Lost Chickens


New Member
Wirelessly posted

We have 4 chickens near Wheatly and Olivers Shop. First time I saw them was this morning. They are rooting in the same spot tonight. Anybody lose them?


New Member
Thanks Mamatutu! I didn't get the link on my phone this morning. There were 4 chickens yesterday morning, 3 last night and 2 today. I know one didn't make it. There were lots of feathers this morning. One is a Rhode Island Red and the other one is a Buff Orpington. I'm hoping to find someone to pick them up today before they meet the same fate as the one last night.


Adopt me please !
Thanks Mamatutu! I didn't get the link on my phone this morning. There were 4 chickens yesterday morning, 3 last night and 2 today. I know one didn't make it. There were lots of feathers this morning. One is a Rhode Island Red and the other one is a Buff Orpington. I'm hoping to find someone to pick them up today before they meet the same fate as the one last night.

I'll get them if no else closer can get them today. I'm assuming the best time to catch them will be when they roost at sunset? How far up do they go? Would I need a ladder? My net doesn't have a long handle.


New Member
I'll get them if no else closer can get them today. I'm assuming the best time to catch them will be when they roost at sunset? How far up do they go? Would I need a ladder? My net doesn't have a long handle.

They roosted last night on a fallen tree about waist high. The have been in the same area since yesterday morning.


Adopt me please !
They roosted last night on a fallen tree about waist high. The have been in the same area since yesterday morning.

okay will I be able to see it easily from the road? I need to pinpoint the location better - about how far from the intersection of Wheatly & Oliver Shop are they, and on which road?


Adopt me please !
also if someone finds the owner, I'll gladly give them back, otherwise I'll quarantine them for 30 days, then add them to my flock.


Active Member
also if someone finds the owner, I'll gladly give them back, otherwise I'll quarantine them for 30 days, then add them to my flock.
I have some space for new Chickens (No Roosters). So let me know if you ever need to re-home any.!


Adopt me please !
Instead of waiting until dark, I was thinking hmm, how hard can it be to catch 2 chickens during daylight? So I took the handyman with me and 2 nets. Well, let me tell you, the chickens said oh heck no and ran. So we each chased a chicken toward the other and snagged them with the net - took us all of maybe 10/15 minutes to catch them.

I saw the feathers - must have been a fox, as I didn't see the carcass anywhere close. I bet that fox was mad when he came back and all he found was some dry cat food on the ground (used to entice the chickens).


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Well-Known Member
Instead of waiting until dark, I was thinking hmm, how hard can it be to catch 2 chickens during daylight? So I took the handyman with me and 2 nets. Well, let me tell you, the chickens said oh heck no and ran. So we each chased a chicken toward the other and snagged them with the net - took us all of maybe 10/15 minutes to catch them.

I saw the feathers - must have been a fox, as I didn't see the carcass anywhere close. I bet that fox was mad when he came back and all he found was some dry cat food on the ground (used to entice the chickens).

Good Job Ark! :buddies:


New Member
Instead of waiting until dark, I was thinking hmm, how hard can it be to catch 2 chickens during daylight? So I took the handyman with me and 2 nets. Well, let me tell you, the chickens said oh heck no and ran. So we each chased a chicken toward the other and snagged them with the net - took us all of maybe 10/15 minutes to catch them.

I saw the feathers - must have been a fox, as I didn't see the carcass anywhere close. I bet that fox was mad when he came back and all he found was some dry cat food on the ground (used to entice the chickens).

I looked too. That fox must have gotten to of them. I know he would have picked them off one by one until they were all gone. Sorry I couldn't meet you my A/C wasn't working and I had to meet the tech.

Thank you again for picking them up and keeping them out of harms way.


Adopt me please !
On the Lam hens .....

This is when they were "on the lam" LOL


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Active Member
This is when they were "on the lam" LOL
That picture is hilairious! It almost looks like a two-headed Chicken. Good work Ark! I'm happy that they are safe with you! About the Roosters...I'd LOVE to have one, but I have a Neighbor that lives about 5 acres away from me who didn't have the guts to come to my face, to tell me that my Rooster Rocky bugged her with his Doodle-Doing! She contacted Animal Control, who came out to investigate. They said that we were well within our right, and that the Chickens we Humanely kept. She wasn't happy with their answer, so she contacted planning, and Zoning who told her the same thing. We want to keep peace, even though a mean part of me would love to get 10 Roosters. So when our Rocky died, we decided, no more Roosters.


mama to two
That picture is hilairious! It almost looks like a two-headed Chicken. Good work Ark! I'm happy that they are safe with you! About the Roosters...I'd LOVE to have one, but I have a Neighbor that lives about 5 acres away from me who didn't have the guts to come to my face, to tell me that my Rooster Rocky bugged her with his Doodle-Doing! She contacted Animal Control, who came out to investigate. They said that we were well within our right, and that the Chickens we Humanely kept. She wasn't happy with their answer, so she contacted planning, and Zoning who told her the same thing. We want to keep peace, even though a mean part of me would love to get 10 Roosters. So when our Rocky died, we decided, no more Roosters.

We live on a residential street...all houses are fairly close together. Two neighbors have roosters/chickens. I love to hear the Doodle-Doing!!! I also learned something; they just don't doodle-do at sunrise!!!:lol: