

Dream Stealer
I just called the radiology department to get my films for my doctors appoiintment and the same women was so F'ing rude. She asked me why i needed them if nothing came up. I told her it was none of her buisness and your not my doctor. She kept saying how she doesnt understand why i need them. I asked her if she is refusing to give them to me? She no i can pick them up tomorrow. I said ok and hung up. I should of listen to everyone. The Bean office sucks. The lady's who did my mammmogram and sonogram were excellent. The front office sucks. I will again complain. No one should be treated this way. As soon as i tell her my birthday she gets all rude on me.

You sound patient. I would have lost it the moment she asked me why I needed them. "because your husband asked for pictures of my tits you nosey biatch" Normally I try ot ignore rudeness..but that is presumptious in the extreme. I would not be able to stop the naughty words that would flow from my mouth...kudos to you:evil:


New Member
You sound patient. I would have lost it the moment she asked me why I needed them. "because your husband asked for pictures of my tits you nosey biatch" Normally I try ot ignore rudeness..but that is presumptious in the extreme. I would not be able to stop the naughty words that would flow from my mouth...kudos to you:evil:

I am suprised i didn't just flip out on her. Even when i went on Monday i just wanted to beat her butt. It has taken all i have to hold back. I have been trying to take the high road for the first time ever. I did make a formal complaint the first time and now i will make another. When i go in tomorrow to pick them up she better hope i got a good night sleep. I should send my Hubby in to pick them!


I am so very blessed
I am suprised i didn't just flip out on her. Even when i went on Monday i just wanted to beat her butt. It has taken all i have to hold back. I have been trying to take the high road for the first time ever. I did make a formal complaint the first time and now i will make another. When i go in tomorrow to pick them up she better hope i got a good night sleep. I should send my Hubby in to pick them!
I have off tomorrow, and I can go with you to pick up your stuff. I LOVE going off on people who are rude. :yay:


New Member
I know I was scared my first time and everybody has u that way. But it is not at all bad...a little uncomfortable...take a couple of tynole 1 hour before your visit and then afterwards because you will be sore. Woman with larger breast do tend to be prone to finding more lumps because we have more fatty tissue. That is way we get fibromynologia? I know I misspelled it. That is what happened when I had my first mammogram and they found a spot on the film and they wanted to do a biopsy. Thank goodness for 2 opinion. Everything came out just fine. Good Luck...hope this helps you.


New Member
UPDATE: It turns out i have Fibrocystic breasts. She was suprised how bad it was. The pain has continued and has not stopped. The surgeon suggested that i do hormone therapy to help ease the pain and swelling. Birth control has always made me so sick, plus it never regulated my periods. Ahhh this just sucks but at least it's not cancer. So far i find the pain to ease up when i dont wear a bra so unless i have to go somewhere i am not wearing a bra!


UPDATE: It turns out i have Fibrocystic breasts. She was suprised how bad it was. The pain has continued and has not stopped. The surgeon suggested that i do hormone therapy to help ease the pain and swelling. Birth control has always made me so sick, plus it never regulated my periods. Ahhh this just sucks but at least it's not cancer. So far i find the pain to ease up when i dont wear a bra so unless i have to go somewhere i am not wearing a bra!

That's good news, I know the pain sucks. Glad it wasn't something worse.


New Member
That's good news, I know the pain sucks. Glad it wasn't something worse.

Thanks. I am glad too. I am not good with pain at all. I am going to try everything they suggest. She also told me if i got breast implants the pain would be worse. :cds: One of my dreams just got! I guess i'll just get a tummy tuck then.
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New Member
Thanks. I am glad too. I am not good with pain at all. I am going to try everything they suggest. She also told me if i got breast implants the pain would be worse. :cds: One of my dreams just got! I guess i'll just get a tummy tuck then.

Try to avoid caffeine. I also have this and get pains within minutes of drinking anything with caffeine.


Try to avoid caffeine. I also have this and get pains within minutes of drinking anything with caffeine.

I've had several people tell me this also, including a doctor in Maryland and one here in Florida. I almost completely cut out caffeine and at my last ultrasound I noticed the cysts have really gotten smaller and no more pain.


do you eat any kind of chocolate soccermom (i.e. candybars or cookies that have chocolate in them)? Ice Tea also has caffeine in it (the caffeine comes from the tea unless you drink decaf) coffee also has caffeine in it unless you drink decaffinated and many other things the list could go on and on. I became a big fan of water and milk and cut out all sodas teas and coffee. once in a great while i will have a cup of decaffinated icetea but i mainly stick to water as that is the best for you.


New Member
do you eat any kind of chocolate soccermom (i.e. candybars or cookies that have chocolate in them)? Ice Tea also has caffeine in it (the caffeine comes from the tea unless you drink decaf) coffee also has caffeine in it unless you drink decaffinated and many other things the list could go on and on. I became a big fan of water and milk and cut out all sodas teas and coffee. once in a great while i will have a cup of decaffinated icetea but i mainly stick to water as that is the best for you.

I don't like! I know i'm weird. I found a list of foods/drinks to stay away from. Just going to try to ignore the pain and go on with what i got to do.


I don't like! I know i'm weird. I found a list of foods/drinks to stay away from. Just going to try to ignore the pain and go on with what i got to do.

Have you tried a sports bra? That's what I did and even wear it at night, helped a lot for me.


Dream Stealer
Have you tried a sports bra? That's what I did and even wear it at night, helped a lot for me.

This. I have the same issues..only my lovely navy doc used to call them "lumpy bumpy breasts" yes, I believe that is the technical name. :killingme The sports bra..or "shelf bra" tank has helped at has making sure my bra fits correctly, staying away from caffiene..and taking motrin the day or two before my period..those hormonal changes can really kill ya. my doc also mentioned that vitamin d has been shown to help..and many women are defficient maybe talk to your doc about that.