Mandatory cervical cancer vaccine

Should there be a Mandatory cervical cancer vaccine for girls?

  • Yes

    Votes: 35 47.3%
  • No

    Votes: 39 52.7%

  • Total voters


Where are my pants?
Vaccine available for those who want it -good
Vaccine recommended for those who need it -good
Vaccine required for everyone -bad.

Also, keep in mind that the vaccine does NOT PREVENT CERVICAL CANCER. It may prevent a sexually transmitted virus. There is a marked difference.

There are a couple of differences between this and measles.

First, if I have Measles, I threaten to infect everyone. If I have HPV, I only threaten people that I have sex with. That is a more controllable situation.

Second, and closely related, I expose myself to danger from measles by breathing. I have to breathe wherever I'm at. I don't have to have sex with everyone I meet. I can control that.

So there are some girls out there who will say "I've only had sex with one man in my life and I'm married to him." Few, I'll admit, but not zero. Other women might say "I'n being careful in (xyz) way and the risk of the vaccine bothers me more than the risk of disease."

One of my biggest concerns is that this drug has not been on the market for very long. We have no knowledge of what the long term side effects of it could be. I personally would not want any kids of mine to be the guinnea pigs.

Forcing every woman to have a vaccine that many will never need seems pontless to me. make it available to women who want and need it, but don't require it of everyone.


New Member
I think the government needs to stay the hell out the cervixes of our daughters and let the parents make that choice or the person themselves. My concern is that in a few years, they’ll say the vaccine causes some other disorder, mark my word!


Football addict
Mousebaby said:
Didn't you see the post on here the other day about the 5th graders having sex while the teacher was out of the room!?!?!?!! My daughter is in the 5th grade and she is 10 yrs. old! If that vaccine becomes available you bet your sweet azz she's getting it! No if's, ands, or buts about it! :wench:

These kids are having sex younger and younger everday, and God forbid, what if they are molested by some sicko that gives them the HPV virus! I say make it mandatory!!! By ALL means!!!
I don't wonder about how many 5th graders are having sex because it's probably not many. I don't wonder how many sick-o's there are that are willing to snatch my futuristic kid either because there probably aren't many; not to mention those with HPV.

Kids are having sex younger but the vaccine would probably be given at a very young age. Is that fair for the child? I think its a personal sexual health choice. If I wanted my government to control every facet of my life, I'd move to a totalitarian state.


Football addict
Pandora said:
My concern is that in a few years, they’ll say the vaccine causes some other disorder, mark my word!
That was my initial knee-jerk reaction.

If you want to prevent STD's, why not make all those who have one register and make that mandatory?:sarcasm:


Club'nBabySeals said:
Vaccine available for those who want it -good
Vaccine recommended for those who need it -good
Vaccine required for everyone -bad.

Also, keep in mind that the vaccine does NOT PREVENT CERVICAL CANCER. It may prevent a sexually transmitted virus. There is a marked difference.

There are a couple of differences between this and measles.

First, if I have Measles, I threaten to infect everyone. If I have HPV, I only threaten people that I have sex with. That is a more controllable situation.

Second, and closely related, I expose myself to danger from measles by breathing. I have to breathe wherever I'm at. I don't have to have sex with everyone I meet. I can control that.

So there are some girls out there who will say "I've only had sex with one man in my life and I'm married to him." Few, I'll admit, but not zero. Other women might say "I'n being careful in (xyz) way and the risk of the vaccine bothers me more than the risk of disease."

One of my biggest concerns is that this drug has not been on the market for very long. We have no knowledge of what the long term side effects of it could be. I personally would not want any kids of mine to be the guinnea pigs.

Forcing every woman to have a vaccine that many will never need seems pontless to me. make it available to women who want and need it, but don't require it of everyone.

Thing is, you may have sex with someone and not know that they have the HPV virus and then you pass it on to the next person unknowingly. This is the same kind of thinking that caused AIDS to spread like wildfire! If there was a vaccine for AIDS or HIV you would be the first in line to get it because you don't want that virus, nobody does. And I promise you that one would be made mandatory!!!


BuddyLee said:
I don't wonder about how many 5th graders are having sex because it's probably not many. I don't wonder how many sick-o's there are that are willing to snatch my futuristic kid either because there probably aren't many; not to mention those with HPV.

Kids are having sex younger but the vaccine would probably be given at a very young age. Is that fair for the child? I think its a personal sexual health choice. If I wanted my government to control every facet of my life, I'd move to a totalitarian state.

You have what's called, Big Sky Theory, it will never happen to you huh! Well it happens a hell of a lot more then you would like to admit! My sister was molested by our father and I was molested by our babysitter! It happens, I was 5, my sister was 14! IT HAPPENS!! You better wake up before you have kids, JMHO!


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Staff member
PREMO Member
Club'nBabySeals said:
One of my biggest concerns is that this drug has not been on the market for very long. We have no knowledge of what the long term side effects of it could be.

And a possible future class action lawsuit when they do.


Football addict
Mousebaby said:
You have what's called, Big Sky Theory, it will never happen to you huh! Well it happens a hell of a lot more then you would like to admit! My sister was molested by our father and I was molested by our babysitter! It happens, I was 5, my sister was 14! IT HAPPENS!! You better wake up before you have kids, JMHO!
Actually no. I approach life with open eyes, ears, and a grandiose tendency to ask questions. I have a lot of people very close to me who have gone through numerous circumstances; I learn what I can from that. With that said, terrible things have happened to me, my parents, woman, and friends but I realize these instances are statistically low. Will I be on the lookout, sure. Will I apply every social band-aid to my futuristic daughter so that she resembles the Mechelin Tire Man, no.

You seem to have what's called ASSumption Theory for how do you know what has happened or what has not happened to me? :ding:


BuddyLee said:
Actually no. I approach life with open eyes, ears, and a grandiose tendency to ask questions. I have a lot of people very close to me who have gone through numerous circumstances; I learn what I can from that. With that said, terrible things have happened to me, my parents, woman, and friends but I realize these instances are statistically low. Will I be on the lookout, sure. Will I apply every social band-aid to my futuristic daughter so that she resembles the Mechelin Tire Man, no.

You seem to have what's called ASSumption Theory for how do you know what has happened or what has not happened to me? :ding:

Touche'! :blushing:


Active Member
I can see both sides of the arguement, while I agree in letting people make thier own decision, the other side to that coin is that if they can tell people they cant smoke in a building to protect non-smokers from lung cancer, how is that different than mandating a vaccine that prevents the spread of HPV which can cause cancer as well?


professional daydreamer
Booboo3604 said:
I can see both sides of the arguement, while I agree in letting people make thier own decision, the other side to that coin is that if they can tell people they cant smoke in a building to protect non-smokers from lung cancer, how is that different than mandating a vaccine that prevents the spread of HPV which can cause cancer as well?

What do you think our argument against the smoke ban has been about?


In My Opinion
How many things in the past did the medical industry come up with only to find out years later that it caused some serious problem?

I say we experiment with it on some third world people for at least 20 years before we subject our daughters to another untested super drug.


Active Member
elaine said:
What do you think our argument against the smoke ban has been about?

I completely agree with you, I was kind of trying to reinforce that to the people who supported the smoking ban but now want to fight a mandatory vaccine to prevent the same thing


Football addict
Booboo3604 said:
I completely agree with you, I was kind of trying to reinforce that to the people who supported the smoking ban but now want to fight a mandatory vaccine to prevent the same thing
You don't necessarily have the choice to not breathe in toxins in a restaurant establishment. However, you do have the choice of whom you have sexual intercourse with. More importantly, you have the individual 'choice' to choose whether or not you want this vaccine. If this is mandatory, parents won't be able to choose, as well as the individuals getting the shot.


Active Member
BuddyLee said:
You don't necessarily have the choice to not breathe in toxins in a restaurant establishment. However, you do have the choice of whom you have sexual intercourse with. More importantly, you have the individual 'choice' to choose whether or not you want this vaccine. If this is mandatory, parents won't be able to choose, as well as the individuals getting the shot.

There is always a choice, you can choose not to go to a particular bar or restaurant if that is a major concern of yours. Not all restaurants had smoking prior to the ban. You could choose to frequent those.


Asperger's Poster Child
From what I've read, there is no solid evidence that the HPV vaccine would change sexual behavior. The fact that HPV relates to sex should be irrelevant when debating whether the vaccine should be mandatory. The debate should focus on whether the health threat posed by HPV is sufficient for mandatory vaccination - the same standard used for diseases such as polio and measles. I don't know if the threat is sufficient or not.


Well-Known Member
Club'nBabySeals said:
One of my biggest concerns is that this drug has not been on the market for very long. We have no knowledge of what the long term side effects of it could be. I personally would not want any kids of mine to be the guinnea pigs.


Can you say "Thalidomide"?


Twenty Something
I've done a lot of reading on this topic, and while it's debated whether it should be mandated, or left to choice -- and you'll have people that say they've only been with 1 person, and this vaccine does not apply to them, well, there's no vaccine for rape. You NEVER know what will happen later on down the road, and IMO, it's better to be prepared. The vaccine is (as far as I know) okay for girls as young as 9 years old up to women who are 26 years old. No, it won't prevent every type of HPV, but if there's protection against certain strands of HPV that causes Cervical Cancer, well that's better than not being protected at all. Just my 2 cents.