Married Couples, Question....

Do you....

  • Why would I? I'm married and it implies he or I was unfaithful.

    Votes: 37 75.5%
  • Yes we do, just because your married doens't meant you can't get infected.

    Votes: 4 8.2%
  • No, but I'm going to start. Better safe than sorry.

    Votes: 1 2.0%
  • None of your business.

    Votes: 7 14.3%

  • Total voters


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
donbarzini said:
Because, despite what your kindergarten teacher told you last year, there IS such a thing as a stupid question.
There are no stupid questions.

Only stupid people.


24/7 Single Dad
Qurious said:
how is asking do couples get tested for std/hiv a stupid question? :smack:
You didn't ask that, you asked if married couples that have sworn to be faithfull get tested.


vraiblonde said:
There are no stupid questions.

Only stupid people.
I beg to differ.

One time when I was in the Navy a newb asked me what belt you wear with the 13 button trousers. That was a stupid question.


In My Opinion
I had to vote no because there is no way Im taking the chance of getting something that stays with me the rest of my life...

but then I thought for a moment,

do they check for these while sewing up the pan injuries?

as far as her?
she's not cheating, I have warped her sense of perception so badly now that most men just take one look at her eyes, then the pan and the cowards run like hell.


I get HIV tested every year because the Navy requires it.

If they didn't require it I wouldn't get it done because there is no reason to.


In My Opinion
Toxick said:

I've always been of the philosophy that if I don't trust something with my life, I don't stick my penis in it... this includes women.

what else do you think about sticking your penis into?

sheep? (ok, I understand this one)
Chickens? (messy)
electric outlets?
various garden produce?

Im just curious here.


New Member
bcp said:
what else do you think about sticking your penis into?

sheep? (ok, I understand this one)
Chickens? (messy)
electric outlets?
various garden produce?

Im just curious here.

:lol: That is a good question.


I say mind your own. :peaceout:


Lem Putt
dustin said:
I get HIV tested every year because the Navy requires it.

If they didn't require it I wouldn't get it done because there is no reason to.
:yeahthat: I get an HIV test every other month when I donate blood. There's no reason to get any other screening unless you don't trust yourself or you are cheating, both of which are why Qurious gets screened so frequently.


Lem Putt
MMDad said:
:yeahthat: I get an HIV test every other month when I donate blood. There's no reason to get any other screening unless you don't trust yourself or you are cheating, both of which are why Qurious gets screened so frequently.
Married Couples, Questi... 04-23-2007 04:36 PM she could've sucked herpes dicks came back baked u applie pie and u wouldn't know cuz u dont get tested - qurious.

So tell me, brain surgeon, how does getting tested prevent the situation you describe? How does me getting tested prevent me from getting herpes?

I have a better strategy than getting tested: I married a woman who doesn't cheat on me. That is why you will always be alone, bitter, and diseased: you cannot stop being a filthy s1ut.


New Member
Ok, first of all....I don't trust ANYONE 100% and that includes my husband of 14 years. Maybe that is a fault, maybe it is a defense mechinism, I don't know, you decide.

I don't believe my husband has EVER cheated on me but people are human, they make mistakes (and if he makes that mistake he will be drawing back a nub and I'm not talking about his hand either) and just because he is married to the most wonderful woman in the world (me!) doesn't mean he is not capable of doing something stupid! I trust nobody 100%.

I get my obgyn exam every year, they ask me if I want the tests, I say yes, what the hell, I'm there, I'm in the position, why not? May as well milk my insurance, after all I pay for it!

Especially with that new "disease" HPV out there that causes cervical cancer, I believe EVERY woman should get tested for STD, whether they are married or not. My friend who has been with her husband for 15 years, he cheated on her 3 years ago. She took him back (mistake #1) she recently went for a pap exam, it came back that she had to have a scope type test done for HPV. She was saying if she has it, it could be from when he cheated 3 years ago. She is still awaiting results. She could now have cervical cancer which will possibly kill her and in the very least impact her life in a huge way because he was an idiot. I researched it, she had a pap a little less than 3 years ago when he came back, she did not have it and gave birth to a child since then and did not have it. It is HIGHLY UNLIKELY that she contracted it from the time he cheated 3 years ago, it was probably due to the fact that he is still cheating which leads me to mistake #2.....the bastard is still alive!!!!!!!!! But ofcourse she does not believe that and I can't make her understand!

So yes, married, unmarried, gay, straight, singly, not sexually active, or old as dirt, everyone, especially women should be tested along with their regular pap.

This is the way I explain "trust" there are women who sleep next to a man for 20, 30 years and never even fathomed or realized the fact that the man the vowed to love, trust, and honor and vise versa had been molesting their child right down the hall. If things like that can happen, then anything can happen and thinking "it won't happen to me" is just stupid! Nothing wrong with trusting and in most cases it won't happen but it doesn't hurt to be cautious!