Man Records Final Fight with Wife & Uploads It

Larry Gude

Strung Out
I have a hard time faulting the husband for his behavior. How many of you watched the whole thing without wanting to just turn the damned thing off because she was just too annoying? Five minutes? How'd you like to listen to an hour of it? A whole day? *YEARS*?

Try an experiment. Put the thing on endless loop and just let it play loudly in your earshot for an hour or more. See how long you last.

Being a smug jerk I suspect is his way of NOT just pushing her out of the car and claiming it was an accident, because endlessly enduring that crap would strongly tempt me to take her to the lake and send her to the bottom.

You'll excuse me for noting that is a surprisingly half baked thought given it is coming from you. That view COMPLETELY removes 1/2 the equation from consideration; what HE is like. For years.

This excuses, nor blames, either of them. I think they deserve one another and would be doing the unsuspecting a service by staying together so that they do not trick anyone else into thinking either of them is much of a good person.



Board Mommy
PREMO Member
She looks to me to be like MANY people I know for whom walking away isn't an option - because they just follow you or become irate that you do it.

I can't relate to that because I've always been more than a match for someone who insists on fighting. If I walk away and they follow me and/or become irate, I will show them how irate is done properly.

I still do not believe one should handle conflict with a spouse the same as with a child. And I do not believe it is ever a good idea to taunt and encourage someone who is losing their ####. I KNOW it's not a good idea to post your spouse's meltdown on the internet.


Routinely Derailed
You'll excuse me for noting that is a surprisingly half baked thought given it is coming from you. That view COMPLETELY removes 1/2 the equation from consideration; what HE is like. For years.

This excuses, nor blames, either of them. I think they deserve one another and would be doing the unsuspecting a service by staying together so that they do not trick anyone else into thinking either of them is much of a good person.


I agree with part of what you said, Larry, but I think that fundamentally "good" people can sometimes have anger issues. In the case of this (former) couple, it seems like they drive each other crazy - into unusually extreme behavior. Do they deserve each other? I don't know either of them so I can't tell.


Routinely Derailed
I can't relate to that because I've always been more than a match for someone who insists on fighting. If I walk away and they follow me and/or become irate, I will show them how irate is done properly.

I still do not believe one should handle conflict with a spouse the same as with a child. And I do not believe it is ever a good idea to taunt and encourage someone who is losing their ####. I KNOW it's not a good idea to post your spouse's meltdown on the internet.

I agree that one should treat one's spouse as an adult. As for arguments which lead to meltdowns, I think "walking away" depends on whether either participant is even trying to make sense. In our case in point, I think communication had deteriorated to the point where both of them were being childish at best.

I believe in reasoning together when there's a disagreement, but not everyone does. I also believe in not being selfish, but have made that mistake many times without even realizing it until it was too late.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
I agree with part of what you said, Larry, but I think that fundamentally "good" people can sometimes have anger issues. In the case of this (former) couple, it seems like they drive each other crazy - into unusually extreme behavior. Do they deserve each other? I don't know either of them so I can't tell.

Oh, I totally agree. I think Vrai and I are both fundamentally good people. She might dispute that about me but, be that as it may, we were AWFUL to one another at our worst times, pushing one another, in my view, well beyond what our 'worst' would likely be absent the caustic combination we sometimes made.

Maybe these two would be just peachy absent one another? Fair enough.
