Mandatory cervical cancer vaccine

Should there be a Mandatory cervical cancer vaccine for girls?

  • Yes

    Votes: 35 47.3%
  • No

    Votes: 39 52.7%

  • Total voters


Lem Putt
Mom2threebabies said:
Here is a great government web site where you can see the REAL reactions vaccines cause, including the HPV one....then again, maybe they are a bunch of "wackos" too :lmao:

Here is an even better way to "search" for reactions

Things I've learned from Mom2threebabies today:

1. Vaccines will kill your babies. Never use them. Especially one that will protect your daughter from cancer because there is anecdotal evidence that three girls may have died. Ignore the fact that cervical cancer kills thousands of women every year.

2. Disposable diapers will leach polio into ground water, so we should all use cloth diapers. Ignore the impact of cloth diapers on the environment.

3. Everyone should breastfeed their kids into their teens. If you don't you are a bad parent.

Mom2three, have you ever considered that you are a bit heavy handed in your expression of your opinions? You would probably be better received if you tone it down a bit.
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Well-Known Member
Mom2threebabies said:
I didn't vote for this because for one, vaccinations are NOT mandatory, nor is there ANY law stating you have to vaccinate your child. There is an exemption waiver in every single state to enter your child in to public school without vaccinations.
That being said, the gardasil vaccine has killed 3 girls already, that have been reported.

Vaccinations kill more people than they protect and if a lie is told to enough people, and enough people believe it, it becomes the truth doesn't it?

This video is something everybody should sit down and watch before injecting their child with vaccinations.
People tell me that I shelter my kids too much. Damn, you should just put yours in a damn bubble until they graduate from homeschool. It is not likely that you'll let them see a school because there are too many dangers there. :rolleyes:


Pea Brain
PREMO Member
Mom2threebabies said:
I am sorry, I just saw this so I looked up on the US govt vaccine reporting web site to let you know how many girls have actually DIED from the HPV vaccine.....7 that were even reported - "Found 7 events with Vaccine is 'HPV4' and Patient Died"

"Found 2852 events with Patient Died" - from all forms of vaccinations

How about when the HPV vaccine causes permanent disability? "Found 60 events with Vaccine is 'HPV4' and Patient Did Not Die and Disabled"

You can spend all day searching for different reactions from vaccines - fevers, seizures, brain damage, all the way to death.

I guess nobody really cares as long as it doesn't happen to their daughter....right? What if your daughter ends up being #8 on the VAERS web site? How would you feel then...


Lem Putt
Mom2threebabies said:
I am sorry, I just saw this so I looked up on the US govt vaccine reporting web site to let you know how many girls have actually DIED from the HPV vaccine.....7 that were even reported - "Found 7 events with Vaccine is 'HPV4' and Patient Died"

"Found 2852 events with Patient Died" - from all forms of vaccinations

How about when the HPV vaccine causes permanent disability? "Found 60 events with Vaccine is 'HPV4' and Patient Did Not Die and Disabled"

You can spend all day searching for different reactions from vaccines - fevers, seizures, brain damage, all the way to death.

I guess nobody really cares as long as it doesn't happen to their daughter....right? What if your daughter ends up being #8 on the VAERS web site? How would you feel then...

3,919 women died of cervical cancer in 2003 alone. Would you like to know how many people died of diseases that have vaccines available?


Lem Putt
Mom2threebabies said:
You don't even know me or what you're talking about. Sounds to me like your kids may be the ones who end up being a pregnant teenager or taking a gun to school and shooting people.

Wow. Vaccines cause teen pregnancy. That's quite a leap, Mom.


Well-Known Member
Mom2threebabies said:
You don't even know me or what you're talking about. Sounds to me like your kids may be the ones who end up being a pregnant teenager or taking a gun to school and shooting people.
Why? Because I was a virgin in high school? Or because I do not believe in guns and will not allow them in my house? :rolleyes:


Well-Known Member
Mom2threebabies said: many of those women actually had HPV? Was that world-wide or just in the US? You really need to get your facts straight on the vaccines and not go by what the news and drug companies tell you :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:
How about asking a trusted doctor that recommends those vaccines to save your child's life? Or do you not take your kids to a doctor? Are you into Scientology?


Lem Putt
Mom2threebabies said: many of those women actually had HPV? Was that world-wide or just in the US? You really need to get your facts straight on the vaccines and not go by what the news and drug companies tell you :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

That was in the U.S., in 2003, and it is from the CDC.

You're about a pompous bia, aren't you? If you don't like the facts you dismiss them and laugh. Is 3,919 dead women funny to you? Better to laugh at them than prevent the disease I guess.


Well-Known Member
Mom2threebabies said:
I guess dead children suit you better.....and how many of those women had HPV?????? How can you prove they had HPV that caused the cancer that killed them?
How can you prove that it did not?


Lem Putt
Mom2threebabies said:
I guess dead children suit you better.....and how many of those women had HPV?????? How can you prove they had HPV that caused the cancer that killed them?
:rolleyes: yeah, that's it. If I disagree with you, I hate children and wish them dead. What's next, call me a Nazi?

I have a prediction: you had granola for breakfast, didn't you?


Mom2threebabies said: many of those women actually had HPV? Was that world-wide or just in the US? You really need to get your facts straight on the vaccines and not go by what the news and drug companies tell you :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

I'm alive, but have gone through hell that my daughter will hopefully never have to go through. My cervix is still compromised and I am infectious. A vaccine would have probably prevented all of that.

Almost 100% of cervical cancers are caused by HPV. If your daughter is going to be a nun then she may not need the vaccine.

It is a possibility that I was infected by my mother who had an active case of HPV when I was born. Who knows, but better safe than sorry.


Pea Brain
PREMO Member
Wenchy said:
I'm alive, but have gone through hell that my daughter will hopefully never have to go through. My cervix is still compromised and I am infectious. A vaccine would have probably prevented all of that.

Almost 100% of cervical cancers are caused by HPV. If your daughter is going to be a nun then she may not need the vaccine.

It is a possibility that I was infected by my mother who had an active case of HPV when I was born. Who knows, but better safe than sorry.
How do they test you for that?