Marrying within your own race

Do you believe people should marry within own race

  • Yes, it's just better that way

    Votes: 38 31.9%
  • Well, generally yes but there are a few races I could accept in my family

    Votes: 6 5.0%
  • No, people should be able to marry anyone they love

    Votes: 55 46.2%
  • Heck, I don't care if they marry within another species or marry an alien from outer space

    Votes: 20 16.8%

  • Total voters


On the Right Side.
I think as long as everyone involved in the relationship loves each other what differance will it make, why limit marriages to just two people, a group marriage of 3, 4 , 5 or more may be ok.

Of course everyone must be consenting adults.


I'm never going to get married, but if I did it would be within my race. :whistle:
I'm never getting married again, so it's a moot point for me. However, when I see an inter-racial couple when I'm out, I find myself asking myself, I say, "Self, what do they see in each other that attracted them to each other?". Not as a negative, just purely a question based on the fleeting moment of visual.


wandering aimlessly
My oldest son constantly berates me for not having created him with someone of color. If I had married someone with skin tone he wouldn't be translucent. Poor white boy syndrome. :coffee:


I have no problem with it. My daughter has little boyfriends that are biracial. They were nice boys. :yay: She has had crushes on white boys and they were nice boys too. It's a non issue with the kids so why should I make it one? I think it makes them more well rounded and accepting of others.


I am so totally against interracial marriage.

Dating or civil unions are OK - but marriage is between a MAN and a WOMAN of the SAME color, creed, ethnic background and age-group.

I feel insulted when, say, an indian man marries a nordic woman, because it cheapens the sanctity of marriage!


New Member
I am so totally against interracial marriage.

Dating or civil unions are OK - but marriage is between a MAN and a WOMAN of the SAME color, creed, ethnic background and age-group.

I feel insulted when, say, an indian man marries a nordic woman, because it cheapens the sanctity of marriage!

God made adam and eve, not adam and shawntae!

god, I feel like a tool writing that in jest. I wonder how real bigots can be serious =/


Why does anyone care who someone else marries?
because their own lives are so empty, they have nothing better to do than meddle in the lives of others. i.e. losers!

I'm never getting married again, so it's a moot point for me. However, when I see an inter-racial couple when I'm out, I find myself asking myself, I say, "Self, what do they see in each other that attracted them to each other?". Not as a negative, just purely a question based on the fleeting moment of visual.

:killingmeIs it remotely conceivable to you that men and women can be attracted to each other for more than just looks/race? Sometimes other things are more important than just visual appeal.

Crap, that's why a lot of relationships fail... people chose with their eyes instead of their hearts. Guilty of it myself in the past. I can remember my Mom telling me I better NEVER bring home anyone other than a white guy. She's dead now, but imagine my family's surprise when I married a Hispanic guy. They were pissed at first, but after they realized what a trustworthy, responsible and loving husband he's been to me compared to the other dead-beat, POS I was married to, they apologized to me. (####, I think they like him better than they do me. LOL)

If they (redneck/hillbillies no-less) can realize that and have their eyes is everyone else's problem?
:killingmeIs it remotely conceivable to you that men and women can be attracted to each other for more than just looks/race? Sometimes other things are more important than just visual appeal.

Absolutely! and that is ezactly what I am asking myself, what was is it that holds the attraction? What did they find in each other? It's a curiosity question more than anything else. If they are together and happy, that's fine!


New Member
Absolutely! and that is ezactly what I am asking myself, what was is it that holds the attraction? What did they find in each other? It's a curiosity question more than anything else. If they are together and happy, that's fine!

Why is it any different to the attraction between a couple of the same race?