

yeah yeah
Coming in october, I have to have my first mammo. I am not sure what to make of it, and am looking for some ideas on things I should expect from it. Like pain wise, what is it like? How long does the actual mammo take? Do they squish you completely flat? How long did it take you to have your dr call you with any results?

Thanks. Just kinda freaked out, as to what is going to happen and what is to come.


My Sweetest Boy
It's a fact of life. I don't think it's a big deal. It's uncomfortable. Yes, they squish you FLAT. You put your boob on a table and squish..maybe 10 seconds or a little more. Than they turn the machine sideways and you hold a handle over your head and the smash your boob that way..which I think hurts a bit more. All in all, it doesn't phase me.

However, if you have "cystie" breasts or more breast tissue (i.e., extra weight) there can be more pain.

They know right away if there's a problem...they make you wait (at least where I have mine done) to see if they need to do a sonogram, etc. of the breasts. I get my complete results mailed a week or so later.
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Well-Known Member
Much like child bearing, worth the discomfort. It's not that bad, and it doesn't last long. You'll do fine. I have heard that if you are a big caffine drinker, it won't hurt as much if you lay off the caffine for a few days before the test. :shrug:


Occasional User
I assume this is a routine, baseline mamo for you. Some people will tell you how painful it is, but I have had a half dozen or more and never experienced anything more than mild squeezing during the actual test.

At St. Mary's Hospital, they are very efficient in the process and you can actually be in and out of the hospital in less than 30 minutes. You preregister on the phone before the day of your appointment. They take you into another section, where you have a private dressing room, to remove everything from the waist up and put on their gown. The techs who perform the mamo are all very friendly and professional. They warn you if they think you might experience some discomfort, and sincerely seem to care about you.

No, they don't flatten you entirely--thankfully! They just arrange your breasts (one at a time) between two flat surfaces, to maximize the area to be photographed. The tech steps out during the actual 'photo,' to reduce exposure to herself.

I usually get a report from the hospital within two weeks of the mamo, telling me everything checked out as normal.

Glad to hear you are getting it done. And don't forget to follow up routinely at intervals suggested by your doctor.


yeah yeah
Yes, it is a fact, even more so with people who have the risk factors in their family. Like me, who I am below the target age- but they said that I am suppose to have them 10 years before my mom was affected- which would be ridiculous because I would have only been 19 or 20. But- they decided to do it now. I think I just find it more of a "Deal" because I have never had one. So I am on the anxious side more so than just being "eh" about it.

So two ways huh? 10 seconds isnt much. Just I guess more of the thought of the unknown that is the issue. And is it true that you are to wear no deodorant and such on the day of the mammo? And did you get to take the films or do they send them directly to the dr?


yeah yeah
SoMDGirl42 said:
Much like child bearing, worth the discomfort. It's not that bad, and it doesn't last long. You'll do fine. I have heard that if you are a big caffeine drinker, it won't hurt as much if you lay off the caffine for a few days before the test. :shrug:

no. Not a caffeine drinker. But good to know. Have you heard anything about cycle wise?


My Sweetest Boy
watercolor said:
So two ways huh? 10 seconds isnt much. Just I guess more of the thought of the unknown that is the issue. And is it true that you are to wear no deodorant and such on the day of the mammo? And did you get to take the films or do they send them directly to the dr?

I've heard the no deoderant stuff from my friends, but I've never been told that for my appointment. No films...the radiologist reads them and sends results to my doctor.


Well-Known Member
watercolor said:
Yes, it is a fact, even more so with people who have the risk factors in their family. Like me, who I am below the target age- but they said that I am suppose to have them 10 years before my mom was affected- which would be ridiculous because I would have only been 19 or 20. But- they decided to do it now. I think I just find it more of a "Deal" because I have never had one. So I am on the anxious side more so than just being "eh" about it.

So two ways huh? 10 seconds isnt much. Just I guess more of the thought of the unknown that is the issue. And is it true that you are to wear no deodorant and such on the day of the mammo? And did you get to take the films or do they send them directly to the dr?
No deodorant, no power, no perfume.

Radiologist will read the films.

Dye Tied

Garden Variety Gnome
I've had more than 2 dozen. It's only uncomfortable and coud be more so depending on when your breasts are tender around your period. The plates are usually cold..:lol: and they put pretty little BB's on yoour nipples for markers. More than once I have forgotten to remove them. Like Catt said, they make you wait then you hear full results 1-2 weeks later.


yeah yeah
cattitude said:
I've heard the no deoderant stuff from my friends, but I've never been told that for my appointment. No films...the radiologist reads them and sends results to my doctor.

Ah ok. Well then that is probably what is going to happen with mine. I will ask. Was just curious how the whole process went. It has been 19 years since my moms cancer. And I didn't attend any of her appts.


My Sweetest Boy
watercolor said:
Ah ok. Well then that is probably what is going to happen with mine. I will ask. Was just curious how the whole process went. It has been 19 years since my moms cancer. And I didn't attend any of her appts.

Best advice is just go with it. Don't tense up..take a few deep breaths. In the scheme of things, it's a piece of cake, really. The worst part is that the equipment is COLD!


Well-Known Member
cattitude said:
Best advice is just go with it. Don't tense up..take a few deep breaths. In the scheme of things, it's a piece of cake, really. The worst part is that the equipment is COLD!

I can't wait for the day a woman invents a machine that will squish the penis and testicles and the men will pay to have it done!


My Sweetest Boy
Dye Tied said:
I've had more than 2 dozen. It's only uncomfortable and coud be more so depending on when your breasts are tender around your period. The plates are usually cold..:lol: and they put pretty little BB's on yoour nipples for markers. More than once I have forgotten to remove them. Like Catt said, they make you wait then you hear full results 1-2 weeks later.

:mad: I didn't get any boob jewelry.


wandering aimlessly
watercolor said:
no. Not a caffeine drinker. But good to know. Have you heard anything about cycle wise?
It is best to schedule for the week right after your period - less sensitivity/swelling equals less discomfort. At least this has been the experience for me.


I am so very blessed
I've had several and none of them were worth getting worked up about. I would consider the process more "uncomfortable" than "painful". Actually, the most uncomfortable part is having a corner of the square film piece jammed up in your armpit. It's hard to describe, but anyone who has had one previously probably knows exactly what I'm talking about. :lol:

Good luck, WC!


New Member
Good luck. Remember no deodorant or powder. I had to have mine redone once because the deodorant showed as a haze on the film and to make sure there wasn't a problem it had to be redone.


bresamil said:
It is best to schedule for the week right after your period - less sensitivity/swelling equals less discomfort. At least this has been the experience for me.


Also, don't worry about the deodorant issue too much. I've forgotten two out of two times and they just tell ya to wipe it off, it's no big deal. Good luck with it all. :smile:


My Sweetest Boy
Actually, I hate the sideways one...and having the girl try to grab up my elderly boobs and put them in that thing...all the while saying "you have extra breast tissue here, Ms. Catt." I wanted to smack her.


New Member
Take a couple of Advils beforehand if you're worried about it being painful. Not really a big deal! I'd rather have a mammogram instead of a Pap any day!

Good Luck :huggy: