Mandatory cervical cancer vaccine

Should there be a Mandatory cervical cancer vaccine for girls?

  • Yes

    Votes: 35 47.3%
  • No

    Votes: 39 52.7%

  • Total voters


Well-Known Member
Mom2threebabies said:
off topic - ever studied Point Lookout? :popcorn: I hear there's a lot of ghosts there and we camped in the supposedly most haunted loop! Maybe I'll start a thread on it :lmao:
:roflmao: He owned that place.


BuddyLee said:
At least they still had a choice...a decision. I think we become less human when we're left in a world without personal responsibility and individual decision making. I know I don't want my government making every decision for my family and I.

I really don't have an issue with the vaccine per se. My problem is with it being mandatory.

That's why I posted that. They opted out, and one of Tyger's classmates at IUP died. It's still a family decision, and their choice to not have her get a "required" vaccination probably caused her death.


Football addict
Mom2threebabies said:
off topic - ever studied Point Lookout? :popcorn: I hear there's a lot of ghosts there and we camped in the supposedly most haunted loop! Maybe I'll start a thread on it :lmao:
It is my specialty I guess you can say. I've had a few experiences as well as many others who frequent the area. PLO encompasses so much for it is mysterious, interesting, and picturesque.

More often than not I believe over active imaginations and old stories help to create an atmosphere riddled with experiences waiting to be called 'paranormal'.


Football addict
Wenchy said:
That's why I posted that. They opted out, and one of Tyger's classmates at IUP died. It's still a family decision, and their choice to not have her get a "required" vaccination probably caused her death.
No decision in life is bullet-proof.


Mom2threebabies said:
That statement coming from a "ghost Buster" :lmao:

I have posted links but nobody cares to check them out and insists on bashing me for their own ignorance
Funny, we all think you are the ignarant one. You are the only one with ignarant views to me. Or are you one of those that say "I am right and everyone else in the world is wrong"?


New Member
BuddyLee said:
You weren't forced to get that vaccine, you chose to.

You could have home schooled if you really didn't want the vaccine. However, that vaccination really isn't much of a bother to get if you want your children in a public institution.

How exactly do you work and home school at the same time? I guess I could have quit my job, let them foreclose on my house, stop paying bills, and go on welfare. Then I would have been free to home school.


I bowl overhand
Mom2threebabies said:
It very well may have, I'm not one to say but have learned not to beat yourself up with could ofs, should ofs and the such
So if your decision to not vaccinate your child cost them their lives you wouldn't be upset? It would be just an "Oops, I guess we made the wrong decision. Now what color did we decide on for the living room..?"


Football addict
Gwendolyn said:
How exactly do you work and home school at the same time? I guess I could have quit my job, let them foreclose on my house, stop paying bills, and go on welfare. Then I would have been free to home school.
Those sound like your very own personal problems.


On the Right Side.
papercutz said:
Cannot the boys have the HPV vaccine too?

I wondered the same thing.

What about vaccinating boys?
We do not yet know if the vaccine is effective in boys or men. It is possible that vaccinating males will have health benefits for them by preventing genital warts and rare cancers, such as penile and anal cancer. It is also possible that vaccinating boys/men will have indirect health benefits for girls/women. Studies are now being done to find out if the vaccine works to prevent HPV infection and disease in males. When more information is available, this vaccine may be licensed and recommended for boys/men as well.


New Member
Post your address, There are a lot of thieves out there who would love to know where the unarmed live.

A gun is a vaccine. It has its dangers and its risks,but it also protects.

Still I say educate yourself about the dangers,risks and unknowns of the virus and make an intelligent decision, but dont make it mandatory.