Mandatory cervical cancer vaccine

Should there be a Mandatory cervical cancer vaccine for girls?

  • Yes

    Votes: 35 47.3%
  • No

    Votes: 39 52.7%

  • Total voters


professional daydreamer
janey83 said:
I've done a lot of reading on this topic, and while it's debated whether it should be mandated, or left to choice -- and you'll have people that say they've only been with 1 person, and this vaccine does not apply to them, well, there's no vaccine for rape. You NEVER know what will happen later on down the road, and IMO, it's better to be prepared. The vaccine is (as far as I know) okay for girls as young as 9 years old up to women who are 26 years old. No, it won't prevent every type of HPV, but if there's protection against certain strands of HPV that causes Cervical Cancer, well that's better than not being protected at all. Just my 2 cents.

Are you saying you think it should be mandatory, since (as far as you know) it's safe for a certain age group?


Twenty Something
elaine said:
Are you saying you think it should be mandatory, since (as far as you know) it's safe for a certain age group?

Oops, I better clarify -- when I said "as far as I know" I meant the ages listed. I've heard 9-26, although some people have told me younger. Most insurance companies will cover that age range. That's all I meant by that.


professional daydreamer
janey83 said:
Oops, I better clarify -- when I said "as far as I know" I meant the ages listed. I've heard 9-26, although some people have told me younger. Most insurance companies will cover that age range. That's all I meant by that.

So, you're saying it should be mandatory, for those ages, that are covered by insurance, to administer a drug that we don't yet know what the long term side effects might be?


Twenty Something
elaine said:
So, you're saying it should be mandatory, for those ages, that are covered by insurance, to administer a drug that we don't yet know what the long term side effects might be?

I never said it should be mandatory, but I think it's a great new discovery. It could potentially save a lot of lives. More research needs to be done before it's made mandatory, but it's definitely something to look into.


professional daydreamer
janey83 said:
I never said it should be mandatory, but I think it's a great new discovery. It could potentially save a lot of lives. More research needs to be done before it's made mandatory, but it's definitely something to look into.

Thank you.


Baby blues
Angel said:
Okay, I don't have kids, but... I thought children had to have certain vaccines before they could even go to school? Parents don't seem to complain about those vaccines. Granted, I don't know what those vaccines are, but I don't see parents picketing on Capitol Hill about those vaccines. If this Cervical Cancer Vaccine will help the next young female from attracting it or passing it around, then I see no reason why it shouldn't be mandatory.

I was in another vaccine thread the other day.... anyway.

There are a number of vaccines available to children to protect against certain diseases. They are NOT mandatory. Why?

1. Because MANY people have a religious belief that says "NO VACCINE's."
2. There is a danger from many vaccines of side effects that include fatality (though VERY rare).
3. There are medical conditions that disallow the use of vaccines - such as anyone with immune suppressing diseases (HIV) or on immune suppressing drugs for anything (transplants).
4. You simply object for any other reason.

So, parents can choose NOT to have their children vaccinated and they can still go to public school.

So, there is no such thing as a "mandatory" vaccine anyway.


Football addict
Booboo3604 said:
There is always a choice, you can choose not to go to a particular bar or restaurant if that is a major concern of yours. Not all restaurants had smoking prior to the ban. You could choose to frequent those.
Ah, but under this certain case it flipped and the majority ruled. If there were still a majority of smokers, maybe they would have been more heard.


Active Member
BuddyLee said:
Ah, but under this certain case it flipped and the majority ruled. If there were still a majority of smokers, maybe they would have been more heard.

Since when did politicians vote strictly from the voice of the people :shrug:


Football addict
Booboo3604 said:
Since when did politicians vote strictly from the voice of the people :shrug:
The people have the ability to speak out as they did on this issue. They can also form/join interest groups as many of them did. You think the politicians would merely disregard the screaming of a majority if it meant their ultimate demise in the next election?



Active Member
BuddyLee said:
The people have the ability to speak out as they did on this issue. They can also form/join interest groups as many of them did. You think the politicians would merely disregard the screaming of a majority if it meant their ultimate demise in the next election?


I hope you feel the same way when the vaccine is mandatory


* * * * * * * * *
Staff member
PREMO Member
Tinkerbell said:
There are a number of vaccines available to children to protect against certain diseases. They are NOT mandatory.

So, parents can choose NOT to have their children vaccinated and they can still go to public school.

You simply object for any other reason.

So, there is no such thing as a "mandatory" vaccine anyway.

Then why are there vaccine requirements for school children? (Exceptions may be rare) Requirements School Year 2006_2007.pdf


Active Member
BuddyLee said:
IF it is passed.

That is why we're debating this issue.

You are correct, if it is passed. However if we were going by the poll results, according to you and your idea that politics is based strictly on the peoples voice, it would be mandatory. I am in no means saying that the polls are scientific. I am just wondering if you will be singing the same tune when you lose one of your choices like smokers lost theirs


Baby blues
Sharon said:

Yes, there are school requirements, however, you CAN do the paperwork for the waiver and NOT get your children the vaccines. It's a pain (from what I hear) and it can take a while, so you really have to plan ahead -- but it can be done. To me - that means vaccinations are NOT mandatory. To me - mandatory means you HAVE to - no choice.


Football addict
Booboo3604 said:
You are correct, if it is passed. However if we were going by the poll results, according to you and your idea that politics is based strictly on the peoples voice, it would be mandatory. I am in no means saying that the polls are scientific. I am just wondering if you will be singing the same tune when you lose one of your choices like smokers lost theirs
...and yet the debate has not ended as with the poll.

I think with something as contentious as this, imposing government on the people, that a politician wouldn't be as prudent to act. However, if this did pass and I lost one of my choices I would merely live with it. That is one of the consequences of living in a democracy, the tyranny of the majority.


Football addict
And how can we forget what happened with Merck's arthritis drug Vioxx?

The FDA approved Vioxx in 1999, but the drug was later found to increase the risk of cardiovascular complications such as heart attack and strokes if used regularly.

In 2004, the FDA estimated that Vioxx may have contributed to more than 27,000 heart attacks and sudden cardiac deaths.

Merck finally pulled Vioxx from the market that same year. Government officials need to realize that products approved by the FDA do not always prove safe, and mandating Gardasil right now could be potentially harmful to young girls.


Active Member
Tinkerbell said:
:killingme Buddy Lee getting a shot to protect his cervix.... :killingme

Sorry - that just struck me as funny.

I knew he was a guy, just thought maybe he had kids.........Wasn't quite sure why he had a dog in the fight :shrug: