Mass Casualty @ Waukesha, Wisconsin holiday parade


Well-Known Member
Death by Bubba!

You folks are nuts. He will be a Bubba. He will go to prison and they will make a hero of him for killing all those white people. He will become a leader of the criminal blacks in his prison.

An ass whole said if the white men who killed Aubery were not found guilty they would riot, well, it's getting on to where white people need to start threatening if this murderous POS get bail or is not found guilty. Him and that POS who lit off the Homeless white man in the hallway.
It's time the BLM and ANTIFA, and any other terrorist organization were held accountable. Accountable for riots and murders, in the cities across the country.
There is a reason so many blacks are imprisoned, and it isn't because they are black.

Yes I ant the law to be equal for all, that is the way it should be. Hang all murderers, clean out the death rows of those in them of any race. Get rid of the slime that murders human beings and then live for 40 year at the taxpayers expense.


Well-Known Member
sooooooooo, what happens to the "go fund me" account someone started that sought 5 million for his bail?


Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
Waukesha SUV Charged With Six Counts Of Murder

WAUKESHA, WI—The 2010 Ford Escape crossover SUV that killed six people and injured many others during a Christmas parade last week on its own accord without the input of any human being whatsoever was charged with six counts of murder, sources confirmed over the weekend.

The vehicle was charged with multiple murder counts during a solemn court hearing Friday and was subsequently transferred to the county jail with bail set at a hefty $1,000,000. The charges came after investigators confirmed the SUV acted alone on its own accord without any accomplices.

"Rest assured -- we will hold this dastardly SUV accountable," said a Waukesha prosecutor.



Well-Known Member
Waukesha SUV Charged With Six Counts Of Murder

WAUKESHA, WI—The 2010 Ford Escape crossover SUV that killed six people and injured many others during a Christmas parade last week on its own accord without the input of any human being whatsoever was charged with six counts of murder, sources confirmed over the weekend.

The vehicle was charged with multiple murder counts during a solemn court hearing Friday and was subsequently transferred to the county jail with bail set at a hefty $1,000,000. The charges came after investigators confirmed the SUV acted alone on its own accord without any accomplices.

"Rest assured -- we will hold this dastardly SUV accountable," said a Waukesha prosecutor.

I saw the picture of that poor car. Horrible. It's whole front end was smashed and torn to pieces from the effort. Those people it hit did serious damage to that poor car. It should have been immediately taken to an auto body first aid station and had the body surveyed and repaired.
Instead it sat there in the driveway. Hurting, it's skin torn and open to the elements, no thought give to it's pain, and worse , it will probably never be repaired, because now it is evidence. The real evidence is the cruelty of humans that allow this car to go unaided.


PREMO Member
Hospital Struggles To Treat 18 Waukesha Parade Victims Because Of Vaccine Mandate

Sources at Children’s Wisconsin indicate that when victims first started to be transported to the hospital, it did not have enough nurses or support staff to adequately handle the sudden rush.

“It was a nightmare,” said one nurse, who spoke on condition of anonymity because she is not authorized to speak on the record. “We just don’t have enough people and [supervisors] were frantically calling in everyone they could, but it wasn’t enough. We are taking care of everyone the best we can, but it’s hard.”

A high-ranking official at Children’s, who also spoke on condition of anonymity, said the hospital currently has hundreds of open positions and attributes much of the staffing shortage to the COVID-19 vaccine mandate. The Children’s Wisconsin website lists 239 open positions at its Milwaukee hospital and more than 450 across all of its campuses.

Earlier this fall, Children’s set a Nov. 15 deadline for all staff members to be vaccinated against COVID and boasted of 90 percent compliance. Children’s Wisconsin spokesman Andrew Brodzeller said in late October that any employee who was not fully vaccinated by Nov. 15 would be fired the following day.

“While we don’t want to lose a single team member, we recognize some small number may make the decision to not get vaccinated,” he explained.


Damned glad to meet you
Waukesha SUV Charged With Six Counts Of Murder

WAUKESHA, WI—The 2010 Ford Escape crossover SUV that killed six people and injured many others during a Christmas parade last week on its own accord without the input of any human being whatsoever was charged with six counts of murder, sources confirmed over the weekend.

The vehicle was charged with multiple murder counts during a solemn court hearing Friday and was subsequently transferred to the county jail with bail set at a hefty $1,000,000. The charges came after investigators confirmed the SUV acted alone on its own accord without any accomplices.

"Rest assured -- we will hold this dastardly SUV accountable," said a Waukesha prosecutor.

It's own Accord?!?!

Sure, blame the Japanese for everything. :duh: What the heck does Honda have to do with it?


Well-Known Member
Let's face facts here folks.
There isn't a hospital in this country that can handle 18 critical accident victims all at once.
None of them are staffed for that not even the new trauma center in Largo.

More than 60 people were injured there and the best anyone can do is triage the worst and get them to the closest hospital firt and those not injured so badly to other hospitals. I don't know the situation there with helicopters and ambulances, but 60 injured people is too much for any one hospital or group of hospitals in that area.
However firing Nurses, Firefighters, and Police who don't get the jab, is about the most stupid idea I ever heard of.
Firing anyone for exhibiting the right to refuse a medication that is experimental is wrong.
And this medication is experimental.


Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
Media Frantically Prepares Exciting New News Stories In Hopes Of Making Everyone Forget About Waukesha Terrorist Attack

U.S.—Across the country, newsrooms are frantically working on exciting new stories to boot up a brand new news cycle and make the country forget about the Waukesha terrorist attack last week.

"Some people did something, and then an SUV took a wrong turn, or something like that, I can't remember," said a producer at CNN. "Whatever. It's just a small local news story. We need to move on to the deadly Omicron Variant. OMG! THE OMICRON VARIANT! WE'RE GONNA DIEEEEEE!"



Well-Known Member
PREMO Member
Media Frantically Prepares Exciting New News Stories In Hopes Of Making Everyone Forget About Waukesha Terrorist Attack

U.S.—Across the country, newsrooms are frantically working on exciting new stories to boot up a brand new news cycle and make the country forget about the Waukesha terrorist attack last week.

"Some people did something, and then an SUV took a wrong turn, or something like that, I can't remember," said a producer at CNN. "Whatever. It's just a small local news story. We need to move on to the deadly Omicron Variant. OMG! THE OMICRON VARIANT! WE'RE GONNA DIEEEEEE!"

A little TOO close to the truth. Dana Perrino mentioned last night on The Five that the man who drove the car through a crowd in Charlottesville - not only was he in the news for months - he's still in the news somewhat. But the press is doing its damnedest to erase this story from the news by any means necessary. Greg went on to comment that the Charlottesville driver immediately became the brush that anyone who supported Trump was painted with - but the press is trying to make the case that the car somehow was the cause and not Darrell Brooks, much less those who share his political leanings. He made the point - often - that when the perp is left-leaning, the press blames the weapon - the circumstance - the racist environment - just about everything else. When the perp is right-leaning - everyone on the right is the same as he is.

Hence - the names of the right-leaning perps are all known. Quick, name the guy who shot at Scalise without looking him up.


They call me ... Sarcasmo
Media Frantically Prepares Exciting New News Stories In Hopes Of Making Everyone Forget About Waukesha Terrorist Attack

U.S.—Across the country, newsrooms are frantically working on exciting new stories to boot up a brand new news cycle and make the country forget about the Waukesha terrorist attack last week.

"Some people did something, and then an SUV took a wrong turn, or something like that, I can't remember," said a producer at CNN. "Whatever. It's just a small local news story. We need to move on to the deadly Omicron Variant. OMG! THE OMICRON VARIANT! WE'RE GONNA DIEEEEEE!"

"Look over there! The OMICRON variant! A new way to die!" - Big Media (probably)


Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
Apparently there are some things a lawyer won't do....

Darrell Brooks’ Lawyer in Other Felony Cases Seeks to Stop Defending Him

Waukesha attack suspect Darrell E. Brooks’ lawyer has moved to stop defending him in other felony cases, citing conflicts of interest after his client allegedly plowed an SUV into crowds of people attending the Christmas parade.

Filed two days after the attack, the motion claims that defense attorney Joseph Domask of Milwaukee County had “direct and indirect” relationships with “individuals, families, groups, organizations and the communities” affected by the massacre, creating a conflict of interest:

Relationships and familiarities, both direct and indirect, between Attorney Domask and members of Domask Law Office and individuals, families, groups, organizations and the communities affected by incidents arising on November 21, 2021 in the Waukesha County Holiday Parade have created a concurrent conflict of interest in Attorney Domask’s representation of Mr. Brooks in this case.
