Mandatory cervical cancer vaccine

Should there be a Mandatory cervical cancer vaccine for girls?

  • Yes

    Votes: 35 47.3%
  • No

    Votes: 39 52.7%

  • Total voters


Football addict
Booboo3604 said:
Wasn't quite sure why he had a dog in the fight :shrug:
I merely don't see why it has to be mandatory. People are capable of making their own decisions.

If the government is to make this mandatory, the same logic could be used with every other medication that helps stop or prevent illnesses. I don't know about you but I don't want the government controlling my health and possibly more than that. One's health is different from the next, we're not made from a single cookie-cutter.


Active Member
BuddyLee said:
I merely don't see why it has to be mandatory. People are capable of making their own decisions.

If the government is to make this mandatory, the same logic could be used with every other medication that helps stop or prevent illnesses. I don't know about you but I don't want the government controlling my health and possibly more than that. One's health is different from the next, we're not made from a single cookie-cutter.

So do you believe people are only capable of making their own decision on certain subjects and in certain situations?


Football addict
Booboo3604 said:
So do you believe people are only capable of making their own decision on certain subjects and in certain situations?
When it involves individual personal decisions such as these, yes.


Active Member
BuddyLee said:
When it involves individual personal decisions such as these, yes.

How about a business owners right to decide whether to have smoking in their establishment? That sounds like an individual personal decision to me


Football addict
Booboo3604 said:
How about a business owners right to decide whether to have smoking in their establishment? That sounds like an individual personal decision to me
I actually agree with that and have said as much in threads devoted to the topic many moons ago. I think in a capitalist democracy a business should be able to choose how it is run with respect to these minor quarrels.


Active Member
BuddyLee said:
I actually agree with that and have said as much in threads devoted to the topic many moons ago. I think in a capitalist democracy a business should be able to choose how it is run with respect to these minor quarrels.

Alright well after that statement, we can agree. I was simply stating you cant be for one and against the other as I told Elaine. I am for free choice for both however I was under the impression you swung sides in the middle. Great discussion though! :yay:


Football addict
Booboo3604 said:
I am for free choice for both however I was under the impression you swung sides in the middle.
I'm not very passionate about any political issue but I love a grandiose debate; go figure. If I swung sides I'd have to re-evaluate some of my beliefs, some stronger than others but I still don't feel passionate about any one in particular to protest and what not. Maybe I'm just entrenched in work to do anything, perhaps in the future.

Great discussion though! :yay:
Indeed. Too bad they can't all be this civilized.:smile:


Anything that protects against any type of cancer is well worth it, in my opinion!


Back in the saddle
As BuddyLee stated below I agree with this.

I merely don't see why it has to be mandatory. People are capable of making their own decisions.

Had I been given the option for the vaccine I would of taken it, and there for wouldn't have the problems I have today.


Well-Known Member

There are more than 100 strains of HPV, 30 of which are sexually transmitted. In 1996, the virus was documented as the viral cause of cervical cancer. It also has links to some oral and rectal cancers.

The federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimate that 6.2 million Americans contract a genital version of the virus each year, and 80 percent of U.S. women will have had some form of HPV by the time they're 50 years old. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, each year an estimated 11,000 cases of cervical cancer are diagnosed in the United States and about 4,000 women will die from the disease. HPV is the leading cause of cervical cancer.

One woman [in the world] dies every two minutes from cervical cancer, which is caused by HPV. You, me, your daughters and granddaughters-and any men in our lives-are all at risk for contracting an STD. It has to do with being a human being, alive on the planet and engaging in any sexual activity, including sex within happy marriages.
Values are no protection from viruses.


Mom2threebabies said:
I didn't vote for this because for one, vaccinations are NOT mandatory, nor is there ANY law stating you have to vaccinate your child. There is an exemption waiver in every single state to enter your child in to public school without vaccinations.
That being said, the gardasil vaccine has killed 3 girls already, that have been reported.

Vaccinations kill more people than they protect and if a lie is told to enough people, and enough people believe it, it becomes the truth doesn't it?

This video is something everybody should sit down and watch before injecting their child with vaccinations.
You should change your name to "mom2threebabiesthatIputatrisk".
My daughter goes for her third and final shot in October. :yahoo:
Three girls have died from the vaccine you say, but how many have died from not having it?


curiouser and curiouser
Mom2threebabies said:
Vaccinations kill more people than they protect
I'd be interested in seeing credible statistics to back up that bold statement.


New Member
BuddyLee said:
Green beans are good for you. Therefore, your newly elected government says you should eat green beans all three meals a day and nothing but green beans. If there is a healthy food to help prevent heart disease and the like, why not make it mandatory?

Once you make something mandatory, you create a slippery slope and everything that follows thereafter becomes much easier to designate 'mandatory'. Some people may not want their children to get such a vaccination.

I *had* to get my kid vaccinated for chicken pox before she was allowed in a public school. (It was PA I duno about this state) Now chicken pox isn't nearly as dangerous as cervical cancer but they made me do it anyway.


New Member
My problem is insurance won't pay for it. They are refusing to reimburse the doctor for the actual cost of the vaccine. I really don't understand this. We pay $345 a month on top of why my husband's company pays and they don't cover a vaccine for cervical cancer? It's approved by the FDA as a treatment that should be good enough for insurance companies. It's $175 for each kid three times. I had to pay out of pocket for my two daughters.

Insurance companies really piss me off it's like how they covered Viagra the day it was for sale but they were still refusing to cover birth control pills. How the hell do these people decide what to cover?


New Member
Mom2threebabies said:
It's okay to be ignorant and attack me but I've done my research, have you? And I didn't say 3 girls died from it, the article and research did :lmao:
Maybe you should take the time to watch the video before attacking me out of ignorance :)

Uh did you go to the parent website? They are the same wackos that are saying mercury in the vaccinations gave their kids autism and have been suing drug companies.

That video is also from 1998 and Gardisil wasn't out yet. It's also on you tube I can post a movie of me faking the moon landing and claim I got it from NASA's archives. Their research indicating that mortality dropped from 1900-1947 because there was a freaking Flu Pandemic in 1918 and it weeded out the weak immune systems.