Maryland is Kerry's biggest supporter?


Did anyone hear this on the news this morning? I didn't, but I thought that I heard this while I was in a dream like :confused: state.


New Member
UrbanPancake said:
Did anyone hear this on the news this morning? I didn't, but I thought that I heard this while I was in a dream like :confused: state.

sorry, but Maryland is moving more and more to the conservative side.
I think Maryland could be a win for the Republican party this year.


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PREMO Member
ceo_pte said:
sorry, but Maryland is moving more and more to the conservative side.
I think Maryland could be a win for the Republican party this year.

Yes, and No.

Yes, Maryland IS becoming slightly more conservative - the latest Rasmussen poll puts it at 53% Kerry, 43% Bush - but Gore got 56 to Bush's 40, last time.

However, Maryland is a lock for Kerry.


New Member
In Maryland:

Registered Republcians: 105,000
Registered Democrats: 196,000

But check this out...
ONLY 57,000 Democrats voted in the primaries.
If there is a big turnout on Nov. 2nd for the Republican party... Maryland will go to George W. Bush...

:patriot: :patriot: :patriot:


New Member
Ken King said:
Trial lawyers are Kerry's biggest supporters.

yes.... did you look at the 527 groups who are raising money for the kerry/edwards campaign... One of the biggest, besides George Soros, was a group called something like "trial lawyers for kerry". But I suppose all those liberals still believe he's going to stop all these frivolous lawsuits! Not when they are footing the bill for his re-election. I wish some people would learn to think for themselves...


SamSpade said:
Yes, and No.

Yes, Maryland IS becoming slightly more conservative - the latest Rasmussen poll puts it at 53% Kerry, 43% Bush - but Gore got 56 to Bush's 40, last time.

However, Maryland is a lock for Kerry.

By the way Rasmussen is partisan(they love Bush). :patriot:


ceo_pte said:
In Maryland:

Registered Republcians: 105,000
Registered Democrats: 196,000

But check this out...
ONLY 57,000 Democrats voted in the primaries.
If there is a big turnout on Nov. 2nd for the Republican party... Maryland will go to George W. Bush...

:patriot: :patriot: :patriot:

You can't go by that. I didn't even vote in the primaries, but I'm going to vote come next week. :moon:


New Member
UrbanPancake said:
You can't go by that. I didn't even vote in the primaries, but I'm going to vote come next week. :moon:

The conservatives don't have to worry about people like you though, we only have to worry about the ones that can figure out how to work the voting machine... :patriot:


Well-Known Member
PREMO Member
ceo_pte said:
In Maryland:

Registered Republcians: 105,000
Registered Democrats: 196,000

But check this out...
ONLY 57,000 Democrats voted in the primaries.
If there is a big turnout on Nov. 2nd for the Republican party... Maryland will go to George W. Bush...

:patriot: :patriot: :patriot:

Irrelevant. Kerry was a lock for the nomination at that point. Casting a vote was pointless.


24/7 Single Dad
UrbanPancake said:
You can't go by that. I didn't even vote in the primaries, but I'm going to vote come next week. :moon:
What was the point, all you're worried about is voting against Bush.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
According to...

New York is Kerry's biggest supporter at +21 points.

Maryland is at +10 and Rhode Island is +20.

Mass is only +14 Kerry where Texas is +23 for W.

California is down to +9 and New Jersey, which went Gore by 16 points is down to +1 for Kerry.


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Larry Gude said:

New York is Kerry's biggest supporter at +21 points.

Maryland is at +10 and Rhode Island is +20.

Mass is only +14 Kerry where Texas is +23 for W.

California is down to +9 and New Jersey, which went Gore by 16 points is down to +1 for Kerry.

Which gives me pause for one thing - it bodes well for Bush to win the "popular" vote, a strategy he's been hedging around. If he can pick up votes in states he will lose anyway, it will push the total over the top.

Although it would be ironic if KERRY wins the electoral college but loses the "popular" vote.


New Member
Another joke????

This has got to be another one of pancakes jokes, like the one earlier about Bush being responsible for the hurricanes in FL.



New Member
SamSpade said:
Although it would be ironic if KERRY wins the electoral college but loses the "popular" vote.

I wouldn't mind that, actually. Then, there might be bipartisan support to change the electoral college rules.


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soul4sale said:
I wouldn't mind that, actually. Then, there might be bipartisan support to change the electoral college rules.

I'm still very much in favor of the Electoral College, mainly for the biggest reason it was created - to keep the population centers from having a lock on the Presidency. It's not so antiquated an idea. Granted, because certain states are so strongly Republican or Democrat that they're pretty much a lock for either candidate, the candidates do not visit anything but the "battleground" states. But in the early days of the republic, it was very possible that states like Virginia could consistently vote in their own favorite son into the White House, and the rest of the country would have to deal with it.

The Electoral College does give a slight edge to rural areas, just as the Senate does. No one complains that THAT is unfair.

But there's at least two other reasons I favor it. One is, it forces a candidate to have across the board support. If we eliminated it in favor of straight popular vote, a person could just get the votes of the population centers. You could have a candidate who was outright hated in 45 states, but he wins the majority vote. A candidate could make big promises to the major cities while screwing the rural areas, and he'd win. (We HAVE that kind of situation with Baltimore in the state, and, more closer to home, OUR representation in Congress by Hoyer, who doesn't NEED Southern Maryland to stay in office).

And secondly, it's a good strategy if ever we once again have more than two candidates running for President who have any chance of winning. For example, in 1992, Clinton not only did not get the *majority* of the vote - he only got the *majority* in ONE STATE - Arkansas. Is it fair that the man with the most votes wins, when more than half didn't vote for him? Don't we jokingly say "the majority wins", but realize that it's more like "a plurality wins" when there's more than two choices?

When I talk to people from other countries, they see very little difference between the two parties, even though Americans see big differences. That's because in their own countries, there's a lot more divergence of opinion and parties must form coalitions to function. When there's only TWO parties of any merit, there's often very little need for compromise on anything. When there's three or four or more, you have to find better solutions (unless one third party always votes with one of the major parties).

I had great hope for the Reform Party, but they're all but gone now.


Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
SamSpade said:
I'm still very much in favor of the Electoral College, mainly for the biggest reason it was created - to keep the population centers from having a lock on the Presidency.


I had great hope for the Reform Party, but they're all but gone now.
Absolutely right. The founders were pretty smart guys. Too bad the current generation has no idea what they actually said or stood for. Modern public education is such a failure. English must not be taught judging from the spelling, punctuation, and grammar I see from the younger generation of high school graduates. American history and the Constitution must not be taught judging from the lack of understanding I see demonstrated by even the most conservative of politicians. Math skills are not taught; counting on your fingers is not OK.

I have hopes for the Constitution party. They are just getting started. I hope they make an impact soon.