Mandatory Masks in SMC Again?


Active Member
"Just TWO MORE WEEKS ... to 'flatten the curve'!"

And that was OVER TWO YEARS AGO!

Yeah! "Trust the science! Trust the 'experts' "!


Guess who wants us to mask up again? It's dire. This is the worst the pandemic has ever been so we need masks on NOW because they work! Oh yeah, and while you are at it commissioners, give me $500,000 for home test kits that I can give out to everyone.

If they dare send me a test kit, It will be lost in the mail!


Mostly settled in...
Ad Free Experience
If masking worked, I would not have gotten that probably non-COVID virus that ruined my Labor Day weekend.


PREMO Member
Israel Has the Highest Case Rate in the World With Masks, Vaccine Passports and Boosters

Israel is the world’s COVID vaccine laboratory.

Those aren’t my words, that’s what the chief scientific officer of Pfizer, Philip Dormitzer said back in September 2021.

His point wasn’t that they were experimenting on the Israeli population, but that the country’s data could be used to track the success of the vaccines in a population wide setting. Israel’s rapid rollout was considered the “gold standard” among countries, and even Pfizer executives said they viewed what happened in Israel as a sort of prediction for what could come in the United States.

Well if Israel’s COIVD situation is a preview of coming attractions for the rest of the globe, then we are in for an unending world of trouble.
Israel’s rates are exploding.


Well-Known Member
The LW (recently red pilled) thinks that everyone freaked out since the Science™ said that the 'cron was gonna get us all, ESPECIALLY if you did not remote in to your family's Christmas. Now, we have test kit shortages, long lines for testing, vaxxed people getting multiple tests and hoarding of take home testing kits just because a huge portion of our population are lemmings/sheep and WANT to be told what to do, eat and medicate.
The democrats plan is working to a tee


Well-Known Member
It's amazing the number of people I see masked up, I bet it's over 50%.

I had a professor one time say the only way to get students to sit in the same place every time was to not assign seating.
Safeway Laplata 90% masked up seen 6 total without, little girl that works at the starbucks there was scared to death when she seen me ordering without a mask she was knocking stuff off the shelf and pushing the cash register buttons and then backing off real fast as I told her there is nothing to fear and she said she wasnt scared as she knocked over the cream trying to get away from me


the poor dad
OK not in SMC yet but just received this notice from Calvert Health. Masks required effective today. My good dr won't be long in encouraging/requiring St Mary's medical establishments to mandate the face diaper...

Calvert Health Masks.jpg


happy to be living
On the 26th, Calvert Internal Medicine sent an email recommending masks for people that are ill or have respiratory issues.
On the 28th, a new email said mandatory masking will be enforced for all patients, visitors and employees.

Glad I had my physical last month!


Main Streeter
OK not in SMC yet but just received this notice from Calvert Health. Masks required effective today. My good dr won't be long in encouraging/requiring St Mary's medical establishments to mandate the face diaper...

View attachment 174611

Yep. Just noticed people sharing this around on Facebook.

I'm guessing MedStar St. Mary's won't be far behind.