than a few recommendations for a lawyer.

Also they did not want to get married. Why …that is none of my business…as far ass hating you….that is absurd I know you about as well as you know me.

you're right, I should give you some common courtesy :huggy: I'm really really sorry about the death of your father. And I'm really really sorry that you live with a woman beater :huggy:


New Member
somd whisper said:
But who are to assume that. That is what I was trying to say.

Assume what??? I am assuming nothing....

You said you father died....FACT
You said your brother is a girlfriend beater.....FACT

ONE does not excuse the other......

somd whisper

New Member
Tina2001aniT said:
Assume what??? I am assuming nothing....

You said you father died....FACT
You said your brother is a girlfriend beater.....FACT

ONE does not excuse the other......

All I can say is that if I implied that he was a habitual “wife beater” that was unintentional. What I was trying to ask....was could someone please recommend a good lawyer. My brother had made a mistake and mixed alcohol with a prescription. he did not go and beat her up, he was freaking out and she was trying to subdue him so he would not injure himself until help could arrive. She was injured by trying to hold him down. No matter how much I try or how much detail I go into I am not going to be able to describe what happened correctly. So I am not going to try.

The Doctor has written a statement for my brother and the lawyer has worked with the States Attorney to have the 1st dropped. As we speak the bail is being amended and he will be out soon. Again no one is trying to imply his innocence. We just needed some help for a bad situation. Thanks for taking the time to write.

We have enough to have to deal with just burying our father, taking care of our mother and trying to deal with this, then try to defend or explain this anymore than I have. You will have your thoughts on the matter, and nothing I can say will change that or for that matter have an impact with my family and I.

Thanks for taking the time to write.
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