Lusby man dies after dog attack

desertrat said:
Maybe it was a bad picture, but did that dog in the cage look like a pit bull?

One of the pictures it did not look like a pit bull, but if you click to view more images, you will see it does look like a pit bull.
greyhound said:
Pitbull fighting was very popular in Calvert County. It was a huge business. I don't know if it is still as common as it once was but I know that it was going on all over the county. Pitbulls were being bred just for fighting. agressive dogs were prized. This is why the breed has a bad rep. Anytime you breed a dog for certain charateristics you are going to have trouble.

You'd be surprised how many people still raise pit bulls for fighting in P.G. county - where they are illegal.


curiouser and curiouser
cholo said:
I could be mistaken, but I thought I heard on the news last night that he lived with his daughter; that she was the owner of the dogs and he didn't like that she had them.
So basically it wasn't the first time the dog(s) had been violent toward him, and he kept them anyways? :dur:


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Pixie, it's always the same effing thing with you:

Family Attacked by Pitbull
"Hmpf. Probably wasn't even a pitbull. Nobody in the world except for me even knows what a pitbull is."

Child Killed by Pitbull
"Pff. Kid probably deserved it. If people would keep their kids chained up, they wouldn't get killed by dogs. Dogs that aren't even pitbulls."

Old Lady Killed by Pitbull While Getting Mail
"Her fault. What the hell is she doing getting her mail, anyway? If she had a post office box, she wouldn't be bothering the neighborhood dogs and they wouldn't attack her."

Jogger Attacked by Pitbull
"That's what he gets for jogging. Stupid health freaks."

Pitbull Breaks Out of Fence; Goes on Rampage That Kills Dozens
"Please. It was only 17 people. That's barely over a dozen. The media blows these things SO out of proportion."



BuddyLee said:
Is it logical to be 80 and have three vicious pit bulls?


Yea I'm sure they were vicious that is why he kept them. Being that old maybe just maybe the dogs were for his protection and he felt safer with them there.


Cleopatra Jones
vraiblonde said:
Pixie, it's always the same effing thing with you:

Family Attacked by Pitbull
"Hmpf. Probably wasn't even a pitbull. Nobody in the world except for me even knows what a pitbull is."

Child Killed by Pitbull
"Pff. Kid probably deserved it. If people would keep their kids chained up, they wouldn't get killed by dogs. Dogs that aren't even pitbulls."

Old Lady Killed by Pitbull While Getting Mail
"Her fault. What the hell is she doing getting her mail, anyway? If she had a post office box, she wouldn't be bothering the neighborhood dogs and they wouldn't attack her."

Jogger Attacked by Pitbull
"That's what he gets for jogging. Stupid health freaks."

Pitbull Breaks Out of Fence; Goes on Rampage That Kills Dozens
"Please. It was only 17 people. That's barely over a dozen. The media blows these things SO out of proportion."


Admit it you're a closet liberal and love the media. :hot:


Cleopatra Jones
Speedy70 said:
I haven't seen where it said he had 7 dogs. The article says 3. :confused:

From the post:

Guy shot and killed Onyx with a 12-gauge shotgun. Animal control officers took away the family's other four pit bulls to be euthanized and also removed two Pomeranians and a cat, police said.

Onyx + 4 other Pit Bulls = 5
2 Poms

And I looked at all the pics. It's a lab/pix mix at best.
pixiegirl said:
From the post:

Guy shot and killed Onyx with a 12-gauge shotgun. Animal control officers took away the family's other four pit bulls to be euthanized and also removed two Pomeranians and a cat, police said.

Onyx + 4 other Pit Bulls = 5
2 Poms

And I looked at all the pics. It's a lab/pix mix at best.
WHOOOOAAA!! :lmao:


Cleopatra Jones
vraiblonde said:
Because nobody but you can identify a pitbull. :razz:

Wrong. You have selective retention (the reading version of selective hearing). The breed has been washed out which I've said a thousand times on here. I call my dog a Pit Bull based SOLEY on her apperance. She's a rescue dog, I have no papers, have never seen her parents and certainley wouldn't waste my money getting her DNA tested to find out what breed she is. She has webbed feet and even after searching the net and books up and down I can't find a definitive answer that says if Pits should have webbed feet or not. What does that tell us? That the generalization of "pit bull" is way too broad. The dog in the pics has a head much narrower then most "Pit Bulls" I've seen and also didn't have the "lips" they commonly have.

You can make me out to be a know-it-all all you want it doesn't make you right. Fear breeds hate and you'll use whatever reason you can to hate them even if it is the liberal biased media that you hate on every other occasion. It's ok; you're using it when it's convienient for you. :yay: I'm not scared of my dog or the "breed" or any other for that matter in particular, there's no reason to be angry about that.


curiouser and curiouser
pixiegirl said:
She has webbed feet
Aww, mine does too! These random people say pits do have webbed feet, but some others in the same place say no. I've heard, as a rule, that a lot of sporting and working group dogs have webbed toes, to help them in the water.


Cleopatra Jones
Nickel said:
Aww, mine does too! These random people say pits do have webbed feet, but some others in the same place say no. I've heard, as a rule, that a lot of sporting and working group dogs have webbed toes, to help them in the water.

She hates the water. Hates, hates, hates!


curiouser and curiouser
pixiegirl said:
She hates the water. Hates, hates, hates!
Mine hates the bathtub (but still likes to stick his face in there when the kid's in it) but has a fondness for the hose in the backyard. I think I'll set up the sprinkler for him, or take him to the beach one day to see how he likes it. :lol:


Cleopatra Jones
Nickel said:
Aww, mine does too! These random people say pits do have webbed feet, but some others in the same place say no. I've heard, as a rule, that a lot of sporting and working group dogs have webbed toes, to help them in the water.

The all speak so well too! I've been to that site looking for the answer as well. :jameo: :lmao:


curiouser and curiouser
pixiegirl said:
The all speak so well too! I've been to that site looking for the answer as well. :jameo: :lmao:
This one was my favorite: :lmao:
pitbulls do have web feet its for stability and movement. ive raised pitbulls for over 10 years and i know this for a facted!

I also like how some of them think webbed feet are for ducks and mixed breeds...lots of dogs are supposed to have webbed feet. :lol: