Your choice, my point is that more people think like that, the more people like these two can decide they will do stuff like this. If there was a real risk of physically being stopped, there would be less of it. This isn't about VS, or some cheap garment. It's about society deciding enough of this crap is enough and taking steps to stop it when you see it. Risk? Yep, sure is. Risk in everything you do. For me, the positive gain is worth the risk.
I'd rather they target big business than anyone.. every minute they are stealing from a big business is every minute they are not stealing from an individual. People are not going to
stop stealing until the likelihood of getting caught is 100% or the penalty isn't worth it if caught. If the public always grabs them at the store, providing free security for VS, then they will
just be burglarizing your house... since the court isn't penalizing them.. I'd rather they have at VS. I don't shop there. VS should just put tags on their clothes or something.
The risks and liabilities aren't worth it.. I value being a father not putting my life at risk and mixing my world in with idiots. Being alive and healthy is my first priority for my kids..
having a theft free shopping mall is relatively unimportant. I don't need a mall at all. I can't tell you how many tens of years it's been that i've shopped in a mall.
I'm sorry what i value as important, is far more practical than your ideals. Let all the idiot lemmings have at the malls for all I care. The mall needs to work on their security, not me, or us. i'm not trying to get shot, stabbed, or cut by a moron, or sued because some idiot got hurt being captured stealing. If this keeps the criminals busy, good. Better big business than an individual. sure maybbe everyone pays a little more.. well everyone who shops at those stores.. i don't.. but yea.. not my problem.